mongoose fun facts
She graduated high school at sixteen and started her own business, Everywhere Wild. Buzzle 3,365 views. Then the mongoose will go in and bite the head. I am not a big fan of that scene. Mongooses vary in size depending on which of the 34 species we're talking about. But, they are classified in the same family. Don't try that though… it would be incredibly stupid. The meerkat (suricata suricatta) is a member of the mongoose family (herpestidae) and the meerkat the only member of the suricata genus. They are not rodents, despite popular belief. What animal would like to see me cover? Drew Haines is an animal enthusiast who enjoys travel and photography. Ranging in size from the 7-inch-long dwarf mongoose to the 2-foot-long Egyptian mongoose; these sleek mammals have long bodies with short legs and tapered snouts. 30. And if so, did anyone get in trouble for this? Mongooses normally live in burrows with complicated underground tunnels, rock crevices, and occasionally in trees. It is still not known whether or not this is true. THE CROWD HAS BET ON THE FIGHT . Hi! Facts About Mongoose Mongoose is a mammal, found inhabiting Asia, Africa and southern Europe, along with some Caribbean islands. 26. Interesting facts about mongoose By Natalie Chiasson | June 14, 2020 | 0 . . A group of mongooses is called a “pack,” “gang,” or “mob”. Or why…? Mongooses can consume foods other than meat. It is generally believed that a mongoose wins around 80% of their battles with snakes. Mongooses are mostly carnivores, feeding on insects, crabs, earthworms, lizards, snakes, rodents, and other small creatures. Lifespan. Mongooses often live in packs. Each of these species looks different; however, all of them feature a long body, a bushy tail, and short ears. “Mongooses” is definitely more common than “mongeese,” but both are ok. Some species occupy parts of southern Asia and the Iberian Peninsula. ), "nevalaa" is the name for the Indian gray mongoose. Everywhere Wild is a community for animal lovers. To be immune to something basically means that whatever you're immune to can't touch you. AND . The times that the snake wins is generally when the mongoose is young or makes a mistake. READ ALSO: 15 Interesting Facts About Bonobos. Is a Mongoose a Carnivore or an Omnivore? And the sharing was my pleasure. Amazing Facts About the Mongoose There are a range of different types of mongoose (over 30 species). Ferrets are obligate carnivores, which means that they can only digest meat and won't benefit from grains or vegetation. Mongooses have been introduced to a number of places, usually to help control snakes and rodent pests. Wild Kingdom Mongoose boy or something? Hi , Mongooses. Love yr site. Other species are surprisingly large, like the 11-pound white-tailed mongoose. Mongooses can live around 20 years in captivity and 6-10 years in the wild. \"Rikki-tikki-tavi\" is a short story by Rudyard Kipling about a young mongoose that fights a cobra.Mongooses can live for up to 20 years in captivity, according to National Geographic.Many mongoose species have a very strong, unpleasant smell due to secretions from its anal glands.Indian mongooses groom each other. Some mongooses have banded fur. 2700 yrs ago! Snakes and mongooses are natural enemies because the mongoose has to kill the snake so the snake doesn't kill the mongoose and the snakes have to kill mongooses so the mongooses don't kill the snakes. The Indian gray mongoose is particularly known for its fondness of fighting and eating poisonous snakes, such as cobras. The largest mongoose is white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda). How Many Babies Can a Mongoose Have at a Time? Interesting Mongoose Facts: Smallest mongoose (dwarf mongoose) can reach 10 inch in length and weigh up to 0,5 pound. ), 51 Baby Penguin Photos, Videos, and Facts That Will Have You Saying “Awwww! Fun Facts for Kids. This is known as a ‘symbiotic relationship’ as both animals get something out of it. . Fun Fact. Mongoose Fun Facts for Kids # 1. The plural of mongoose can be either mongooses or mongeese. Banded mongooses were introduced to the Caribbean and Hawaiian islands in the 19th century to control rat and snake populations but instead caused many bird species to go extinct. 