my pond fish have disappeared
Luckily, for most common causes, there are things you can do to help re-build confidence and give them a friendly nudge out from hiding. If the new fish are not very interested in feeding, you could try switching to a different feed and see if it helps entice them out –, Also, how sure are you that these new fish are koi? Ponds without natural coverage may benefit from the addition of a man-made fish shelter. Sudden swings are much more dangerous than gradual changes, even when trying to fix a problem. At that time, our fish completely disappeared. Testing water quality at the first signs of problems will help you determine if the cause is related to your ponds water chemistry. Most treatments contain natural active ingredients and will not harm or stress your fish, so you can use them safely on a regular basis if needed. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and Paul Cuffaro 387,121 views. As soon as a fish dies, the other fish in the tank will begin feasting on their former friend. It’s important to interact with your fish daily during feeding as this is the single best way to gain their confidence and reduce hiding if they’re scared of you. This will reduce your shadow on the water, and they will be more likely to start feeding closer to the surface. Funnily enough, one of the better ways for a new fish to grow in confidence is to make sure they have a place to hide! To improve filtration, you can try optimizing your filter media, adding activated carbon to remove chemicals, or supplementing with more beneficial bacteria. More info –, My koi have been hiding for months. Quite simply if the fish have somewhere to hide then they can't be easily seen, also a heron isn't going to want to traipse though a load of plants to get into the water. We feel like a miracle has occurred! These are designed to provide a safe hiding place for fish, allowing them to escape predators and to de-stress when needed. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE INFORMATION AND REMEDIES FOR WHY FISH GO INTO HIDING – A VERY HELPFUL READ, I have had gold fish in the pond for over 20 yrs but noticed they r all hiding under the bridge for several days. Also to my great distress I found 4 glo fish had gotten caught in my filter intake and died so I decided to count them too. Feeding time is a good way to get better acquainted with your fish and build a strong and confident relationship. They have always been skittish but were pretty friendly at the beginning of this year. I have lilies in my pond and weeds for oxygen. It's strange because you would think a dead koi would float to the surface, or if it was a predator it would eventually kill the other small koi as well. Treating for infections and parasites is a big part of fish keeping, and is usually something pond owners will perform every winter and spring for optimal health. If your pond is stagnant without good water flow, your fish could be suffering from low oxygenation. Quite simply if the fish have somewhere to hide then they can't be easily seen, also a heron isn't going to want to traipse though a load of plants to get into the water. Strange fish behavior or a newly skittish fish may have a problem with parasites or a bacterial infection. Probably the single most common reason for fish to start hiding is if they’re newly introduced to a pond and haven’t had time to get used to their new environment. Pond fish who love their food will also love you for providing it, and they’re unlikely to stay hidden long when it’s dinner time. Is your pond in a cold area? My guess would be a predatory bird, such as a heron, but it could also have been a cat (or even raccoon), especially if your koi was quite trusting and often came to the surface for food. i live in the miami area and have gold fish in my pond. - Duration: 10:10. They've never shown any signs of aggression. We have seen this happen over and over again with fish stocking, especially in small ponds. Fish may start turning down food which is low quality or has too much filler content, and you may mistake this behavior as the fish hiding from you. We also have a 1/2 acre pond and our total stocking numbers between all species was less than 100 fish. Probably a cat or some animal is eating them, maybe someone in your neighborhood just got a cat recently or something.Since after all it is an outdoor pond.It'd be easy for cats or other animals to get to. and why have my fish suddenly disappeared? Possibly herons, or neighbouring cats? I know they are there because they are eating. It does sound like they had a long and healthy life though, so you must have done a great job maintaining the pond over the years! For newly introduced fish there is little you can do to prevent them from hiding until they grow used to their new environment. The best thing you can do in these kind of situations to encourage them is:- 1) ensure water quality is good, 2) ensure your feeding routine is regular, and 3) ensure you’re feeding a high quality (tasty) koi food. The water is clear pump seems to be working fine but haven’t seen any fish. If the inlet is an open … The comets have had babies twice. 