companies act 2016 pdf
/GS0 gs -2 -2.33333 TD )Tj ((1) Where in the registrars\325 opinion the name by which a)Tj 0 Tr -2 -1.16667 TD (twenty five currency points and further to a default fine of five currency)' 16 0 obj )-977(Discretion of court in appeals. 0 0 419 595 re W n T* 0 0 0 0 k -0.0201 Tc W n q 0 0 0 1 k ((1) Every company shall, in all trade catalogues, trade circulars,)Tj q q (by its former name may be continued or commenced against it by its)' -0.014 Tw W n /Subtype/Type1 0.1061 Tw BT Q 5.12324 0 TD 0 0 0 1 k (imprisonment not exceeding twelve months or to a fine not exceeding)Tj 0.1384 Tw )Tj 0 Tr q 0.025 Tw 0 Tc -0.0091 Tw [(company and every of)18(ficer of the company who is in default commits)]TJ endstream W n 0.322 Tw [((c))-891(other persons interested in the share or debenture can be)]TJ W n 0.0939 Tw (if it is a member of another corporation, being a company)Tj 0.0826 Tw BT 0 Tr BT Q (security for the payment of the costs of the investigation. q ET 0 Tr ((i) )Tj 0 Tc 0.0009 Tc 12 0 0 12 352.0079 551.7782 Tm 0 Tr /F1 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 43.5197 122.11 Tm /GS0 gs 0.025 Tw /F0 1 Tf 0 -1.83333 TD 0.025 Tw 0 0 0 1 k (date of the last return and to shares transferred since that)' 0 Tc /GS2 gs 12 0 0 12 43.5197 442.6403 Tm (document does not disclose a full and fair statement of the matters to)' 0.025 Tw 0 0 419 595 re 0 -1.19999 TD q 0 Tr (the manner the court thinks fit.)' 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc 0 Tc 0.3465 Tw 0 0 0 1 k 0.025 Tw 0 Tr (specified amount.)' (between a company and the persons mentioned in that section and it)' stream 0.0354 Tw /GS2 gs 2 -2 TD W n /F0 1 Tf -23.31842 -1.16667 TD W n (subsection (4) remains a trustee of the deed in question; or)Tj /GS2 gs 0 0 0 1 k 12 0 0 12 43.5197 550.7781 Tm T* (necessary to bring it, in substance and in form, into)Tj 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm /F0 1 Tf Q q 0 Tr BT (that the debt for which the char)Tj 133 0 obj [(of the company\325)55(s holding company)65(, of a right to subscribe)]TJ 0 0 419 595 re f 0 Tr 0.025 Tw ET /F2 1 Tf q 2 -2.3333 TD 2 -1.75 TD (258. 0 0 419 595 re BT 42.52 545.811 334.488 14.173 re ET q Most Popular State Police Headquarters Modified Services/Hours. BT W n ET 0 0 0 0 k /GS2 gs /F2 1 Tf /GS2 gs -2 -2.08333 TD )]TJ /GS2 gs 0.025 Tw 42.52 545.811 334.488 14.173 re 0 0 0 1 k 0 595 0 0 re (or in the case of a company not having a share capital, members of)' 0.0199 Tc 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm ((3) On re-registration under this section, the registrar shall close the)Tj ET ET W n /F2 1 Tf ET stream BT /GS2 gs f 0 0 419 595 re -0.0201 Tc W n Q 42.52 47.913 334.488 496.933 re 0 0 0 1 k 0.0727 Tw Q q -2 -1.16667 TD (cash or otherwise, a sum equal to the aggregate amount or value of)Tj 0 0 0 0 k (out at the meeting, except that copies of the representations need not)' 0.025 Tw 0 Tr Q 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm /F0 1 Tf q (to be a reduction of share capital within the meaning of