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journal article summary assignment

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied                                                                 2008, Vol. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All of, the following driving performance analyses that compare the cell, phone and passenger conversation use difference scores between, the single- and dual-task condition for each participant, thus reflecting. Few authors have studied how passenger conversations affect driving, performance. For example, is it directed toward a special kind of psychologist? Consequently, when a driver faces an increasing, demand of the driving task, both passenger and driver. Following Bavelas, Coates, and Johnson (2000), close-call stories as the topic of the conversation, were used in studying the impact of conversations on, driving. International. The answers to these questions should be in a WORD document and uploaded to our Blackboard site under the tab: Upload Final Journal Article. After familiarization, one participant of a dyad was randomly selected to drive, the vehicle, the other, based on experimental condition, was either, the passenger or talking on the cell phone to the driver from a, different location. Summarize an academic article (3 double-spaced pages). Currently, there is, only indirect evidence that deficits on this level can be observed, when drivers converse on a cell phone. Conversation. Studies that have found deficits on, this level of driving performance describe changes in speed. The authors provided all the necessary formulas that they utilized when gathering their data and eventually reaching the measures that they arrived at. Journal Article Summary assignment; Organizational analysis research paper January 25, 2021. Uses less than the required number of sources to support ideas. Plan to spend at least one half of the time you devote to this assignment to reading and understanding the article. Goodman, M. F., Bents, F. D., Tijerina, L., Wierwille, W., Lerner, N., &, Benel, D. (1999). Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand. Ergonomics, 44. 1. Some of the differences in findings may be explained by important, methodological differences related to the study of conversation, behavior in the context of driving. Human behavior and traffic safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Brown, I. D., Tickner, A. H., & Simmonds, D. C. V., (1969), Interference, between concurrent tasks of driving and telephoning, Journal of Applied, Burns, P. C., Parkes, A., Burton, S., & Smith, R. K., (2002). This article can be downloaded from the Milner Course Reserves web page. Mobile (cellular) phone use. The student will then complete a Journal Article Review of the article they read. (2013). University students are very pressed for time. Strayer et al. In, A. Kramer, D. Wiegmann, & A. Kirlik (Eds. Your email address will not be published. A maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour was implemented and visibility was programmed to be optimal. Contributing to discourse. This article demonstrates the marked decrease in response time and concentration that is needed to truly be a safe and defensive driver on the roadways, something that I and all drivers should consider paramount for our safety and the safety of others. The article reference for this assignment is: Steinhart, Y., Carmon, Z., & Trope, Y. To simulate a conversation the authors used a word, game task in which the participants took turns saying words with, the constraint that a new word had to begin with the last letter of, the word spoken by the partner. Search chairs have been appointed as follows: ● Developmental Psychology, Peter A. Ornstein, PhD, and, ● Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Norman Abeles, PhD, ● Psychological Review, David C. Funder, PhD, and Leah L. Light, PhD, Candidates should be nominated by accessing APA’s EditorQuest site on the Web. Citations may not be formatted correctly. The article will give the readers proof that driving while on the cell phone, even a hands free unit, provides certain hazards to the driver and those on the road with them. Effect of, cellular telephone conversations and other potential interference on. Gugerty et al. The rebuttal somewhat demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and somewhat applies the principles of charity and accuracy. (1985). Summary: Strayer, D. L., & Drews, F. A. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 128–131. In the dual-task portion of the experiment, half of the driving participants were either conversing on a cell, phone or talking to a passenger while driving; in the single-task, condition, participants were driving only. The student will then complete a Journal Article Review of the article they read. User modelling (pp. 1. Do not duplicate the article’s abstract. Write a Journal Summary with Us. Also, quite surprisingly drivers conversing on the cell phone. These impairments have been studied using a wide, range of methodological paradigms including computer-based, tracking tasks (Strayer & Johnston, 2001), high-fidelity simulation, (Strayer et al., 2003), driving of vehicles on a closed circuit. Each Journal Article Summary must be 3–5 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages) and created in a Microsoft Word document. E-mail: [email protected], Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied Copyright 2008 by the American Psychological Association, 2008, Vol. Considering Distracted Driving Impairment With Greater Specificity, B.     Allocation of Attention and the Distracted Driver. The closing remarks are unclear and/or vague. Also, the verbal interaction negatively affected situation. Hands-free mobile phone speech while, driving degrades coordination and control. 24 –33). New York: Plenum. (2003) examined the hypothesis that the observed impairment, could be attributed to a withdrawal of attention from the visual, scene resulting in a form of inattention blindness (i.e., a fixated, object is not being processed resulting in either an incomplete or, no mental representation of the object). driving task as partly responsible for the deficits. A very large book may be summarized in a smaller book. Provides closing remarks that minimally summarizes the essay. Journal Review Journal Review Journal Learning Disabilities and Stereotyping from the Journal of Learning Disabilities Over the years, people with Learning Disabilities (LD’s) have experienced a lot of prejudice and stereotyping. In M. Regan, J. D. Lee, & K. Young (Eds. A detailed grading rubric is attached. & Drews, 2006), and delayed reaction times (Consiglio, Driscoll, Witte, & Berg, 2003) when drivers are engaged in a cell phone, conversation. Report summary available, at, Groeger, J. All participants, had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity, normal color. Term Paper Assignment: Exploration of a Professional Journal Article in Psychology . In, addition, slow-moving vehicles were sometimes unsuccessfully, attempting to pass vehicles on the left side, significantly slowing. Ensure that you focus on discussing implications the article has on criminal justice as this is the most important aspet of this process. with previous findings of slower driving cell phone drivers (e.g., Strayer & Drews, 2007; Strayer et al., 2003). Thus, the higher driving performance in the, passenger condition is due in part to the shared situation awareness, between driver and passenger due to grounding. The goal of the assignment is to help link the current best practices identified in your text and the ongoing developments of research reflected in the peer-reviewed literature in support of learning outcomes A and B. Horberry, T., Anderson, J., Regan, M. A., Triggs, T. J., & Brown, J. B., Coates, L., & Johnson, T. (2000). An investigation of the safety implications of wireless, communication in vehicles. Tags . A journal article summary provides potential readers with a short descriptive commentary, giving them some insight into the article's focus. List the major sections of the article as defined by the heads. It not only makes sense on a personal level but with the quantitive results that were presented gives little leeway to the contrary. They did not notice much, if any, change in the driving speed but a significant difference in the actual following distance with users of the cell phones. The closing remarks are somewhat unclear. Association between, cellular-telephone calls and motor vehicle collisions. Journal of Experimental, Strayer, D. L., & Johnston, W. A. Driven to distraction: Dual-task, studies of simulated driving and conversing on a cellular phone. Demonstrates a limited understanding of organization and presentation of content in written work. TRL Report 547. Late papers will be accepted but will be penalized 5% per day Focusing on the RMSE between actual, vehicle position and center of the lane, we analyzed the differences, between cell phone and passenger conversation condition using a, Means and Standard Deviations for Lane Keeping, Driving Speed, and Distance for Both, Experimental Conditions and Single and Dual Task, Single task Dual task Single task Dual task, Lane keeping (RMSE) 0.4 (0.8) 0.4 (1.0) 0.5 (0.5) 1.0 (0.9), Mean speed (mph) 63.8 (4.2) 63.9 (3.8) 65.8 (3.5) 65.9 (3.7), Mean distance (meters) 72.3 (27.4) 62.1 (21.0) 63.9 (17.8) 85.3 (47.0). Compile the A., & Stout, R. (2000). Such wise writing wins a lot of praise. It takes time, especially that you have to thoroughly check the vital components of the text. This assignment serves three purposes: (i) exposes students to the breadth of communication research, (ii) trains students to read academic research, (iii) gives students an opportunity to get feedback on their writing early in the semester. Summarize the significance of the results in your own words. The performance of participants, in the passenger conversation condition indicates that these, drivers may have paid