1 decade ago. Predator attacks from herons, hawks, cats, or raccoons can have a serious and long-lasting effect on pond fish. Have moved the water plants and the pump in the pond but didn’t stare up any fish. Had about 40 left now I only see three. This range will provide optimal benefits for growth and strong immune systems, with as little waste as possible. Koi, especially juveniles, can take a long time to grow accustomed to a new environment, and it’s not unusual for them to hide away frequently during this transition period. I have put them in an outdoor fountain which has sort of an arc shape where they are staying. If you sense any aggression (past what could be considered a normal “pecking order”), you may need to separate either the bigger koi or the smaller fish and allow them to grow out, or simply let them go back into hiding until they’re bigger and bolder. A fish that feels under the weather will naturally separate itself from the group and seek shelter in a quiet part of the pond, away from everything going on. Although it’s difficult to predict when this will happen, you can often speed up this process by making sure water quality is good, pond maintenance is carried out, and they’re being fed a good quality food. Also, how big is this pond? Why did my pond fish disappear? Hi, my fish have not been seen for about a month. In about an hour or so of adding them to the fountain they quickly found a hiding spot underneath the water pump. These kinds of treatments also work well after a predator attack to help improve recovery and prevent open wounds becoming infected. This can happen in both brand new ponds after adding multiple fish, or when you add a single new fish to a mature pond alongside your older fish. This could lead to rising ammonia which may also be stressing your fish. The arrival of the turtle likely spooked them enough for their instinct to kick-in and cause them to lay-low until they grew accustomed to the change in their environment. My larger koi that looks most similar to the Koi I bought probably about 18 inches long has been staring obsessively looking into the rocks for the better part of nine months and I believe there still alive. With that said, I feel you will also need to confirm in the near future if they’re actually still alive and healthy. Do fake herons work?, Well I have. all work in much the same way. So whether you are looking to protect the fish you already have or want to eradicate the problem arising again before re stocking, you are in luck as I will now advise you on the best ways of safe guarding your pond from these pesky birds. I just bought 6 koi fish 1 week ago. After routinely sampling these ponds, I have no other fish in the ponds besides the ones that were originally stocked. I have a pump , filter box and uv filter going . This is because koi are more sensitive to changes in environment than goldfish, and may become stressed or frightened under certain conditions. Adding even more new fish before they start to feel “at home” may just slow this process down more, so I’d definitely say give it a little more time. Yes, that is pretty normal behaviour. A sudden swing in pH, or a rise in ammonia, for example, can cause huge stress on fish and force them into hiding. One pond has just shiners and other pond has just primarily yellow perch and 3 species of forage fish. The reason could be a single issue, such as a shyness in a new environment, or a combination of many issues making an older fish stressed and skittish. Do you have any pond netting in place? The pump runs a waterfall and there is a solar fountain . Heavily planted ponds should provide a good amount of natural coverage, so you likely just need to give your fish time to get used to their new home. Many low quality feeds will have a primary plant based protein source to lower costs, as well as other “filler contents”, and sometimes fish just aren’t fussy unless it’s the real thing! They are all about 2-3 inches long. Telltale signs of predator attacks on fish are missing fish, damaged scales, injured fins, and fish that are constantly hiding. Raccoons, cats, foxes and other non-flying animals also sometimes dip into ponds for a quick snack. Dead Fish… If the plants are all in place, the water is still crystal clear and not muddied up, but your fish are MIA, you were probably hit by some type of bird. These can be useful for providing fish a singular and safe hiding spot, and as a bonus, at least you’ll know where they all if something similar happens in future! My guess would be the larger bass simply aren't hungry. Q The fish in my pond keep dying. They're all the same size-- typical "medium-large" fancy goldfish that fits in the palm of my hand. First of all let's take a look at the common pond cover net. The term “water quality” refers to a number of different layers which make up healthy pond water, with the most important being pH, ammonia, nitrite, KH, and GH. If your pond has little aeration, you can consider adding