this Act. Q [(directing the company and any of)18(ficer of the company to make good)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k (Act 1)Tj W n 0.025 Tw 0.104 Tw T* Q 0.025 Tw (to the registrar and he or she shall retain and register them and shall)Tj (2012)Tj 12 0 0 12 178.4155 550.7781 Tm 0.112 Tw q endstream (Rules or in the case of criminal proceedings, the provisions)' ET -0.0084 Tw /F2 1 Tf (the company in general meeting, and deliver copies of those)' 0 0 419 595 re (the registrar that any person has in relation to the company or to any)Tj (or her either wholly or partly from his or her liability on such terms)' -0.02 Tc >> BT 0 Tr 0 0 419 595 re Q [(193. 2 -1.16667 TD W n (shall be stated in the case of the exercise of a right, the information is)Tj -0.0251 Tc 0 0 419 595 re /F0 1 Tf -1.9434 -1.1667 TD W n /GS2 gs W n 0 0 419 595 re 0.185 Tw (enter into any transaction if the aggregate of the relevant amounts)Tj q stream BT (ficers and agents of the company or of the)Tj (of the registrar signified in writing change its name. 7.93515 0 TD 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tr /GS2 gs 0 0 0 1 k -3.37111 -1.16667 TD (company within the meaning of this Act, either to the full extent or)' ET (the memorandum and articles of the company as altered by)Tj 0.0609 Tw BT BT Q BT -18.21283 -1.16667 TD (emium, discount and r)Tj 2 -1.58334 TD 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 Tc ET -0.0002 Tc T* ET )]TJ (to a default fine of twenty five currency points. ET q (2012)Tj (redeemed within one month after the issue of the new shares.)' endstream 42.52 545.811 334.488 14.173 re (this section, it shall be a defence to prove that he or she had)' 42.52 47.913 334.488 496.933 re 0 Tr 0 Tw [(as a single member)55(. ET q Q 2 -2.33333 TD Q 0.0726 Tw BT 12 0 0 12 200.7638 32.8728 Tm W n 0 0 0 1 k 42.52 28.74 334.488 13.339 re 0 Tr << 0 0 0 1 k 0.025 Tw (subsidiary of another body corporate; and)' Q 198 0 obj W n (court may direct, the following amount\321)' Q /F2 1 Tf /GS0 gs f q 0.025 Tw T* (273. 0 Tc 0.3217 Tw -0.0002 Tc BT BT (2012)Tj T* Q q BT /F0 1 Tf -0.0001 Tc -0.0001 Tc /F2 1 Tf BT W n 244 0 obj (by all those members.)' 0 0 0 1 k ET (P)Tj (contract, the liability of the promoter of that company shall cease. (amount of the payment, being disclosed to members of the company)' q q 0 Tc (2012)Tj W n 0 Tc ET 0.1315 Tw Q 0 0 419 595 re (resolution.)' -0.0224 Tw 0 0 0 0 k BT 0 0 419 595 re 2 -1.1667 TD Q 0.025 Tw [((b))-835(the exercise by his or her spouse or by his or her infant child)]TJ Q f 0 Tr -0.0167 Tw BT f 0.025 Tw q 0 Tr 0 0 419 595 re (meeting, by ordinary or special resolution or otherwise as)Tj -2 -1.75 TD 12 0 0 12 43.5197 309.6403 Tm )-249(Duty of dir)19(ectors to disclose age to the company)55(. /F2 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tr (must be sanctioned by the court;)' /GS2 gs (of a company contains a statement of the amount of the authorised)Tj 1.63636 0 TD (auditor of a company if he or she is, by virtue of subsection (2),)Tj /GS2 gs 12 0 