7 years ago from south Florida. What do I do I’m so scared of snakes I’ve had fair share of scorpions too and we have an older dog he cud have gotten hurt he’s so sweet too? They are small, slender, and full of energy. Found mainly in Africa and southern Asia, mongooses are small, agile mammals that are fearless hunters. Mongooses and meerkats have some pretty distinctive differences. To be effective, venom must enter the bloodstream (different than poison). Learn how your comment data is processed. I found this article about how to repel snakes naturally. Mongooses live in southern Europe, Asia, Fiji, Africa, some areas in Spain, Puerto Rico, and some islands in Hawaii and the Caribbean. They are adept at such tasks due to their agility, thick coats, and specialized acetylcholine receptors which make it, not fully immune, but relatively tolerant of cobra venom. Mongooses … A mongoose mob works like a family, each member has an important role and they share their food. Thank you, thank you. The Buddhist god of wealth Vaiśravaṇa, or Dzambala for Tibetans, is frequently depicted holding a mongoose that is spitting jewels from its mouth. Fun facts about the banded mongoose Banded mongoose can be seen eating ticks off warthogs. READ ALSO: 15 Interesting Facts About Bonobos. They mainly feed on insects, with snakes being a favorite treat. And so the most interesting facts about the mongooses, which you probably did not know. # 3. 19. Mongooses carry rabies and leptospirosis. MY QUESTION IS TWO FOLD : So, while mongooses can tolerate a small amount of snake venom (certainly enough to save their life more than a few times), mongooses are not immune to snake venom. They are … . Different species have different biological adaptations that have enabled them to persist in various habitats! Can a mongoose kill a 5 lb. 5. They simply pick up the scorpion and throw it between its back legs again and again onto a hard surface to break it open. ? ) Mass is about 450-900 g. Has a triangular shaped face with a pointed snout Since you said it was ok to do it. CoolVision Recommended for you. Mongooses are diurnal, which means that they are active during the day and sleep at night. The first time I heard of a mongoose … It has a head-and-body length of 53–71 centimeters (21-28 inches) and a tail length of 40–47 centimeters (16-19 inches) and weighs about 5 kilograms (11 pounds). There are even a few semi-aquatic mongooses which live around streams and rivers! In a fight between a mongoose and a cobra, the mongoose would likely win. . While some of them are solitary, others live in groups called “packs”. Mongooses can reach a top speed of roughly 20 mph (32 kph). # 2. I’m Drew. For an experienced mongoose, it will only take one bite to crush the skull of the snake. ? One member of the pack stands guard. Once annually, they produce high-pitched sounds called “giggling” to inform others that they are ready for mating. Mongooses were brought to Hawaii by sugar cane farmers to try to control the rat population in their fields. In the book, the young mongoose protects the family from a cobra that would have (likely) killed the child. Larger snakes such as pythons have been known to eat mongooses. 21. This is a little difficult to get an exact measurement on, but it's in the realm of possibility :). 6. A RATTLE SNAKE’S 7. BECAUSE . Let me know in the comments! Mongooses … Mongoose moms synchronize the birth of their pups and generally have them all on the same day to ensure that as many as possible survive. The Black-tipped Mongoose sounds the right name for me, but we will stick to the popular name of Slender Mongoose. Mongooses are small, no larger than a cat. Snakes, hawks, marabou storks, leopards, and jackals are all predators of the mongoose. Interesting facts about the Slender Mongoose The tail of the Slender Mongoose is tipped black which is why it is sometimes referred to as the Black-tipped Mongoose, or the Black-tailed Mongoose. 20. Who Would Win in a Fight Between a Cobra and a Mongoose? The word “mongoose” is derived from the Marathi name mungūs. 31. Oh my, that sounds so scary! . As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. THE RATTLE SNAKE WINS . Mongooses tend to live in burrows that other animals have abandoned. . 7. When an adult uncovers a beetle, digs up a millipede or snatches an egg, the pups forget about play and beg for a meal using high-pitched chirps like baby birds. They have a nest in my front yard and really seem interested in getting in to the screened lanai and house! Have you ever wondered why the mongoose can be bitten by poisonous snakes – and be totally fine? No, the ferret is not a mongoose or a member of the mongoose family. Some species are nocturnal, while others are diurnal. While most are terrestrial, some are semi-aquatic or arboreal. Fun Facts Dwarf mongooses will forage with hornbills. (What Eats a Mongoose?). How Can a Mongoose Eat a Venomous Snake? In fact, historically “mongoose” was spelled and pronounced “mungus,” but the “gus” was replaced with “goose” because it sounded more familiar to English speakers (a practice called folk-etymology). The snake's venom producing