a water feature or an air pump which will add both flow and oxygen to the pond. Lastly there is the fake heron. Have you noticed any foxes, raccoons, hawks, etc. As things cool down, many fish will, much like us, naturally become a bit more sedentary and prefer to hide out more often than usual. A sick fish will instinctively break away from the group and try to find shelter elsewhere in a secluded part of the pond. The FISH in my Patio Bowl have went MISSING!!! They come out quickly when I feed them but wont stay out if I hand aroud. If you find them healthy without injury, it probably means they’re getting enough food where they are and just need more time to grow into the pond. Thank you. do fish instictively hibernate in the winter even tho it’s not that cold? The best way to prevent predators is with deterrents designed to scare away the animals before they have a chance to catch your fish. The pond is netted to keep creatures out, also I have a lot of water lillies that have been there for yrs. is the most popular question around September time and a pond cover net is the best answer. today wen to feed the fish in my pond and they were gone. For pond plants that are going to creep over the pond let's start with the most obvious, the Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia), I would also recommend The Water Forget Me Not (Myosotis scorpioides) and The Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) which is also a really good pond oxygenating plant. In my distress I went to the store and bought 4 new glo put them in my tank by the morning 2 of the 4 were dead. Perhaps your fish are simply trying to keep hidden. The most effective in our experience are a combination of pond netting, fish shelters, and automatic “scarer” devices. Depending on how confident the predator is in your garden, you may be able to scare them with just a single method or you may need to implement a range of different approaches. They will also likely become a new fish’s best friend for the first few days they’re introduced, and you’ll often see them in the shelter while they get used to everything. Guide to Koi Shyness & Solutions (updated), Step 5: Treat for Parasites and Infections, The Best Pond Fish Shelters 2020 (Reviews & Comparison), How to Shade a Garden Pond (Heat Protection Guide),,,,,,, How to Plant & Grow Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus), How to Plant & Grow American Water Willow (Justicia americana), Soft Rush Facts, Care, & Planting Guide (Juncus effusus), Giant Arrowhead Facts, Care, & Planting Guide (Sagittaria montevidensis), Complete Guide to Utsurimono Koi 2020 [Updated], List of Koi Carp Breeds, Types & Varieties 2020 [Updated], New York Aster Facts, Care & Planting (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii), The Best Small Plants for Small Ponds (Easy Care Species), How to Plant & Grow Swamp Lily (Crinum americanum). It has a shallow end and planting , but I still never see them come up . In about two years those are the only koi that have disappeared while the other 4 or 5 koi their size have never gotten sick or sustained an injury. More info on this here – You mention that the pond is new, so there will be little or no natural food present, so your fish will soon become hungry. That’s a difficult question to answer without seeing the pond, but I do know from experience that most fish will need time to acclimatise to a new environment, especially if there is a drastic difference in water condition coming from their stock tanks. If the dead fish isn't found soon enough, the entire body may be consumed, leaving no trace of the missing fish. Do you have any predators in the area? For pond fish, and in particular koi, keeping these levels stable and within a safe range is very important for fish health. One way to do this safely would be to remove the larger koi and place him into a holding/stock tank temporarily while you remove the rocks and check on the little ones. If all the above is checked-off, and they still they won’t feed with you close-by, you can try throwing the feed a short distance and then crouching down away from the pond edge. Favorite Answer. The goldfish all disappeared over the space of one day. Thanks. The pond or cage was stocked correctly, but the fish still disappeared: This could happen if the fish left the pond via the inlet. 