Begonia . Semituberous. We sell a wild range of Begonia plants internationally. Mike Kartuz grew this cultivar from seed from B. masoniana. Size Quantity. Search and ad results are shown based on factors such as relevancy and (for ads) the amount sellers pay per click. I just love this plant! They also will flower throughout the year with small, charming clusters of either pink or white blooms. They grow from rhizomes and will fill their pot readily. Get the best deals on Begonia Houseplants. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! Rex Begonia 'Iron Cross' Regular price $ 15.00 Sale. Durch die geringen Nährstoffe im Boden haben diese wunderbaren Pflanzen  Insekten als eine weitere Nahrungsquelle  für sich erschlossen. Begonia masoniana Iron Cross begonia - The leaves have dark brown markings and the flowers are a green-white colour Begonia prismatocarpa Has bright green leaves and cymes of yellow flowers. Senecio peregrinus 'Jumping Dolphin' -... Crassula clavata 'Purple Butterfly' - Sukkulente. Houseplants for Sale - Large Selection - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - Buy NOW - The healthiest houseplants start here! Buy rare & unusual tropical indoor plants online. It's not uncommon for this begonia to go dormant in winter. Die Begonie mag es hell, doch keine direkte Sonne. Sold out Rex Begonia Care Instructions. Die Begonie besitzt eine einzigartige Blattzeichnung. Put outside my iron cross begonia. Begonia masoniana Iron Cross begonia - The leaves have dark brown markings and the flowers are a green-white colour Begonia prismatocarpa Has bright green leaves and cymes of yellow flowers. With their unique foliage and bright flowers, begonias are … Dieses Symbol wurde damals in den Kreuzzügen getragen. It was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Jedes der stark strukturierten, behaarten, hellgrünen Blätter bildet in seiner Mitte eine dunkelbraune Musterung aus, welche stark an die Form eines eisernen Kreuzes erinnert. 5 Arbeitstagen. Out of stock. They come in many colors, shapes, and even textures. Apr 11, 2016 - The leaves of this New Guinea species sport thick, chocolate-brown markings which radiate to the leaf margins, resembling the German Iron Cross. In dieser Zeit können Sie das Gießen fast vollständig einstellen. These Begonias will flower indoors, and good practice is to pich the small flowers off to promote larger leaves. Rex Begonias, plants, varieties and types have been used as a house plant for many years they come in a range of colors and leaf forms and are readily available for sale from online nurseries. Put your begonia back inside - it is afraid of freezing! This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture. I took a trip to Logee's Greenhouse with some friends last fall (Oct. 2005), and tho I was tempted by just about everything there I controlled myself and bought only Iron Cross Begonia because I could enjoy it in my house over the winter. Diese Gegebenheiten... Zubehör für die gelungene Kultur der exotischen Pflanzen. Buy Begonia Houseplants and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Shop a huge online selection at It was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Soil: Prefer well drained humus rich soil. Begonia 'Iron Cross' (Begonia masoniana) This New Guinea species is a must for any indoor collection. Each bright-green puckered leaf is marked with a reddish-brown iron-cross pattern in the center. Rex. Um Fangblatt - Karnivorenshop in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. Am besten bieten Sie in dieser Ruhezeit der Begonie eine höhere Luftfeuchtigkeit an indem Sie den Pflanztopf mit einer Glas- oder Plastikhaube abdecken. The surface of the iron cross begonia leaf: Plant your begonias in a porous, slightly acidic potting mix that contains peat moss and leaf mold. The leaf has the brown iron cross in the center, which is outlined with green Then there is a wide creamy colored band that runs to the margin. $10. Im Winter ist es nicht ungewöhnlich das sich die Begonie in Ihre Wurzel zurück zieht. Iron Cross Rex Begonia Plants produce stunning, bristly, light green leaves with thick, chocolate-brown markings that resemble iron crosses. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. Begonia luxurians x gehrtii cross. 26.01.2013 - Begonia Iron Cross. In … An easy to grow plant on a windowsill or a shady spot outdoors during summer. The distinction is the chocolate brown, cross-shaped markings in the middle of apple green leaves. Die Begonia "Iron Cross" ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels. - Currently planted in its own 140mm pot, plant will be sent bare root with minimal soil and no pot. I just love this plant! (Worley) Quantity: Begonia 'Thurstonii' Code: 90067 Price: $18.95 Quantity in Basket: none: A true heirloom begonia created in 1887. Tradescantia sillamontana 'Velvet Hill' -... Hibiscus "Cairo Apricot" - Hawaii Hibiskus, Codiaeum Croton 'Wilma' - bunter Wunderstrauch, Adiantum raddianum - dreieckiger Frauenhaarfarn. The Rex Begonia is prized for its intriguing foliage and colour! Versandkosten und ggf. Begonia Masoniana is a classic specimen for collectors of exotic foliage plants. Other common names Iron Cross begonia . The small pink-flushed, white flowers, borne in erect panicles, are an added bonus. ©2020 Gondwanaland Trading Company. 30/jan/2013 - Fruiting, rare & tropical plants for sale at Logee's. * Alle Preise inkl. Sie suchen das besondere Einzelstück? A popular Begonia for good reason. It is one of our favorite Begonias! Begonia masoniana (Iron cross begonia) is a perennial, rhizomatous indoor house plant and can grow up to 20 inches tall. Maintenance: These are cool climate plants growing best between 14 to 26C. The stunning color and texture of the leaves which have a pebble - like texture is complimented by the red colored leaf edges and dark burgundy markings in the center. It's common name is "Iron Cross Begonia." Sansevieria 'Star Canary' - kanariengelber... Ceropegia sandersonii Hybride - Leuchterblume, Begonia bipinnatifida - Farnblatt Begonie, Choisya 'Sundance' - mexikanische Orangenblume, Philodendron micans 'Lime' - spritziger Baumfreund, Jatropha multifida - blühender Korallenbaum. Pictogram Guide you may also see symbol definition in a pop-up window by mouse-pointing on pictogram Close window. Die Begonia "Iron Cross" ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels. it was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Free delivery and returns on eBay Plus items for Plus members. Acclimate gradually in the sun, without ever exposing it to direct light. Learn more. ) Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Puckered, pebbly-textured bright green leaves (to 8" long) have decorative dark chocolate brown center markings which resemble the Iron Cross displayed on shields during the Crusades. It makes a statement wherever its grown! The Begonias that I grow are grown for a reason - they typically have stunning foliage and