more attention to the navigation task, partly, due to the passenger. Vries, & De Waard, 1991; Brown, Tickner, & Simmonds, 1969; Goodman et al., 1999; McKnight & McKnight, 1993; Redelmeier, & Tibshirani, 1997; Strayer, Drews, & Johnston, 2003; Strayer &, Johnston, 2001), and older drivers (Alm & Nilsson, 1995; Strayer, et al., 2003). The speed limit was 65 mph. The assignment of speaker and listener was, counterbalanced over driver and nondriving interlocutor, and the, speaker provided the close-call story. Driving impairments in teens and adults with, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Attempts to provide a rebuttal to the objection; however, the rebuttal minimally demonstrates that the thesis can withstand the objection and does not apply the principles of charity and accuracy. Crundall, D., Bains, M., Chapman, P., & Underwood, G. (2005). This traffic requires the participant to pay attention, to the surrounding traffic as opposed to a situation in which, the driver can minimize the attentional requirements and the cognitive, demand by driving exclusively in one lane of travel. Most sources on the reference page are used within the body of the assignment. Deadline for accepting nominations is January 10, 2009, when reviews will begin. Published by Student Assignment Aid on January 25, 2021. (2004) showed that conversations result in higher, error rates for change detection and higher numbers of saccades to, locate a changing item. with a local volunteer fire department and see what really happens when that response time and concentration of drivers is interfered with. Why is this topic worth studying? The participants were familiarized with the simulator by using three 5-minute simulated driving scenarios. Uncategorized. We compared how well drivers were able to deal with the demands of driving when, conversing on a cell phone, conversing with a passenger, and when driving without any distraction. 8.      Who made up the study population? Frequency of successful task completion in the navigation task. t(39) _ .1 in both conditions (see Table 1). Summaries a selected (peer-reviewed) journal article in the field of Physiological Psychology. (1997). A PatrolSim™ high-fidelity driving simulator, manufactured by, L3 Communications I-Sim (Salt Lake City, UT, USA) was used in, the present study (see Figure 1). Journal Article Summary and Critique Summary of the article The topic of the article to be summarized and critiqued herein entails the determination of effects of measuring emotions, with the postulation that the way one would psychologically react to an emotional situation would depend on whether he or she would have been asked about it. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 8, Drews, F. A., Pasupathi, M., & Strayer, D. L. (2004). The purpose of the article review essay is associated with the writer summarizing the content of the article, evaluating other literature content and then adding their own understanding of the content. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader. Does the article contain a section on the method used in conducting the study? A. 4, 392–400 1076-898X/08/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0013119, for strategic performance—of drivers conversing on a cell phone, while driving compared to a group using an adaptive cruise control, system. Name: Journal Article Review Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with the way scientists conduct research and communicate their findings to each other in their respective disciplines. welcome such nominees. An alternative perspective, drawn from psycholinguistics, emphasizes, conversations as joint activities that involve shared attention, from all participants, and as dynamic activities that unfold, over time (Clark, 1996). phone condition, t(46) _ 3.4, p _ .01, Cohen’s d _ 1.0. Overall, the study clearly documents that relative to a driving. – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. How did it benefit you and how might it benefit us if we were to read it? One half of the different driving conditions using adaptive cruise control and a valid Utah driver ’ ). Are often asked to review the work of other journal articles to summarize and critique of concurrent tasks! 11:59Pm on each Sunday night beginning July 18thand ending August 22nd an in-vehicle conversation revolves around this, awareness... Analyze, and why is it directed toward the by performing an 2004. Principal objectives of institutions of higher Learning such … journal articles on closely related topics nearly any task that attention., P., & Olson, H., & Kaber, D. E., & Wickens, C. Gro_mann-Hutter. ) that simulated a conversation, condition are shown in Table 1 ), Human performance was. & Kirkham, N. Z the tactical level, we analyzed speed and following distances were analyzed topic covered the! The insight into the article, a scientific article or paper may be summarized in a low-fidelity driving, ought! 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