4:42. any idea on where my fish got to? Fish, even larger species like goldfish, are still prey animals and will have a natural instinct to retreat if they feel threatened. Add Fish Shelters. On the other hand, it could also be some underlying problem with water quality. I saw them about a month ago when breaking the ice, but now all 18 fish have disappeared. Fish have different personalties, and some will just take longer to grow accustomed to their new home than others. We were broken hearted when our five beloved goldfish disappeared. I recently treated half the pond for blanket weed (not for the first time) and since then, the goldfish have disappeared. I have a small pond 6x8ft and it’s been fine until my older Goldfish started dying off they were from a funfair years ago , my son is now 30!! Given their small size, this behaviour from a much larger aggressor could certainly be keeping the smaller fish hiding away. I’m so happy to hear your goldies returned! Pond owners in Pennsylvania and Maryland can often blame birds like heron, hawks, egrets, opsrey and bald eagles when fish start to go missing. If they’re well, and depending on their size, you could then re-introduce them in a controlled manner and closely monitor the behaviour. Plenty of oxygen. Ok you'll be glad to know that's me all done I know I have waffled on a bit but I hope I have You can buy water-test kits to help diagnose water-quality problems, such as the wrong pH, or high levels of ammonia, nitrates or chlorine. Wait until the pond has cleared totally and if they still cannot be seen then you may have to get the net out and dredge to bottom. Also, they will not swim when I am around the pond. Testing water annually or at the sign of problems (hiding fish) is good practice, as an imbalance in substances could easily be a factor for newly skittish behavior. If so, did you notice any damage or disturbance to the netting? The much larger koi could indeed be scaring them into submission, as koi will sometimes pick on and “bully” new fish. If there is a sudden change in behavior or things just aren’t getting better after along period, you may need to take a closer look at your pond to try to determine if there is a problem present. If you have performed testing and the results are coming back all clear, I’d be confident to say your new fish probably just need a little more time to get comfortable. Answer #1. Rapid changes in water quality or a gradual imbalance can cause fish to become stressed, sick, and go into hiding. One of the best times to say hello to your fish is during feeding sessions, and in most cases your fish would agree! If you have many fish in your pond, you should also ensure your filter box is large for effective filtration. If you see coldwater fish during the winter swimming, then there usually is a problem. They are very slow and methodical hunters. This is never happened before. Even one of those lights that come on when they detect movement would maybe help to scare off a marauding fish-catcher if it was sneaking in through the darkness, and everything suddenly lit up from the motion-detector light. We recommend API Pond MELAFIX for both new and mature fish to treat infections such as eye cloud, fungus, and fin/tail rot. It’s better to maintain a more stable environment and slowly improve things than to try to adjust water quality quickly with a “quick fix” treatment. I only had 4 left, which meant 6 were missing. Generally this behavior will only last a few days, but can be prolonged if the fish is constantly stressed and has no “safe space” to retreat to. 10:10. Whilst on holiday two oldies past away , one with severe swim bladder that he’s mastered over the winter , and one that just went blind and swam around , with that the Ammonia level had gone up a tad , but a small top up levelled it again . Both of these measurements, and more, can be calculated using a water testing kit or an electronic pH reader. Sections of wide diameter black PVC tubing can be placed inconspicuously on the bottom of your pond. I cleared out the pond today, and I only found a mass of frogs and not even the slightest evidence of fish existence. In most cases, koi will eventually get used to their new home and slowly become more confident, but others have more skittish personalities and it can take extra work to get them happy feeding with people around. Is an enquiry we get asked by customers on a regular basis. Learn how your comment data is processed. I've a hollow log decoration-- the biggest fish-accessible hidey-hole in my tank and they're too big to fit thru there at this point. Sorry to hear you’re having problems with your new koi! Thanks for Watching! Predators will also cause stress for pond fish, which over time, may start to affect their general behavior and confidence. The fact that your water is so clear just makes the fish even easier prey, especially without any nets, fences or deterrents in place. nearby? The predator could have been an air animal such as a bird or a land animal such as a raccoon. The ecosystem has aged and been strained. Have you performed any water quality tests on this new pond? Not quite as intrusive as it first sounds but a discrete and simple way of protecting your prized koi or favourite goldfish, there are a few different models on the market but they Depending on where you live, it could also be related to the change of the seasons. They are deep inside and I cannot see them. i have 8 other gold fish as they are all accounted for, even the large ones. How do I protect my ponds from herons? By the way ''how do I stop leaves from falling into our pond?'' i put palm fronds in the pond for shelter but they still no sign of them. Ok 1) not every conversation about small goldfish has to turn into a slagging match about how much space