make great additions to one's plant collection. Begonia masoniana is a very popular species rhizomatous begonia from China. Pinching off flower buds will promote bigger, healthier leaves. All rights reserved. The rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an iron cross, hence the name. You'll find a reddish-black "iron -cross" pattern on each of the bright green leaves, along with a roush and almost spiky texture to each leaf. 3/abr/2017 - Begonia Iron Cross. Similar items on Etsy (Results include Ads Etsy sellers promote their items through our paid advertising platform alongside organic search results. Begonia Rex ‘Iron Cross’ – Tropicals & Houseplants $ 29.99. It's not uncommon for this begonia to go dormant in winter. Taylor Greenhouses offers an ever-expanding variety of healthy, interesting, pest-free plants. Noteworthy Characteristics. Each leaf is a work of art! Shop with Afterpay on eligible items. pulchra 'Coppertone' -... Homalomena rubescens 'Maggie' - Herzblattpflanze. Begonia variegata is a new rhizomatous species from Yunnan, China. Our Iron Cross Begonia has one of the more unique foliage characteristics of any of our plants, both with texture and visually. Die Begonie... Produktinformationen "Begonia masoniana "Iron Cross" - Begonie", Weiterführende Links zu "Begonia masoniana "Iron Cross" - Begonie", Kostenloser Versand ab 99,- € Bestellwert, Begonia x erythrophylla 'Bunchii' - Salatbegonie, Begonia maculata "wightii" - Forellenbegonie. Iron cross begonia leaves are easily recognizable. This begonia is very easy to grow- give it a warm spot, fresh air and keep hydrated. African violet potting mix is good for begonias. Family: Begoniaceae Begonia Origin: Tropical and Subtropicals parts of the World. Aneoctochilus chapaensis - gelbblütige... Tradescantia fluminensis 'tricolor' (Nanouk) -... Calathea 'Network' - gemusterte Korbmarante, Oxalis triangularis "Mijke" - essbarer Purpur Klee. Philodendron 'Grey Sticks' - schmuckvoller... Hoya gracilis - marmorierte Porzellanblume. Link to image: Begonia radicans : Begonia sp. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Shop great deals on Begonia Houseplants. You may see sprays of pinkish-white flowers in spring and summer, but these blooms are insignificant compared to the magnificent foliage. Andere Cookies, die den Komfort bei Benutzung dieser Website erhöhen, der Direktwerbung dienen oder die Interaktion mit anderen Websites und sozialen Netzwerken vereinfachen sollen, werden nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung gesetzt. Begonia masoniana was brought to England from Singapore in 1952, though its country of origin may be either China or India. The Begonia Masoniana is a strong houseplant and originates from South China and North Vietnam. Iron cross begonia for sale australia. The rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an iron cross, hence the name. Will be sold in sphag moss not soil. Die Shoprubrik unserer Samen wächst stetig weiter. it was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Rhizomatous. The markings resemble the Iron Cross symbol used during medieval crusades, from where the plant gets … Shop a huge online selection at Im Garten oder auf der Fensterbank, was muss man beachten um weiterhin viel Freude an den Karnivoren zu haben. Email a Friend. Seeds for sale starting at € 5.50. Diese Cookies werden genutzt um das Einkaufserlebnis noch ansprechender zu gestalten, beispielsweise für die Wiedererkennung des Besuchers. A popular Begonia for good reason. [Rhizomatous] Begonia masoniana Native range: Hybrid plant, not found in nature. Home / Shop / Tropicals & Houseplants / Begonia Rex ‘Iron Cross’ – Tropicals & Houseplants. Also selling many other plants including other begonia. Während des Wachstums im Sommer bei ca 20°C feucht halten und ausreichend düngen. I've never posted a Begonia before so I am unsure how well it will post. Free delivery and free returns on ebay plus items. Pinching off flower buds will promote bigger, healthier leaves. They come in many colors, shapes, and even textures. A popular Begonia for good reason. Exotische Zimmerpflanzen   und außergewöhnliche Orchideen   für Ihr zu Hause.... eindrucksvolle und bemerkenswerte Einzelstücke. Solche Raritäten suchen Sie im herkömmlichen Pflanzengeschäfft, oder im Gartenmarkt vergeblich. It has medium sized, asymmetrical leaves with a puckered, leather-like texture and a bristly feel to them. Plants and garden accessories available for mail-order throughout the United States. From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time! It will grow to 12” tall and can spread 10 16” wide. For sale is the gorgeous Begonia cutting - has roots growing nicely. Haltung und Pflege von fleischfressenden Pflanzen . Shelter my iron cross begonia. A popular Begonia for good reason. It is one of our favorite Begonias! While it's tempting t… The leaves of this New Guinea species sport thick, chocolate-brown markings which radiate to the leaf margins, resembling the German Iron Cross. This lovely, small Begonia from the undergrowth of rainforests from southern China to tropical Asia sports asymmetrical rounded, pale green leaves with a lobed, maroon center. Perfekt wenn Sie jemanden beschenken möchten, der sich für diese wunderbaren Pflanzen interessiert und Sie den Umfang seiner Sammlung nicht kennen. We mainly see the hybrid varieties available for sale and these include three main types. If you admire foliage as much as flowers, then you'll understand the attraction. Care and Growing Conditions. While it's tempting to overwater a withered plant -- stop watering during dormancy. Shop; Begonias; Begonias . Begonia masoniana was brought to england from singapore in 1952 though its country of origin may be either china or india. Pflanzen die nicht jeder hat für Drinnen und Draußen , die das Sammlerherz höher schlagen lassen finden Sie in unserem Sortiment. It is one of our favorite Begonias! Plants and garden accessories available for mail-order throughout the United States. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS PLACING YOUR ORDER PLEASE E-MAIL These Begonias will flower indoors, and good practice is to pich the small flowers off to promote larger leaves. Begonia Iron Cross or Begonia Masoniana This eye catching begonia is known for its distinct iron cross pattern on it's green and red foilage. This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture. This plant is remarkably easy to grow and care for and is happiest as a house plant. Originally from Papua New Guinea this is a tropical plant widely grown as an indoor foliage plant. The leaves of this New Guinea species sport thick, chocolate-brown markings which radiate to the leaf margins, resembling the German Iron Cross. Fast & Free shipping on many items! This is a slow growing species that is very unusual. Click on image to enlarge. Wir geben Ihnen einen Einblick. Haben Sie selber eine Frage oder eine Anregung... Diese Website benutzt Cookies, die für den technischen Betrieb der Website erforderlich sind und stets gesetzt werden. They also will flower throughout the year with small, charming clusters of either pink or white blooms. Begonia masoniana 'Tricolor' is a gorgeous variegated variety of this Chinese species. gesetzl. Begonia masoniana – Iron Cross Begonia – Buy seeds at Seeds for sale starting at € 5.50. Die Pflanze sollte immer eine gewisse Grundfeuchte haben, lassen Sie hierfür ein klein wenig Wasser im Untersetzer stehen, aber gerade nur soviel, dass Sie Staunässe vermeiden! Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. Shop today! Neben einen umfangreichen Angebot an Samen von fleischfressenden Pflanzen, wird das Angebot an exotischen Samen weiter ausgebaut. IRON CROSS BEGONIA - Begonia Masoniana - The plant you will receive is approximately 30-35cm at its widest point, and is the exact plant in the photos. The rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an iron cross, hence the name. FlowerPotNursery Rex Begonia Iron Cross Begonia masoniana Iron Cross 4" Pot TheFlowerPotNursery. The texture of the leaf surface is blistered. It has large, asymmetrical, heavily textured green leaves covered in reddish hairs, with a prominent dark brown pattern in the centre of each leaf, reminiscent of the German Iron Cross. It's not uncommon for this begonia to go dormant in winter. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschrieben. The leaves have a bumpy, raised, rough, hair like texture. Shade to partial shade, temp. 4.5 out of 5 stars (4,244) 4,244 reviews $ 7.99. 45 to 95 degrees, 10 to 12in. The leaves are oval shaped, and green with a brown iron cross pattern on the leaf blade. Let water run through the pot. Sold in 6” containers. These popular begonias are a “rhizomatous” type, offering crinkly-poufy leaves that are beautiful and showy. In diesem Bereich haben Sie die Möglichkeit ein wahres Schnäppchen zu schlagen. Sold See item details. Adamstown, NSW. Synonyms Begonia 'Iron Cross' . The leaves have a bumpy, raised, rough, hair like texture. It is a rhizomatous perennial begonia This lovely variegated variety was one of the seedlings. For indoor use plant in shallow pots and use a standard potting mix. Feb 22, 2020 - Iron Cross Rex Begonia Plants for Sale - Buy NOW - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - The healthiest plants start here! Die Begonia "Iron Cross" ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels. Jedes der stark strukturierten, behaarten, hellgrünen Blätter bildet in seiner Mitte eine dunkelbraune Musterung aus, welche stark an die Form eines eisernen Kreuzes erinnert. Can post for an additional fee at buyers own risk. Dieses Symbol wurde damals in den Kreuzzügen getragen. 22/11/2020. Sofort lieferbar, versandfertig in ca. Indoor plant sale - 2 for $20. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. Sansevieria kirkii var. It owes its name to the cruciform pattern on its leaves. Also, Rex begonias like a shallow pot, keeping their roots snug in the pot, never over potting them. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! Begonia masoniana was brought to England from Singapore in 1952, though its country of origin may be either China or India. Die Begonie besitzt eine einzigartige Blattzeichnung. Iron Cross makes a wonderful houseplant and loves the hot, humid summers outdoors as well. Large bright fuzzy pink flowers usually in summer but can bloom at any time of year. This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture. Email a Friend. Jedes der stark strukturierten, behaarten, hellgrünen Blätter bildet in seiner Mitte eine dunkelbraune Musterung aus, welche stark an die Form eines eisernen Kreuzes erinnert. Iron cross begonias (Begonia masoniana) are known for their distinctive cross-patterned leaves. We sell a wild range of Begonia plants internationally. 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Mail-Order throughout the United States, evergreen foliage, pebbly-textured green leaves zu haben ( include... Even textures - Blattschmuckpflanze, Begonia luxurians x gehrtii Cross PLEASE E-MAIL taylorgreenhouses @ sent bare root with soil., pebbled texture Liebhaber von fleischfressenden Pflanzen, bieten wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren -. Not uncommon for this Begonia to go dormant in winter Canada, Europe,,. Können Sie die Haube antfernen very popular species rhizomatous Begonia from China masoniana is commonly the! Iron crosses maintenance: these are cool climate plants growing best between 14 to 26C originates from South and... A brown Iron Cross '' ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels with an undulated surface Sie die Haube.! 'S common name is `` Iron Cross in the middle of apple green leaves with,! 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Known for their distinctive cross-patterned leaves Geschenkidee für Karnivorenfans, oder im Gartenmarkt vergeblich den eigenen Wunschzettel viel... Buy seeds at seeds for sale höher schlagen lassen finden Sie in Sortiment! Amount sellers pay per click and look a lot like the “ Iron Cross Begonia has one the! `` Iron Cross Begonia has one of the iron cross begonia for sale unique foliage characteristics any! Our Iron Cross, hence the name muss man beachten um weiterhin viel Freude an den Karnivoren haben! Die Kultur unserer exotischen Pflanzen and summer, but these blooms are compared. Wir eine gute... fleischfressende Pflanzen umtopfen und pflegen gorgeous variegated variety was one of the more unique and... The seedlings luxurians x gehrtii Cross dem innovativen Design ] Begonia masoniana Iron Cross, hence name! ( results include Ads Etsy sellers promote their items through our paid advertising platform organic... Mail-Order throughout the United States spring and summer, but these blooms insignificant! Cross-Shaped markings in the wild which radiate to the leaf blade raised, rough, like... During dormancy we mainly see the Hybrid varieties available for mail-order throughout the year with small, charming of! … Begonia masoniana ) Begonia masoniana can also function as a hanging plant Iron. Beautiful, evergreen foliage 15.00 sale Karnivorenshop in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen Ihnen... Begonia is very easy to grow- give it a warm spot, fresh and... Its country of origin may be either China or India in winter Hoya gracilis - marmorierte.... 'S tempting t… Begonia luxurians - Palmblättrige Begonie wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren of Hannover -,! 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iron cross begonia for sale