sacs are located behind the eyes so if the head and some extra is chopped off you should be fine to eat the rest of the snake. Here’s more about how we work. Mongoose Facts and Information Herpestidae Introduction to Mongoose. ? Just kidding! Again, this changes between the 34 species, but it can be anywhere from 0.3-4 kg (0.6-8 lbs). Snakes will kill a mongoose to protect itself, but cobras and black mambas are unlikely to actually eat the mongoose. Despite popular belief, mongooses are not rodents. So basically: stay away from anything foaming at the mouth and don't threaten things with very sharp teeth and you'll be fine! They rarely dig burrows on their own. There are a range of different types of mongoose (over 30 species). Both can be passed on to people and pets, so if you live in an area with mongooses be sure to never leave your pet unattended outside so it doesn't get bit. They have lighter brown around the face. There are 34 species of mongoose. Mongooses will happily eat snakes as dinner or lunch and they actually tend to eat the whole snake including its venom sack. Their diet consists of rodents, birds, frogs, insects, and snakes. Why Are Snakes and Mongooses Enemies? The individuals in front may even stand on their hind legs and make snapping lunges toward the predator. What is a Mongoose? Theoretically. They are one of the two social species of mongoose, living in family groups of between two and 21 individuals. Have something to add? Superfine you say - that is the ultimate compliment, m'luv. I'm not a loser, you're a loser…. The Indian gray mongoose and others are well known for their ability to fight and kill venomous snakes, particularly cobras. These feisty little snake hunters are fascinating. A well-known fictional mongoose is Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, which appears in a short story of the same title in The Jungle Book (1894) by Rudyard Kipling. Poison and venom are not the same things!! A dwarf mongoose (Helogale parvula) weighs on average between 210-350g with a maximum shoulder height of about 7.5cm, a total length of 35-40cm with 14-20cm of that consisting of tail! They are not normally domesticated, especially by the average dude with no experience and one too many beers. Several species of mongoose show an example of simple tool use by throwing or dropping eggs, shellfish and nuts against rocks to open them. THEREFORE . And some species of mongoose have been introduced into other areas of the world, such as Caribbean and Hawaiian islands. Fun Facts about Mongooses for Kids. 16. drbj and sherry . I’m 18, and I have a passion for animals. So did I! They feature a small nose and very small ears. !”, 92 Baby Elephant Photos, Videos, and Facts That Will Make You go “Awww! This is known as a ‘symbiotic relationship’ as both animals get something out of it. A mongoose is a small, snake-killing, cat-like (feliformia) mammal. Indian gray mongooses have no fear of the sting of a scorpion. Some mongooses are legendary snake fighters. What is the Natural Enemy of the Mongoose? Yes, mongooses can climb quite well, similar to cats. But if you ate one, you might not have such a hard time; if you had an exceptionally strong stomach and gut lining and absolutely no cuts, nicks, or scrapes inside your mouth or throat. What are the Differences Between a Mongoose and a Meerkat? Mongooses can eat venomous snakes because the venom doesn't enter their bloodstream. Photo credit: Linda Haines. No, a mongoose is not a rodent. Besides, it's generally not a good idea to keep wild animals as pets anyway. However, the mongooses preferred the native (and endangered) bird and turtle population to the rats and have become a real problem in Hawaii. The typical mongoose has a long-shaped face and body, short legs and little round ears. Mongooses are small, no larger than a cat. Fun Facts Dwarf mongooses will forage with hornbills. Mongooses are primarily found in Africa, their range covering most of the continent. Fun Facts for Kids The scientific name of the Egyptian mongoose came about because it was thought that they track down crocodile eggs. Get all the answers here: 31 mongoose facts – all your questions answered! Mongoose Diet. The pack hides underground until it’s safe to come out. We know they aren’t rabid because we live in Hawaii but I’m concerned. Total length is 400-600 mm, with a tail length of 180-250 mm. . Mongooses are carnivores. It depends where you live, but you likely can't keep a mongoose as a pet without a permit. The Indian gray mongoose is particuarlly known for its fondness of fighting and eating poisonous snakes, such as cobras. Found mainly in Africa and southern Asia, mongooses are small, agile mammals that are fearless hunters. Mongooses are not venomous or poisonous, but they can fight venomous snakes and can tolerate a certain amount of snake venom. The ancient Egyptians domesticated these wild creatures and considered them sacred (mummified bodies have been discovered in tombs). And so the most interesting facts about the mongooses, which you probably did not know. There are 29 species of mongoose and most of which are found in Africa. Even king cobras are no match for these vicious little predators! Most members of the mongoose family are actually immune to snake venom to some degree. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 5. While some of them are solitary, others live in groups called “packs”. How Many Years Does a Mongoose Live? Mongooses are extremely dangerous… to snakes. The warthogs get cleaned and the mongoose gets to eat. Fun Facts about the Mongoose! Most mongooses live in large families from 4 to 50 individuals. ~ Everywhere Wild does not encourage or support the consumption of snake venom, venomous snakes, or any life-threatening activities ~. Snake charmers keep mongooses for mock fights with snakes. Mongooses have gestation periods of 42 to 105 days and give birth to one to six offspring at a time. One member of the pack stands guard. The Hindu god of wealth, Kubera, is often portrayed holding a mongoose in his left hand, hence the sight of a mongoose is considered lucky by some. I’m in AZ TERRIBLE a diamond Head snake in garage almost killed me I’m deaf I can’t hear rattles my sis bf said mongeeese kill snakes and are habitable but I just read they are illegal to own in USA? So for those who follow along in my adventures, you would know that I get a LOT of visitors to my yard from mongoose. Fun facts about the banded mongoose. The Plural Is 'Mongooses,' But It's OK to Say 'Mongeese' Since English speakers are accustomed to … Yes, there are 34 different species of mongooses, see them all in the next point. A lot of websites seem to use them interchangeably and while they are similar, there are some important differences that could mean life or death for animals like the mongoose: So, theoretically, you could drink a glass of venom and survive because all your digestive acids would break it down. A few species lead predominantly solitary lives, while others live in groups called “packs”, “colonies” or “mobs”. Hornbills catch insects, rodents and other prey flushed by the pack and in return serve as lookouts, sounding alarm calls when avian predators are … On this blog, you’ll find great info about tons of funny and crazy animals. 8. Here is an amazing video of one small mongoose scaring off 4 large lions; and you know that I will never click-bait you ;). It has no etymological connection with the word goose. So the predominant reason mongooses win most fights against cobras is that their reaction speed is greater and they use a defend/counter attack strategy? The natural enemies of mongooses are snakes, hawks, jackals and storks. The pack hides underground until it’s safe to come out. Mongooses don't have these funky incisors, so they aren't rodents! THEY HAVE A MONGOOSE AND A RATTLE SNAKE TOGETHER – FIGHTING TO They are generally terrestrial mammals, but some are semi-aquatic, and others are at home in the treetops. I hope you have enjoyed learning about mongooses! AND . all 3 types come to visit… The dwarf mongoose, the banded mongoose as well as the slender mongoose. Once the pups are old enough to look for food themselves they are individually cared for by an escort. Some mongooses are legendary snake fighters. Enjoy! Some species are extremely social and live in large communities, while others live alone. It has a long body, with long face, short legs, small rounded ears and tapered snouts. The mongoose wins because it has a very good strategy. The mongoose was at a disadvantage because the fight was in an enclosed space. A normal mongoose would much rather run away from a fight with larger mammals (like people). # 3. Gestation varies from 42 to 57 days. Did the mongoose in the aforementioned movie actually die? If they were infected with rabies, mongooses could go mad and could attack anything, but this is true of most mammals infected with rabies. . This isn't true, but “mongeese” is still an acceptable plural. Please tell me in the comments and I will do my best to write about them. When you use my links, I may earn an affiliate commission. ” STRIKE IS MUCH FASTER THAN THE STRIKE OF A KING COBRA . The natural enemies of mongooses … A mongoose is a sleek, fast mammal that has a brown or gray coat, a long body, pointy nose and short legs with sharp claws. Which fact was your favorite? Interesting facts about golden lion tamarins, Interesting facts about Olympic Mountains, Interesting facts about breakfast cereals. Basically, they each need to kill the other to survive so they kind of hate each other. Wild Kingdom Banded Mongoose Facts Bandits of Selous. It grows to from 18 to 28 centimeters in length and weighs 210 to 350 grams; in fact, it is Africa’s smallest carnivore. 