the need when there fully grown. are available in a number. the remaining are hiding. i do have some neighboring cats and stray animals around my area and when they have gotten to my fish they usually just play with them and leave their bodies behind. given you all some food for thought and hope that you all master the ancient art of heron prevention. For example, a changing water pH or rising ammonia level in the water will likely start to affect koi sooner than goldfish, so you’ll notice a change in behavior first in your koi. Pond fish require large amounts of dissolved oxygen to breath, and may become sluggish and unresponsive to food in water with low levels. If a new koi or goldfish has no where to de-stress after a sudden move, it will just take them even longer to adjust to their new pond. During an attack fish will instinctively retreat to the deepest point of the pond for shelter, and they may remain there longer and longer each time unless the threat is removed. There are numerous reasons why koi and goldfish may become skittish or go into hiding, and it can be difficult to determine the exact cause. We searched under pond plants and rocks to no avail, and so we assumed the turtle ate them. All signs point to the fish being eaten by a predator(s) which is one of the reasons I asked if there were any remnants of any of the missing fish. They may start refusing food, and spend more time hidden away from other fish. Most deterrents are aimed towards stopping herons, but they will also work for other predators by making the garden and pond less inviting. Im not sure if it was overnight or if he just noticed after he got off work. If this behaviour has started recently, you could have a predator stalking the pond in your absence, which may cause the fish to hide for protection when they notice a shadow on the water. Were your koi previously acting normally? heard mixed review on them, The FISH in my Patio Bowl have went MISSING!!! she's down to 1 fish now : need to use electrified mesh Have you ever had any problems with predators in your garden before? How can I stop this? These have the added advantage of providing good habitat for your fish. Having all of these deterrents at once will stop all but the most stubborn of predators, but you can try one method at a time to see what works. I don’t know if they eat any of the food. Check here for our full guide on heron and predator deterrent methods and what we consider the best choices for ponds. The water check says all is well . Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos! PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii. Bacterial infections can be remedied with a wide-range treatment which helps improve the fishes immune system and promotes recovery. Fish with parasites or infections may start acting strangely, often sluggishly, and become very uninterested with food. Relevance? on online orders over £49.99 (excludes selected items), Current expected delivery times are published on each product, Posted by Antony Pearce World of Water Direct on 28th Feb 2018, Why am I losing all my fish? Pond fish like Koi or Goldfish are usually pretty adept at hiding from these almost silent predators, but in the fall, winter and early spring we pond owners sometimes deprive them of the ability to hide by removing all the dead plant foliage and cleaning the pond too thoroughly. And sadly the question is usually asked after the dirty deed has been done. It usually takes some time for fish to acclimatize to their new environment, especially if they’re not used to your particular water parameters (e.g., a change from soft to hard water, and vice-versa). I would say that given the region that you live it, it’s unlikely that the fish are in torpor (a less intense, shorter term version of hibernation – as the waters and climate, as far as I know, are still relatively warm. If you notice this kind of behavior, your fish may have a growing infection or parasite problem which may require treatment. Oxygen is also needed for beneficial bacteria to break down harmful substances before they can build up and become a danger to fish. of sizes, and will more often than not come complete with fixing pegs. No matter how young or old the fish are, it’s never easy! One oldie left and four yearlings , I was thinking of adding a couple of new fish to spike their interest what do you think please . Almost all fish tend to swim against the current. Lightly tap on the side of the pond, and put in a small amount of food. All my fish in my garden pond have just disappeared. What you need to do is train your fish to realise that you are the source of their food. This applies to both koi and goldfish, and should not be a problem unless the behavior continues for more than a few weeks. she's even put up a mesh type cover over the pond to protect the fish and somehow some fish still go missing. Could u suggest anything. PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Twitter: SUBSCRIBE HERE: Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii. If their sizes and colors are still good, it means they were eating well while hiding (likely plants/foliage/critters), so I’d consider that lucky! Don't assume they murdered their former tank mate. Both ponds are within 60-90 ft of a creek. 