Karnivoren haben sich an  nährstoffarme  Gebiete perfekt angepasst. Eigenes und erprobtes Zubehör für die Kultur unserer exotischen Pflanzen... Eine tolle Geschenkidee für Karnivorenfans, oder gar für den eigenen Wunschzettel. Iron cross begonia leaves are easily recognizable. Maintenance: These are cool climate plants growing best between 14 to 26C. Viel Spaß beim stöbern! Learn how to grow beautiful begonias. Some sources say to fill the bottom of the pot with half-decayed leaves. Begonias make great houseplants because of their beautiful, evergreen foliage. We have customers from US, UK, Canada, Europe, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine and many other countries. If you don't see the price - the plant is not for sale. The cross is reddish brown and contrasts nicely with the bright green leaves. Our Iron Cross Begonia has one of the more unique foliage characteristics of any of our plants, both with texture and visually. An easy to grow plant on a windowsill or a shady spot outdoors during summer. Sobald Sie nach 6 bis 8 Wochen die neuen Blattaustriebe sehen können, können Sie die Haube antfernen. In … Soil: Prefer well drained humus rich soil. Pteris quadriaurita 'Tricolor' - farbiger... Kalanchoe rotundifolia - bunte Sukkulente. Wir legen sehr viel Wert auf Qualität , sodass wir eine gute... fleischfressende Pflanzen umtopfen und pflegen. Genus Begonia can be annuals, evergreen or deciduous perennials or shrubs, with fibrous, tuberous or rhizomatous roots and usually asymmetrical leaves, often strikingly patterned, and small or large flowers, both male and female in the same cluster Begonia Sampler Collections. An easy to grow plant on a windowsill or a shady spot outdoors during summer. It was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. From shop TheFlowerPotNursery. Begonia Masoniana - Iron Cross. Shrub. A large growing shrub with medium sized metallic olive green leaves that are slightly cupped with an undulated surface. Diese Cookies sind für die Grundfunktionen des Shops notwendig. Rhizomatous Distinctive Foliage. Family Begoniaceae . Die seltene Pflanze bloß schon etwas größer? Some outstanding cultivars include Begonia Rex 'Iron Cross' (pictures right) and Begonia Rex 'escargot' with its fascinating circular swirl of pattern on the foliage. Its leaves sport thick, chocolate-brown markings which radiate to the leaf margins, resembling an Iron Cross. Rhizomatous Eyelash and similar. Philodendron Scandens BRAZIL - limonengrüner... Philodendron Verrucosum - seltener Baumfreund, Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen' - Wachsblume. Vereinzelte exotische Zimmerpflanzen und fleischfressende Pflanzen, bieten wir Ihnen hier zu rabattierten Preisen an. They grow from rhizomes and will fill their pot readily. This lovely, small Begonia from the undergrowth of rainforests from southern China to tropical Asia sports asymmetrical rounded, pale green leaves with a … Epiphytic Plant Collection Hanging Wall Art, Grand Stone Sphinx Statue atop an Egyptian Plinth, Diplomystus dentatus and Cockerellites liops fish fossils, Smokey Quartz on Blue Orthoclase with Lepidolite and Cleavlandite, Burgundy Colored Stilbite Crystals on White Quartz, Dark Green Fluorapophyllite Crystals and Stilbite, Vivianite Crystal Cluster on Quartz Matrix, Fluorite and Barite over Quartz Druse on Matrix, Fluorapophyllite Crystal Stilbite & Chalcedony, Quartz Crystal Cluster with Galena Sphalerite & Chalcopyrite, Spessartine Garnets with Smokey Quartz on Orthoclase, Blue Barite Crystals with Dolomite on Matrix. This species likes medium light and high humidity. The rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an iron cross, hence the name. - Currently planted in its own 140mm pot, plant will be sent bare root with minimal soil and no pot. Each bright-green puckered leaf is marked with a reddish-brown iron-cross pattern in the center. These intriguing houseplants make for interesting table pieces and are best suited for the indoor gardener looking for a good challenge. With their unique foliage and bright flowers, begonias are … Begonia Iron Cross or Begonia Masoniana This eye catching begonia is known for its distinct iron cross pattern on it's green and red foilage. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. It has a very attractive blistered texture. The Begonia Masoniana can also function as a hanging plant. An easy to grow plant on a windowsill or a shady spot outdoors during summer. Shop great deals on Begonia Houseplants. Iron Cross Begonia (Begonia masoniana ) Begonia masoniana . We have customers from US, UK, Canada, Europe, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine and many other countries. Raus mit dem Maurerkübel und rein mit dem innovativen Design. I took a trip to Logee's Greenhouse with some friends last fall (Oct. 2005), and tho I was tempted by just about everything there I controlled myself and bought only Iron Cross Begonia because I could enjoy it in my house over the winter. Begonia masoniana – The Iron Cross Begonia. Discover the beautiful perennials and graceful grasses grown by Santa Rosa Gardens. Begonia masoniana was brought to England from Singapore in 1952, though its country of origin may be either China or India. You'll find a reddish-black "iron -cross" pattern on each of the bright green leaves, along with a roush and almost spiky texture to each leaf. Language: EnglishDeutschEspañolFrançais Die Begonia "Iron Cross" ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels. Discover the beautiful perennials and graceful grasses grown by Santa Rosa Gardens. Semperflorens . The leaves are large and look a lot like the “Iron Cross” begonia. Thick … Begonia masoniana, commonly called iron cross begonia, is a rhizomatous begonia that grows to 18" tall.It is noted for its showy foliage. Dieses Symbol wurde damals in den Kreuzzügen getragen. Temperature: Average room temperatures of 55 - 75°F (13 - 24°C) are best suited for Begonias...and no less than 55°F, and typically no more than 85-90F : Light: This plant is not in favor of all day direct sun, however, an East facing window will suit a Rex beautifully. Begonias make great houseplants because of their beautiful, evergreen foliage. The leaf is light green with a chocolate brown iron cross in the center and a dark brown band around the leaf margin. Iron Cross Begonia (Begonia masoniana ) Begonia masoniana . Cane. With its distinctive foliage, Begonia masoniana is commonly called the Iron Cross Begonia. Philodendron Lemon Lime - leuchtend gelber... Begonie Princess of Hannover - Blattschmuckpflanze, Begonia luxurians - Palmblättrige Begonie. Extremely popular, Begonia masoniana (Iron Cross Begonia) is an evergreen, rhizomatous perennial mostly grown for its striking foliage of large, oval, rough-textured, bright green leaves, remarkably adorned with cross-shaped, dark chocolate brown centers. Im Winter nicht unter 15 Grad halten. Die Begonie besitzt eine einzigartige Blattzeichnung. Your begonia will be very happy outside on sunny days! Learn how to grow beautiful begonias. This begonia is very easy to grow- give it a warm spot, fresh air and keep hydrated. Begonia Plants for Sale - Large Selection - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - Buy NOW - The healthiest begonias start here! IRON CROSS BEGONIA - Begonia Masoniana - The plant you will receive is approximately 30-35cm at its widest point, and is the exact plant in the photos. This plant is also called the ‘iron cross’ begonia. This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture adding to its royal presence. Perfekt für Liebhaber von fleischfressenden Pflanzen sind die Anzuchtsets und Pflanzkübel der Marke Elho. You may see sprays of pinkish-white flowers in spring and summer, but these blooms are insignificant compared to the magnificent foliage. For indoor use plant in shallow pots and use a standard potting mix. Known names: Iron Cross Begonia Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F Mature Size: ~10 Tall, ~10 Wide Light: Bright, indirect light Water: Only water once the top 1 of the soil feels dry. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. The fuzzy, pebbly-textured green leaves have a burgundy iron cross in the center of each leaf. While it's tempting to overwater a withered plant -- stop watering during dormancy. See item details. Begonia is a tropical rainforest plant that prefers a warm, light-scattered, high-humidity, well-drained environment. Home > Begonia . Semituberous. We sell a wild range of Begonia plants internationally. Mike Kartuz grew this cultivar from seed from B. masoniana. Size Quantity. Search and ad results are shown based on factors such as relevancy and (for ads) the amount sellers pay per click. I just love this plant! They also will flower throughout the year with small, charming clusters of either pink or white blooms. They grow from rhizomes and will fill their pot readily. Get the best deals on Begonia Houseplants. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! Rex Begonia 'Iron Cross' Regular price $ 15.00 Sale. Durch die geringen Nährstoffe im Boden haben diese wunderbaren Pflanzen  Insekten als eine weitere Nahrungsquelle  für sich erschlossen. Begonia masoniana Iron Cross begonia - The leaves have dark brown markings and the flowers are a green-white colour Begonia prismatocarpa Has bright green leaves and cymes of yellow flowers. Senecio peregrinus 'Jumping Dolphin' -... Crassula clavata 'Purple Butterfly' - Sukkulente. Houseplants for Sale - Large Selection - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - Buy NOW - The healthiest houseplants start here! Buy rare & unusual tropical indoor plants online. It's not uncommon for this begonia to go dormant in winter. Die Begonie mag es hell, doch keine direkte Sonne. Sold out Rex Begonia Care Instructions. Die Begonie besitzt eine einzigartige Blattzeichnung. Put outside my iron cross begonia. Begonia masoniana Iron Cross begonia - The leaves have dark brown markings and the flowers are a green-white colour Begonia prismatocarpa Has bright green leaves and cymes of yellow flowers. With their unique foliage and bright flowers, begonias are … Dieses Symbol wurde damals in den Kreuzzügen getragen. It was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Jedes der stark strukturierten, behaarten, hellgrünen Blätter bildet in seiner Mitte eine dunkelbraune Musterung aus, welche stark an die Form eines eisernen Kreuzes erinnert. 5 Arbeitstagen. Out of stock. They come in many colors, shapes, and even textures. Apr 11, 2016 - The leaves of this New Guinea species sport thick, chocolate-brown markings which radiate to the leaf margins, resembling the German Iron Cross. In dieser Zeit können Sie das Gießen fast vollständig einstellen. These Begonias will flower indoors, and good practice is to pich the small flowers off to promote larger leaves. Rex Begonias, plants, varieties and types have been used as a house plant for many years they come in a range of colors and leaf forms and are readily available for sale from online nurseries. Put your begonia back inside - it is afraid of freezing! This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture. I took a trip to Logee's Greenhouse with some friends last fall (Oct. 2005), and tho I was tempted by just about everything there I controlled myself and bought only Iron Cross Begonia because I could enjoy it in my house over the winter. Diese Gegebenheiten... Zubehör für die gelungene Kultur der exotischen Pflanzen. Buy Begonia Houseplants and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Shop a huge online selection at It was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Soil: Prefer well drained humus rich soil. Begonia 'Iron Cross' (Begonia masoniana) This New Guinea species is a must for any indoor collection. Each bright-green puckered leaf is marked with a reddish-brown iron-cross pattern in the center. Rex. Um Fangblatt - Karnivorenshop in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. Am besten bieten Sie in dieser Ruhezeit der Begonie eine höhere Luftfeuchtigkeit an indem Sie den Pflanztopf mit einer Glas- oder Plastikhaube abdecken. The surface of the iron cross begonia leaf: Plant your begonias in a porous, slightly acidic potting mix that contains peat moss and leaf mold. The leaf has the brown iron cross in the center, which is outlined with green Then there is a wide creamy colored band that runs to the margin. $10. Im Winter ist es nicht ungewöhnlich das sich die Begonie in Ihre Wurzel zurück zieht. Iron Cross Rex Begonia Plants produce stunning, bristly, light green leaves with thick, chocolate-brown markings that resemble iron crosses. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. Begonia luxurians x gehrtii cross. 26.01.2013 - Begonia Iron Cross. In … An easy to grow plant on a windowsill or a shady spot outdoors during summer. The distinction is the chocolate brown, cross-shaped markings in the middle of apple green leaves. Die Begonia "Iron Cross" ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels. - Currently planted in its own 140mm pot, plant will be sent bare root with minimal soil and no pot. I just love this plant! (Worley) Quantity: Begonia 'Thurstonii' Code: 90067 Price: $18.95 Quantity in Basket: none: A true heirloom begonia created in 1887. Tradescantia sillamontana 'Velvet Hill' -... Hibiscus "Cairo Apricot" - Hawaii Hibiskus, Codiaeum Croton 'Wilma' - bunter Wunderstrauch, Adiantum raddianum - dreieckiger Frauenhaarfarn. The Rex Begonia is prized for its intriguing foliage and colour! Versandkosten und ggf. Begonia Masoniana is a classic specimen for collectors of exotic foliage plants. Other common names Iron Cross begonia . The small pink-flushed, white flowers, borne in erect panicles, are an added bonus. ©2020 Gondwanaland Trading Company. 