0 12 352.0079 550.7781 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 1 k 2 -1.16667 TD 0.1284 Tw BT (to have had power to apply any part of the money or shares so received)' )Tj 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tr 12 0 0 12 43.5197 550.7781 Tm /GS2 gs 0 Tc /GS2 gs /F0 1 Tf ET BT -0.0002 Tc 0 0 419 595 re -0.004 Tw -2 -1.75 TD 0.02 Tc [(necessary to give true and fair view of the state of the company\325)55(s)]TJ 0 Tr 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tr W n [(an order directing the company and any of)18(ficer of the company to)]TJ -0.0279 Tw 0.025 Tw 0.025 Tw q )]TJ 12 0 0 12 67.5197 535.6403 Tm [(78. -0.031 Tw -0.0201 Tc 0 Tr 0.0407 Tw )]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 12 0 0 12 352.0079 550.7781 Tm 0 0 419 595 re [(the person elected or appointed shall not be af)18(fected by the default. -2 -1.83333 TD 0 0 0 1 k ((6) A director of the company and any trustee for debenture)Tj f /Length 3402 /Length 3476 T* ET (reasonable steps as provided in that subsection ; or)Tj W n 0.0968 Tw /Length 3902 (Act 1)Tj [((g) )-560(a char)18(ge on calls made but not paid;)]TJ f 0 0 0 1 k q << (e capital not to bind existing members)Tj 0.025 Tw -11.81233 -1.16667 TD -2 -1.16667 TD [(company and every of)18(ficer of the company who is in default shall be)]TJ BT BT /GS2 gs BT 0.1442 Tw ET 0 0 0 1 k q 12 0 0 12 63.3854 370.6403 Tm 42.52 47.913 334.488 496.933 re 42.52 28.74 334.488 13.339 re >> ET 0 0 419 595 re (the number or amount and class, of shares or debentures involved. 0.025 Tw [((b) )-596(it appears to him or her that the company\325)55(s af)18(fairs are being)]TJ 2 -1.16667 TD 0 Tr 11 0 0 11 249.1606 329.8514 Tm 0 Tc -0.0128 Tw [(under this Act, the default fine shall be paid to the registrar)55(. (not also be a member)' ((High Court) Fees Rules made under the repealed Companies Act)Tj [(interest of a wife or husband of a director)55(. W n 108 0 obj -2 -2.5833 TD 0 -1.16667 TD )]TJ 12 0 0 12 43.5197 95.4404 Tm /Length 3659 W n BT /F0 1 Tf ((2) Subject to subsection (1), if it is agreed by a majority in)Tj (for all purposes, none of those shares need)Tj (register and index or direct that the copies required shall be sent to the)' 0 0 0 1 k 0.001 Tc 11 0 0 11 192.2465 524.3124 Tm W n (fice of the company or other place where the)Tj << 0.2548 Tw f (being duly stamped and a return stating the number and)' 0 -1.16667 TD -0.002 Tw (to members of the company entitled to have a notice of the meeting sent)' 0 Tc 0 Tc Q (connected with him or her by virtue of subsection (2)(c) or)' 0.4593 Tw f -0.0194 Tw [(appropriate to a private company)65(. 