6. You can find a lot of crazy stuff on the internet. What Kind of Diseases do Mongooses Carry? Their diet consists of rodents, birds, frogs, insects, and snakes. Mongooses are small, quick mammals that are known for killing cobras and other poisonous snakes . The Herpestinae comprises 23 living species that are native to southern Europe, Africa and Asia, whereas the Mungotinae comprises 11 species native to Africa. Youngsters of most species remain with their family group for life. The dwarf mongoose is the smallest of about 30 mongoose species. . 4. The largest mongoose is white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda). A baby mongoose spends most of its time playing and wrestling with litter mates while the adults in the pack forage. While the mongoose may be adorable and furry, this animal is far from harmless. 2) WILL A RATTLE SNAKE KILL A MONGOOSE . . Yellow mongooses are polygynous, which means that one male mates with multiple females. Mongooses live from 6 to 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity. But they probably won't bother you if you don't get too close. Why? On it states that it is illegal to “introduce, keep or breed any mongoose within the State except by permit from HDOA.” You could be fined up to $1000 for each mongoose you keep, introduce or breed! Can a Mongoose Climb a Tree or a Wall? The mongoose is a cat-like (feliformia) mammal, whereas weasels are dog-like (caniformia) mammals. . . Banded mongoose can be seen eating ticks off warthogs. Hornbills catch insects, rodents and other prey flushed by the pack and in return serve as lookouts, sounding alarm calls when avian predators are … ? Mongooses are not truly immune to snake venom (as many resources will try to tell you) because they will die if they get bitten too much and get too much venom in their systems. With so many different species of mongoose, sizes vary greatly. Read more about the difference between venom and poison! Let me know your favorite fact in the comments, and ask me any questions you have and I will do my best to answer them! So, if you were bitten by a venomous snake, you could be in some serious trouble. Interesting Mongoose Facts: Smallest mongoose (dwarf mongoose) can reach 10 inch in length and weigh up to 0,5 pound. AUTHOR. Marabou storks will hunt and eat mongoose pups, which they can swallow whole. If it felt cornered or threatened or if it feels you are threatening its pups, it may bite. They can be from 1 to 4 feet long. Interesting Facts About Spain - Duration: 10:39. A mongoose darts at the snake’s skull, trying to crack it with a powerful bite. Most mongooses live in large families from 4 to 50 individuals. I guess they were quite common around that area at that time in Tibet? The mongoose is a small, carnivorous animal found in Southern Europe, Asia, and Africa. If one mother has her pups out of sync with the others, she runs the risk of having her pups killed by another mother to eliminate competition for her pups. More on. Mongooses are African and Asian carnivores of the family Herpestidae. No…? While most are terrestrial, some are semi-aquatic or arboreal. Are There Different Kinds of Mongooses? Mongooses live quite closely with people. 11. In North Indian languages (Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, etc. Happy you found the mongooses to be great and 'funny.' Thanks for the article. 18. Mongooses generally have long bodies, with … 23. !”, 46 Emerald Tree Boa Facts: Both Species Guide (Jewel of the Amazon), 49 Pacu Fish Facts: What You Need To Know, 45 Chinese Water Deer Facts: Fanged and Cuddly Vampire Deer, 32 Goliath Beetle Facts: Ultimate Guide to All 5 Species, 69 Strange, Cool, and Weird Animals: Mammals, Reptiles, Insects…, 35 Frilled Shark Facts: Snake Fish of the Deep (Chlamydoselachus anguineus), 68 Axolotl Facts: Ultimate Guide to the Adorable Mexican Walking Fish, 27 Awesome Narwhal Facts (Yes, They’re Real): All Your Questions Answered, 22 Mexican Mole Lizard Facts: What You Need To Know, Mongooses can tolerate a certain about of. 31 Mongoose Facts: Your Questions Answered. The form of the English name (since 1698) was altered to its “-goose” ending by folk-etymology. A mongoose is a small terrestrial carnivorous mammal belonging to the family Herpestidae. There are 34 species of mongoose. Mongoose Fun Facts for Kids # 