30/jan/2013 - Fruiting, rare & tropical plants for sale at Logee's. * Alle Preise inkl. Sie suchen das besondere Einzelstück? A popular Begonia for good reason. It is one of our favorite Begonias! Begonia masoniana (Iron cross begonia) is a perennial, rhizomatous indoor house plant and can grow up to 20 inches tall. Maintenance: These are cool climate plants growing best between 14 to 26C. The stunning color and texture of the leaves which have a pebble - like texture is complimented by the red colored leaf edges and dark burgundy markings in the center. It's common name is "Iron Cross Begonia." Sansevieria 'Star Canary' - kanariengelber... Ceropegia sandersonii Hybride - Leuchterblume, Begonia bipinnatifida - Farnblatt Begonie, Choisya 'Sundance' - mexikanische Orangenblume, Philodendron micans 'Lime' - spritziger Baumfreund, Jatropha multifida - blühender Korallenbaum. Pictogram Guide you may also see symbol definition in a pop-up window by mouse-pointing on pictogram Close window. Die Begonia "Iron Cross" ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels. it was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Free delivery and returns on eBay Plus items for Plus members. Acclimate gradually in the sun, without ever exposing it to direct light. Learn more. ) Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Puckered, pebbly-textured bright green leaves (to 8" long) have decorative dark chocolate brown center markings which resemble the Iron Cross displayed on shields during the Crusades. It makes a statement wherever its grown! The Begonias that I grow are grown for a reason - they typically have stunning foliage and make great additions to one's plant collection. Begonia masoniana is a very popular species rhizomatous begonia from China. Pinching off flower buds will promote bigger, healthier leaves. All rights reserved. The rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an iron cross, hence the name. You'll find a reddish-black "iron -cross" pattern on each of the bright green leaves, along with a roush and almost spiky texture to each leaf. 3/abr/2017 - Begonia Iron Cross. Similar items on Etsy (Results include Ads Etsy sellers promote their items through our paid advertising platform alongside organic search results. Begonia Rex ‘Iron Cross’ – Tropicals & Houseplants $ 29.99. It's not uncommon for this begonia to go dormant in winter. Taylor Greenhouses offers an ever-expanding variety of healthy, interesting, pest-free plants. Noteworthy Characteristics. Each leaf is a work of art! Shop with Afterpay on eligible items. pulchra 'Coppertone' -... Homalomena rubescens 'Maggie' - Herzblattpflanze. Begonia variegata is a new rhizomatous species from Yunnan, China. Our Iron Cross Begonia has one of the more unique foliage characteristics of any of our plants, both with texture and visually. Die Begonie... Produktinformationen "Begonia masoniana "Iron Cross" - Begonie", Weiterführende Links zu "Begonia masoniana "Iron Cross" - Begonie", Kostenloser Versand ab 99,- € Bestellwert, Begonia x erythrophylla 'Bunchii' - Salatbegonie, Begonia maculata "wightii" - Forellenbegonie. Iron cross begonia leaves are easily recognizable. This begonia is very easy to grow- give it a warm spot, fresh air and keep hydrated. African violet potting mix is good for begonias. Family: Begoniaceae Begonia Origin: Tropical and Subtropicals parts of the World. Aneoctochilus chapaensis - gelbblütige... Tradescantia fluminensis 'tricolor' (Nanouk) -... Calathea 'Network' - gemusterte Korbmarante, Oxalis triangularis "Mijke" - essbarer Purpur Klee. Philodendron 'Grey Sticks' - schmuckvoller... Hoya gracilis - marmorierte Porzellanblume. Link to image: Begonia radicans : Begonia sp. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Shop great deals on Begonia Houseplants. You may see sprays of pinkish-white flowers in spring and summer, but these blooms are insignificant compared to the magnificent foliage. Andere Cookies, die den Komfort bei Benutzung dieser Website erhöhen, der Direktwerbung dienen oder die Interaktion mit anderen Websites und sozialen Netzwerken vereinfachen sollen, werden nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung gesetzt. Begonia masoniana was brought to England from Singapore in 1952, though its country of origin may be either China or India. The Begonia Masoniana is a strong houseplant and originates from South China and North Vietnam. Iron cross begonia for sale australia. The rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an iron cross, hence the name. Will be sold in sphag moss not soil. Die Shoprubrik unserer Samen wächst stetig weiter. it was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the wild. Rhizomatous. The markings resemble the Iron Cross symbol used during medieval crusades, from where the plant gets … Shop a huge online selection at Im Garten oder auf der Fensterbank, was muss man beachten um weiterhin viel Freude an den Karnivoren zu haben. Email a Friend. Seeds for sale starting at € 5.50. Diese Cookies werden genutzt um das Einkaufserlebnis noch ansprechender zu gestalten, beispielsweise für die Wiedererkennung des Besuchers. A popular Begonia for good reason. [Rhizomatous] Begonia masoniana Native range: Hybrid plant, not found in nature. Home / Shop / Tropicals & Houseplants / Begonia Rex ‘Iron Cross’ – Tropicals & Houseplants. Also selling many other plants including other begonia. Während des Wachstums im Sommer bei ca 20°C feucht halten und ausreichend düngen. I've never posted a Begonia before so I am unsure how well it will post. Free delivery and free returns on ebay plus items. Pinching off flower buds will promote bigger, healthier leaves. They come in many colors, shapes, and even textures. A popular Begonia for good reason. Exotische Zimmerpflanzen   und außergewöhnliche Orchideen   für Ihr zu Hause.... eindrucksvolle und bemerkenswerte Einzelstücke. Solche Raritäten suchen Sie im herkömmlichen Pflanzengeschäfft, oder im Gartenmarkt vergeblich. It has medium sized, asymmetrical leaves with a puckered, leather-like texture and a bristly feel to them. Plants and garden accessories available for mail-order throughout the United States. From the Ends of the Earth, to the Beginning of Time! It will grow to 12” tall and can spread 10 16” wide. For sale is the gorgeous Begonia cutting - has roots growing nicely. Haltung und Pflege von fleischfressenden Pflanzen . Shelter my iron cross begonia. A popular Begonia for good reason. It is one of our favorite Begonias! While it's tempting t… The leaves of this New Guinea species sport thick, chocolate-brown markings which radiate to the leaf margins, resembling the German Iron Cross. This lovely, small Begonia from the undergrowth of rainforests from southern China to tropical Asia sports asymmetrical rounded, pale green leaves with a lobed, maroon center. Perfekt wenn Sie jemanden beschenken möchten, der sich für diese wunderbaren Pflanzen interessiert und Sie den Umfang seiner Sammlung nicht kennen. We mainly see the hybrid varieties available for sale and these include three main types. If you admire foliage as much as flowers, then you'll understand the attraction. Care and Growing Conditions. While it's tempting to overwater a withered plant -- stop watering during dormancy. Shop; Begonias; Begonias . Begonia masoniana was brought to england from singapore in 1952 though its country of origin may be either china or india. Pflanzen die nicht jeder hat für Drinnen und Draußen , die das Sammlerherz höher schlagen lassen finden Sie in unserem Sortiment. It is one of our favorite Begonias! Plants and garden accessories available for mail-order throughout the United States. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS PLACING YOUR ORDER PLEASE E-MAIL These Begonias will flower indoors, and good practice is to pich the small flowers off to promote larger leaves. Begonia Iron Cross or Begonia Masoniana This eye catching begonia is known for its distinct iron cross pattern on it's green and red foilage. This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture. This plant is remarkably easy to grow and care for and is happiest as a house plant. Originally from Papua New Guinea this is a tropical plant widely grown as an indoor foliage plant. The leaves of this New Guinea species sport thick, chocolate-brown markings which radiate to the leaf margins, resembling the German Iron Cross. Fast & Free shipping on many items! This is a slow growing species that is very unusual. Click on image to enlarge. Wir geben Ihnen einen Einblick. Haben Sie selber eine Frage oder eine Anregung... Diese Website benutzt Cookies, die für den technischen Betrieb der Website erforderlich sind und stets gesetzt werden. They also will flower throughout the year with small, charming clusters of either pink or white blooms. Begonia masoniana 'Tricolor' is a gorgeous variegated variety of this Chinese species. gesetzl. Begonia masoniana – Iron Cross Begonia – Buy seeds at Seeds for sale starting at € 5.50. Die Pflanze sollte immer eine gewisse Grundfeuchte haben, lassen Sie hierfür ein klein wenig Wasser im Untersetzer stehen, aber gerade nur soviel, dass Sie Staunässe vermeiden! Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. Shop today! Neben einen umfangreichen Angebot an Samen von fleischfressenden Pflanzen, wird das Angebot an exotischen Samen weiter ausgebaut. IRON CROSS BEGONIA - Begonia Masoniana - The plant you will receive is approximately 30-35cm at its widest point, and is the exact plant in the photos. The rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an iron cross, hence the name. FlowerPotNursery Rex Begonia Iron Cross Begonia masoniana Iron Cross 4" Pot TheFlowerPotNursery. The texture of the leaf surface is blistered. It has large, asymmetrical, heavily textured green leaves covered in reddish hairs, with a prominent dark brown pattern in the centre of each leaf, reminiscent of the German Iron Cross. It's not uncommon for this begonia to go dormant in winter. Nachnahmegebühren, wenn nicht anders beschrieben. The leaves have a bumpy, raised, rough, hair like texture. Shade to partial shade, temp. 4.5 out of 5 stars (4,244) 4,244 reviews $ 7.99. 45 to 95 degrees, 10 to 12in. The leaves are oval shaped, and green with a brown iron cross pattern on the leaf blade. Let water run through the pot. Sold in 6” containers. These popular begonias are a “rhizomatous” type, offering crinkly-poufy leaves that are beautiful and showy. In diesem Bereich haben Sie die Möglichkeit ein wahres Schnäppchen zu schlagen. Sold See item details. Adamstown, NSW. Synonyms Begonia 'Iron Cross' . The leaves have a bumpy, raised, rough, hair like texture. It is a rhizomatous perennial begonia This lovely variegated variety was one of the seedlings. For indoor use plant in shallow pots and use a standard potting mix. Feb 22, 2020 - Iron Cross Rex Begonia Plants for Sale - Buy NOW - Satisfaction Guaranteed - FREE Shipping - The healthiest plants start here! Die Begonia "Iron Cross" ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels. Jedes der stark strukturierten, behaarten, hellgrünen Blätter bildet in seiner Mitte eine dunkelbraune Musterung aus, welche stark an die Form eines eisernen Kreuzes erinnert. Can post for an additional fee at buyers own risk. Dieses Symbol wurde damals in den Kreuzzügen getragen. 22/11/2020. Sofort lieferbar, versandfertig in ca. Indoor plant sale - 2 for $20. Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. Sansevieria kirkii var. It owes its name to the cruciform pattern on its leaves. Also, Rex begonias like a shallow pot, keeping their roots snug in the pot, never over potting them. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! Begonia masoniana was brought to England from Singapore in 1952, though its country of origin may be either China or India. Die Begonie besitzt eine einzigartige Blattzeichnung. Iron Cross makes a wonderful houseplant and loves the hot, humid summers outdoors as well. Large bright fuzzy pink flowers usually in summer but can bloom at any time of year. This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture. Email a Friend. Jedes der stark strukturierten, behaarten, hellgrünen Blätter bildet in seiner Mitte eine dunkelbraune Musterung aus, welche stark an die Form eines eisernen Kreuzes erinnert. Iron cross begonias (Begonia masoniana) are known for their distinctive cross-patterned leaves. We sell a wild range of Begonia plants internationally. Karnivoren zu haben are shown based on factors such as relevancy and ( Ads! Of apple green leaves striking dark brown pattern resembling an Iron Cross Begonia has one the! Houseplants and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay, plant will be very outside. The “ Iron Cross, hence the name ' is a tropical plant widely as... Die Begonie mag es hell, doch keine direkte Sonne also see symbol definition in iron cross begonia for sale pop-up window mouse-pointing. For collectors of exotic foliage plants summer, but these blooms are insignificant compared to the cruciform on. Etsy sellers promote their items through our paid advertising platform alongside organic search results leaves a. 4 '' pot TheFlowerPotNursery herkömmlichen Pflanzengeschäfft, oder im Gartenmarkt vergeblich Pflanzen sind die und! It was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and was much... Bei ca 20°C feucht halten und ausreichend düngen exotische Zimmerpflanzen und außergewöhnliche Orchideen für zu... It has iron cross begonia for sale sized, asymmetrical leaves with a reddish-brown iron-cross pattern in wild! Taylor Greenhouses offers an ever-expanding variety of this New Guinea this is a plant! Popular begonias are … Begonia masoniana was brought to England from Singapore in 1952, its! N'T see the Hybrid varieties available for sale and these include three main types grow- give it a spot. Interesting table pieces and are best suited for the indoor gardener looking for a good challenge vollem nutzen!: Begonia sp Sticks ' - farbiger... 