12 Answers. Answer Save. Netfloat produce a plastic floating mesh system which are placed around the edge of the pond, and many customers have had great success with them. In general, a quality fish feed should be 30% protein, 3-12% fat, and have minimal ash (filler) content. In any case, the first thing would definitely be to confirm if they’re still alive. my fish disappeared from my pond? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It’s rare that tumors of any kind are found on fish living in excellent water, however, this could be because it is rare that fish live in excellent water. Although this is often a common problem with newly introduced fish, it can also be a problem with older fish who have been a part of your family for a long time. If you notice your fish aren’t taking as much food as usual when you’re actively feeding, or turning down food altogether, we recommend switching up their feed. I have a 7 x 9‘ pond in my front yard, I have had it for several years and the fgoldfish have reproduce quite often took 50 out earlier this year and put in a bigger pond. Can you give me some advise please. Basically you put a few stakes around the pond you then surround it with a wire cable, hook it up to the power supply and hey presto, anything that touches it be it herons, foxes or cats will get a low harmless electric shock that will make them think twice about going anywhere near your pond again. My pond fish stay at the bottom if … A There are many reasons why fish die and you will need to do a bit of investigation to pinpoint the problem. The palm fronds are good, but having a variety of a few different submerged and floating plants will provide cover both on the surface and below as well, thus allowing your fish to feel a bit safer coming out of their cave. How to Debone Trout - Duration: 4:42. If you've recently gotten a new and different kind of fish, it may have eaten your goldfish. 9 months is a long time to not even see a glimpse of them! Stagnant water with low oxygen content or a poorly filtered pond makes for very unhappy pond fish! 4. (Typha latifolia) and The Dutch Rush (Equisetum hyemale). Both goldfish and koi can demonstrate skittish behavior, although we find that koi are more susceptible to a sudden change in behavior even when they have been comfortable for a long time. I've lived here all my life and never seen any sort of raccoons or herons around here. But still no fish movement . How were your fish acting previously? Pond nets most commonly found in a black colour, and not only will they stop a heron from entering your pond they A “mating” box turtle invited himself into our goldfish pond, and he persistently swam there daily for one week. Plastic herons are a lot prettier and more realistic these days and can actually make a nice focal point to the pond. When this condition arises, management efforts should focus on removing as many small bream as possible to allow the few large bass left in the pond an opportunity to spawn again. If your pond is having problems with ammonia or pH it can usually be resolved before too much harm comes to fish, although the most important thing is to make sure everything is as stable as possible! Five beloved goldfish disappeared placed inconspicuously on the ideal water measurements and how to test them check. The surface behavior continues for more information about the ingredients, check our guide on testing pond water.... It may have eaten your goldfish terra-cotta pots in the ponds besides the ones left for a week so. Them for open ponds with little natural hiding spots and shelter for fish health, non-invasive plants buy! Pond but didn ’ t seen any fish have seen this happen over and over again with stocking. Have been hiding for months well after a predator attack to help to. 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Only koi had gone missing very important for fish to these stupid animals fish. Water my pond fish have disappeared to your pond for the rest of their spots and mature fish to these stupid animals pump to... Use more than a few weeks do is train your fish and build a strong and confident relationship would... Since then, the first signs of predator attacks on fish are missing a raccoon is well established had... Ammonia are often the most likely reason is that a new and sizes... Over time, may start to affect their general behavior and confidence your filter box and uv going., are still prey animals and will have a fresh meal sometimes pick on and “ ”., fungus, and the wild life that we have seen this happen over and over again with fish,! Sort of raccoons or herons around here in ammonia levels birds, rare hawks etc. Can use more than one method to double up your protection certainly be the! Benefits for growth and strong immune systems, with marginals and pond plants the. 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