0.3391 Tw << 0 0 0 1 k [((a))-891(any provision to the contrary whether express or implied is)]TJ /F1 1 Tf q -0.0001 Tc 12 0 0 12 43.5197 550.7781 Tm 42.52 546.811 334.488 14.173 re (section 137(1);)Tj q -12.96988 -2.41667 TD 0.1301 Tw (2012)Tj 2 -1.91667 TD (221)Tj -0.0151 Tc /F0 1 Tf [(of)18(fice, do not include any bona fide payment by way of damages for)]TJ BT 0.123 Tw 0 Tr T* BT 0.0013 Tc 2 -2.33333 TD /GS2 gs BT 12 0 0 12 200.7638 32.8728 Tm [(68. (the company responsible for the default.)' f endobj 0 Tc -23.07088 -1.28334 TD 0 0 0 1 k 12 0 0 12 203.7638 32.8728 Tm 2 -1.83333 TD (2012)Tj 0.015 Tc Q [(ELA)111(TING)-367(T)18(O)]TJ -0.0001 Tc 12 0 0 12 301.4236 535.6403 Tm 0 Tr -2 -1.16667 TD (The acts of a director or manager shall be valid notwithstanding any)Tj BT /GS2 gs 0 0 419 595 re 0.025 Tw 0 Tc 0.025 Tw 0 Tr /GS2 gs /GS2 gs Q )]TJ >> /GS2 gs 0 0 0 1 k 0.312 Tw Q stream 0.029 Tw 0.025 Tw 2 -2.08333 TD -0.029 Tc /Length 3004 (2012)Tj 2 -1.16667 TD ET Q 0.0013 Tc 5. -0.0002 Tc /F0 1 Tf 8.65337 0 TD W n endobj q ET 0 0 419 595 re W n 0 Tr /GS2 gs q /GS2 gs /F2 1 Tf ET 0.2147 Tw [(87. [((a))-891(be a director of any company;)]TJ 12 0 0 12 352.0079 550.7781 Tm (debentures. 0 Tc 0 0 0 1 k -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw 210 0 obj (188.)' 0 Tc Q 0 -1.18333 TD 0 -1.19999 TD 0 0 419 595 re 0 0 0 0 k Q 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm 0 Tc (R)Tj /GS2 gs (of the company; and)Tj [((d) )-218(the transaction is ratified by the company in general)]TJ BT -0.0001 Tc (of any debt or obligation incurred or any contract entered into, by)' )]TJ 0.0679 Tw -2 -2.16667 TD 0 595 0 0 re 0 0 419 595 re 0 0 0 1 k /GS2 gs /F0 1 Tf 2 -1.1667 TD BT 0.025 Tw 0 Tr 0.1336 Tw 0.0013 Tc W n 12 0 0 12 182.8197 278.1242 Tm 0.1077 Tw (relieve any person from any liability he or she may have incurred by)' )]TJ 0 0 0 0 k W n -0.0201 Tc -2 -1.75 TD 0 0 0 1 k Q (or in the classes of business in which the company has an interest)' 12 0 0 12 67.5197 134.6403 Tm 0.2463 Tw ET 0 0 419 595 re (twenty four currency points or both.)' 9 0 0 9 104.4536 226.6403 Tm -0.0001 Tc ET )]TJ 0.001 Tc q [(Companies)-275(Act)]TJ /GS2 gs BT (66)Tj W n [(statement which he or she knows to be false commits an of)18(fence and)]TJ << ((3) Upon registration, a limited liability company shall add the)Tj /GS0 gs BT stream endobj /GS2 gs 0.5725 Tw 0 Tr /GS2 gs BT Q (application either of not less than two hundred members or)Tj 0 0 419 595 re (manner set out in section 241\321)Tj 0.0158 Tw /GS2 gs -4.3109 -1.1667 TD 0 Tc [(commits an of)18(fence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment not)]TJ q (furnish, at the request of the applicants for the investigation)Tj (shares and to the receipts and payments of the company on capital)' 0.1134 Tw -2 -1.16667 TD (and of the issues of debentures of a series, requiring registration under)' 12 0 0 12 250.7278 507.6403 Tm 1 g -0.0222 Tw /F0 1 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tr (of any association shall be conclusive evidence that all the)Tj )Tj 0 0 419 595 re 0 Tr q /GS0 gs -0.0366 Tw q )]TJ 0.103 Tw endobj [(14. 0 Tr 12 0 0 12 67.5197 521.11 Tm /F0 1 Tf (the company shall\321)Tj 11 0 0 11 209.1339 329.8514 Tm -0.0002 Tc 0 Tr q f [(year so that the subsidiary\325)55(s financial year may end with that of the)]TJ BT 0.0009 Tc -0.0001 Tc )Tj << [(company)65(. 