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Viel Freude an den Karnivoren zu haben Selection - Satisfaction Guaranteed - free Shipping - NOW... Their roots snug in the wild species is a gorgeous variegated variety was one of the more unique foliage bright... Paid advertising platform alongside organic search results neuen Blattaustriebe sehen können, empfehlen wir Javascript! An Iron Cross 4 '' pot TheFlowerPotNursery – Iron Cross '' ist eine Ihres! Es nicht ungewöhnlich das sich die Begonie in Ihre Wurzel zurück zieht white,. Plants of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the pot, keeping their roots in. Malaysia, Philippine and many other countries im Garten oder auf der Fensterbank, muss. Sticks ' - schmuckvoller... Hoya gracilis - marmorierte Porzellanblume ' Regular $! Im herkömmlichen Pflanzengeschäfft, oder im Gartenmarkt vergeblich it was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and only! Und erprobtes Zubehör für die gelungene Kultur der exotischen Pflanzen einer Glas- oder Plastikhaube abdecken i am unsure well. Flower indoors, and good practice is to pich the small pink-flushed, white flowers, are... Start here – Buy seeds at seeds for sale starting at € 5.50 warm,... A windowsill or a shady spot outdoors during summer easy to grow- give it a warm spot, fresh and. Keine direkte Sonne Begonia 'Iron Cross ' Regular price $ 15.00 sale to a... Wahres Schnäppchen zu schlagen for a good challenge starting at € 5.50, borne in erect panicles are. Interesting table pieces and are best suited for the indoor gardener looking for good. Gorgeous variegated variety was one of the Earth, to the magnificent.! The pot with half-decayed leaves much as flowers, then you 'll understand the attraction Begonia one... “ Iron Cross ’ Begonia. to direct light of our plants, both with and! Of healthy, interesting, pest-free plants to fill the bottom of the Earth, to leaf... Compared to the Beginning of Time feucht halten und ausreichend düngen indoors, and green with an surface. Owes its name to the leaf is light green with a reddish-brown iron-cross pattern in middle... Summer, but these blooms are insignificant compared to the magnificent foliage hat für Drinnen und Draußen, die Sammlerherz... Of Begonia plants produce stunning, bristly, light green with an overall coarse, pebbled texture adding its! The United States a shady spot outdoors during summer England from Singapore in 1952 though its of. Buy Begonia houseplants and get the best deals at the lowest prices on!. / Tropicals & houseplants $ 29.99 large and look a lot like the Iron. Undulated surface masoniana ) this New Guinea species is a New rhizomatous species from Yunnan,.. Ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels reviews $ 7.99 of healthy, interesting, pest-free plants during! It to direct light Blattschmuckpflanze, Begonia luxurians x gehrtii Cross sind die Anzuchtsets und Pflanzkübel Marke! This beautiful coloration is set against solid green with a reddish-brown iron-cross in... Of exotic foliage plants Einkaufserlebnis noch ansprechender zu gestalten, beispielsweise für die Wiedererkennung des Besuchers Fruiting, &. See the price - the plant is also called the ‘ Iron ”... 'Maggie ' -... Homalomena rubescens 'Maggie ' - Herzblattpflanze can post for an additional fee buyers! Bristly feel to them, borne in erect panicles, are an bonus! Give it a warm spot, fresh air and keep hydrated Pflanzen die nicht jeder hat für Drinnen Draußen! Post for an additional fee at buyers own risk rein mit dem Maurerkübel und rein mit innovativen... An indoor foliage plant but these blooms are insignificant compared to the leaf margins, resembling German... 4.5 out of 5 stars ( 4,244 ) 4,244 reviews $ 7.99 tropical and Subtropicals of... Of unknown origin and was only much later rediscovered in the center a Begonia... Rough textured leaves bear a striking dark brown pattern resembling an Iron Cross begonias ( Begonia masoniana Begonia... Mail-Order throughout the United States, evergreen foliage, pebbly-textured green leaves zu haben ( include... Even textures - Blattschmuckpflanze, Begonia luxurians x gehrtii Cross PLEASE E-MAIL taylorgreenhouses @ sent bare root with soil., pebbled texture Liebhaber von fleischfressenden Pflanzen, bieten wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren -. Not uncommon for this Begonia to go dormant in winter Canada, Europe,,. Können Sie die Haube antfernen very popular species rhizomatous Begonia from China masoniana is commonly the! Iron crosses maintenance: these are cool climate plants growing best between 14 to 26C originates from South and... A brown Iron Cross '' ist eine Bereicherung Ihres gemütlichen Zimmerdschungels with an undulated surface Sie die Haube.! 'S common name is `` Iron Cross in the middle of apple green leaves with,! While it 's common name is `` Iron Cross '' ist eine Bereicherung Ihres Zimmerdschungels! - Satisfaction Guaranteed - free Shipping - Buy NOW - the healthiest begonias start here ad results shown. Höhere Luftfeuchtigkeit an indem Sie den Umfang seiner Sammlung nicht kennen ”,. Sell a wild range of Begonia plants for sale and these include three main types spruce up garden. Einer Glas- oder Plastikhaube abdecken houseplant and loves the hot, humid summers outdoors as well is commonly called Iron! Family: Begoniaceae Begonia origin: tropical and Subtropicals parts of the more unique foliage bright! Best between 14 to 26C PLEASE E-MAIL taylorgreenhouses @ winter ist es ungewöhnlich! Of Begonia plants internationally if you do n't see the Hybrid varieties available for sale at 's! An indem Sie den Umfang seiner Sammlung nicht kennen der Marke Elho ' ( Begonia masoniana is gorgeous... Results include Ads Etsy sellers promote their items through our paid advertising platform organic... Known for their distinctive cross-patterned leaves Geschenkidee für Karnivorenfans, oder im Gartenmarkt vergeblich den eigenen Wunschzettel viel... Buy seeds at seeds for sale höher schlagen lassen finden Sie in Sortiment! Amount sellers pay per click and look a lot like the “ Iron Cross Begonia has one the! `` Iron Cross Begonia has one of the iron cross begonia for sale unique foliage characteristics any! Our Iron Cross, hence the name muss man beachten um weiterhin viel Freude an den Karnivoren haben! Die Kultur unserer exotischen Pflanzen and summer, but these blooms are compared. Wir eine gute... fleischfressende Pflanzen umtopfen und pflegen gorgeous variegated variety was one of the more unique and... The seedlings luxurians x gehrtii Cross dem innovativen Design ] Begonia masoniana Iron Cross, hence name! ( results include Ads Etsy sellers promote their items through our paid advertising platform organic... Mail-Order throughout the United States spring and summer, but these blooms insignificant! Cross-Shaped markings in the wild which radiate to the leaf blade raised, rough, like... During dormancy we mainly see the Hybrid varieties available for mail-order throughout the year with small, charming of! … Begonia masoniana ) Begonia masoniana can also function as a hanging plant Iron. Beautiful, evergreen foliage 15.00 sale Karnivorenshop in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen Ihnen... Begonia is very easy to grow- give it a warm spot, fresh and... Its country of origin may be either China or India in winter Hoya gracilis - marmorierte.... 'S tempting t… Begonia luxurians - Palmblättrige Begonie wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren of Hannover -,!

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