1. Some mongooses have banded fur. Im going to go eat a snake now. A RATTLE SNAKE WILL KILL A MONGOOSE ? Mongooses are weasel-like creatures that belong to the family Herpestidae. A mongoose is a long, furry animal with a pointy face and bushy tail. The rattler merely boded his time until the mongoose had to stop without being able to retreat a farther distance. A group of mongooses is called a "mob" a "pack" a "gang" or a "troop" Largest (white-tailed mongoose) can reach 28-30 inches in length and weigh up to 8 pounds. – Drew Haines, Previous: 27 Awesome Narwhal Facts (Yes, They’re Real): All Your Questions Answered, Next: 22 Mexican Mole Lizard Facts: What You Need To Know. Mongoose have very sharp claws which they use to protect their young. Wild Kingdom. Not normally. The coat is brindles and it is very thick. Some mongooses will stand as the guard and warn the pack to retreat to their burrows when others are in danger. They live in burrows made of a complex system of tunnels or in trees in many different types of landscapes, including deserts and tropical forests. Advice? So don't kidnap exotic animals! They prefer to stay on the ground but can climb trees if they need to, and some even live in trees. Did I answer all your questions? Mongooses and ferrets look fairly similar, but ferrets are commonly domesticated as pets and mongooses aren't. Interesting Facts About the Mongoose Rodent is taken from the Latin word rodere, which means “to gnaw,” which is exactly what rodents have to do. The fur of a mongoose is normally grizzled and of brown or gray color. . . Thank you for your time. 6. The mongoose is very protective of their young and will fight off the 4 ft (1.5 m) tall storks by biting their ankles and hissing. It has a head-and-body length of 53–71 centimeters (21-28 inches) and a tail length of 40–47 centimeters (16-19 inches) and weighs about 5 … Fun Facts about the Mongoose! Did you know that mongooses appears a lot in Tibetan Buddhist pictures and culture from that time? Mongooses are feisty little creatures possibly best known for their tendency to take on venomous snakes. Others will go hunting while others take care of the babies. Other dog-like mammals include skunks and ferrets. It whistles or cries to alert the other mongooses of trouble. Yellow mongooses are polygynous, which means that one male mates with multiple females. Why Was the Mongoose Brought to Hawaii? Loose ” ? What is The Name For a Group of Mongoose? It grows to from 18 to 28 centimeters in length and weighs 210 to 350 grams; in fact, it is Africa’s smallest carnivore. The body of the Mongoose is roundish and a dark brown color. Not fair at all for the mongoose. The mongoose will provoke the snake by biting its tail and lunging at it until the snake is tired out. They can weigh from 10 ounces to 9 pounds. Unfortunately, this has rarely, if ever worked, and the the introduced mongooses have generally been a worse problem than the creatures they were introduced to control. . The mongoose family is herpestidae and the ferret family is mustelidae. The first time I heard of a mongoose was the children's story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Theoretically, we could also eat a venomous snake and survive. However, they tend to average from about 20-70 cm (7-27 in) long. Not really. Here are the differences between your typical mongoose and meerkat: You can see some differences between a yellow mongoose and some meerkats in this video: No, mongooses aren't weasels, but they look similar. Mongooses are a common spectacle at roadside shows in Pakistan. They normally have brown or gray grizzled fur, and a number of species sport striped coats or ringed tails. Yellow Mongoose. Gestation varies from 42 to 57 days. 31 Mongoose Facts: Your Questions Answered. 1) WILL A RATTLE SNAKE’S VENOM KILL A MONGOOSE . … Let me know in the comments and check out some other awesome animals like the narwhal and ocean sunfish! IN THE MOVIE – CLINT EASTWOOD FILM ( I think it was ” Any Which Way But A mongoose is a small, snake-killing, cat-like (feliformia) mammal. Once annually, they are individually cared for by an escort mongooses … the mongoose is white-tailed mongoose ) reach! An escort front yard and really seem interested in getting in to the family.... Some Caribbean islands crazy stuff on the way most fights against cobras is that their reaction speed greater... Its “ -goose ” ending by folk-etymology ending by folk-etymology - Duration: 5:03 animal who.: 31 mongoose facts – all your questions answered rabid because we live in Hawaii but ’! While most are terrestrial, some are semi-aquatic or arboreal coat is brindles and is. 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