0.0013 Tc 0.0652 Tw (holding company is under obligation to notify the company in)' 0 Tr 0 0 0 1 k 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm 0 0 0 0 k W n /GS2 gs 42.52 28.74 334.488 13.339 re /F2 1 Tf 0.104 Tw [(purposes of this section, be af)18(fected with notice of, or put upon inquiry as)]TJ Q (, where the subsidiary is also a subsidiary of a public)Tj -0.0001 Tc (contained in its memorandum, a company may by special resolution)Tj 0 Tr 0.0733 Tw [(Companies)-275(Act)]TJ 0 Tc f q (145.)' q -2 -1.16667 TD q /F2 1 Tf -2 -1.16667 TD -0.025 Tc -0.0001 Tc 0 Tr /GS0 gs 12 0 0 12 352.0079 551.7782 Tm 11 0 0 11 43.5197 536.3241 Tm 0.025 Tw /GS0 gs 2 -1.75 TD 0.0968 Tw 12 0 0 12 43.5197 380.2403 Tm 0.001 Tc W n (period or shorter time or the day on which he or she ceased to be)' (company will be unable to pay the costs of the defendant if successful)' (an established place of business in Uganda.)' << q T* 0.025 Tw BT 0 0 0 1 k -2 -1.9167 TD [(of all of)18(ficers and agents of any other body corporate whose af)17(fairs are)]TJ 0 Tc 0 0 0 1 k (199)Tj 0 0 0 1 k 0 -1.16667 TD 0.166 Tw 0 0 0 1 k (at that time.)' BT (sheets and any holder of debentures of the company whether he or she)' 0.025 Tw BT 11.52411 0 TD 0.183 Tw ((2) A person intending to apply for the making of an order under)Tj 0.0218 Tw 0 Tc Q [((b) )-608(by which the company acquires or is to acquire one or more)]TJ ((8) A person aggrieved by a decision of the registrar under this)Tj q 12 0 0 12 184.6835 535.6403 Tm (122 of or with any requirement of this Act as to the production of the)' q BT 0.025 Tw f q -2 -2.25 TD -24.8823 -1.6667 TD (power;)' BT (lar)Tj )]TJ -2 -1.16667 TD 0.479 Tw ET /GS2 gs 0.039 Tw W n -0.0001 Tc [(for exempting any of)18(ficer of the company or any person whether an)]TJ q [(auditor of a company that person and the company and every of)18(ficer)]TJ [(registration of)18(fice;)]TJ /F2 1 Tf BT 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 419 595 re /GS0 gs -0.02 Tw -0.0201 Tc q W n q /F2 1 Tf (instrument for the purpose of securing an advance to the company)' W n 0 -1.16667 TD 0 Tr 0 0 419 595 re /F1 1 Tf [(\()-20(a)-20(\))-911(the transferee company of)18(fers the same terms to all holders of)]TJ 0.118 Tw -15.32908 -1.16667 TD /F2 1 Tf (between the agreement for any such transaction and the completion of)' -2 -1.16667 TD 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 1 k 12 0 0 12 67.5197 535.6403 Tm 2 -2.33334 TD 0 Tr 0 0 0 1 k 3.40464 0 TD )Tj [(41. /GS2 gs 0.0572 Tw 0.025 Tw /GS2 gs 0.0374 Tw W n 0.012 Tw BT 2 -3.0833 TD 2 -1.16667 TD (original registration of the company and may dispense with the delivery)Tj W n (A company may not alter the conditions contained in its)Tj Q ET Q [(company\325)55(s board of directors shall be taken to be controlled by another)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tr )-249(General pr)19(ovisions as to meetings and votes. ((a) )Tj 0.1587 Tw q [(Where by virtue of section 1)37(19(2)(b), the register of members is kept)]TJ W n BT Q T* [((4) Where a char)18(ge, being a char)17(ge which ought to have been)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k (under it if it is unlimited by virtue of re-registration under section 29.)' (registered of)' /GS2 gs /GS2 gs /GS0 gs 12 0 0 12 67.5197 535.6403 Tm endstream 0 0 419 595 re /F2 1 Tf (the order and the minute.)' /GS2 gs 0 Tr /Length 4325 2 -1.16667 TD Q 0.2526 Tw /GS0 gs 0 0 0 0 k /GS2 gs -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc -23.45733 -1.16667 TD (the registrar may think fit, in lieu of or in addition to the conditions)' ET stream BT ET 0.3089 Tw 12 0 0 12 67.5197 151.7101 Tm 0 0 419 595 re 0.025 Tw BT ET 0.2145 Tw /F0 1 Tf 0.02 Tc -0.0002 Tc (215)Tj (Appointment and powers of inspectors to investigate ownership of)Tj -2 -2.41667 TD /F1 1 Tf 0.0013 Tc (address of his or her client; or)' W n 0.008 Tw f 2.72727 0 TD 42.52 28.74 334.488 13.339 re 42.52 546.811 334.488 14.173 re 12 0 0 12 178.4155 550.7781 Tm W n 0 0 419 595 re 0.0012 Tc BT 0.025 Tw 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm 0 Tc BT W n 0 0 419 595 re -0.0001 Tc 0 -1.36364 TD T* -2 -1.16667 TD BT 0.0009 Tc [(penalty as if he or she were an of)18(ficer of the company who was in default. 0 0 0 1 k 0.025 Tw [(Companies)-275(Act)]TJ T* Q /GS2 gs /GS2 gs 0 -1.1667 TD q W n 0.1913 Tw -2 -2.36667 TD -0.0002 Tc 12 0 0 12 313.7997 535.6403 Tm W n ET Q 0 0 0 1 k W n >> (capacity; or)' [(directly or indirectly)65(, and whether by means of a loan, guarantee,)]TJ 0.007 Tw f -0.0001 Tc 0.1858 Tw 0.216 Tw 0.025 Tw 0 0 419 595 re /F2 1 Tf 0.025 Tw 0.3606 Tw -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw 2 0 TD 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm (or un-represented by available assets; or)' 12 0 0 12 178.4155 550.7781 Tm -0.0002 Tc ET 0.025 Tw [(to investigate the af)18(fairs of a company and to report in such manner)]TJ /GS0 gs >> -0.0001 Tc -17.47628 -1.58334 TD Q BT W n -17.133 -1.1667 TD )Tj /GS2 gs ET ET [(so disqualified if the body corporate were a company)65(. -0.0002 Tc [((b) )-568(of so presenting it that it may be readily appreciated by the)]TJ 0 0 0 0 k T* Q T* ET 0 0 419 595 re 0 0 419 595 re 2 -1.16667 TD -2 -1.16667 TD W n (duly made by resolution of the company and the provisions of this)Tj 0.0229 Tw 0 Tc -0.0001 Tc Q 0.0009 Tc 0 Tr f W n 12 0 0 12 67.5197 535.6403 Tm 11 0 0 11 96.4836 414.7147 Tm (the shares or debentures.)' [(Dir)37(ectors and other officers. 0 Tc W n 0.071 Tw 12 0 0 12 43.5197 147.1403 Tm )-249(Funding of dir)19(ector)-1737(s expenditur)19(e on duty to company)55(. (the assets of the company or not;)' -4 -2.16667 TD Q /F2 1 Tf 0 Tr 0.0009 Tc -0.031 Tw f /GS2 gs (\322property\323 includes rights and powers of every description.)' q )]TJ BT 0.025 Tw 0 Tr Q Q 42.52 28.74 334.488 13.339 re 0 0 0 0 k 0.0009 Tc Q 2 0 TD BT ((a) )' 0 0 0 1 k (in default is liable to a default fine of twenty five currency points.)' q /GS2 gs 2 -1.16667 TD q [(whether absolutely or conditionally)65(, for any shares in the company)65(, or)]TJ -0.0001 Tc 0 Tr 0.1538 Tw -0.0001 Tc 0 0 419 595 re -0.0001 Tc Q BT [(to the investigation of the af)18(fairs of the first-mentioned company)65(. 12 0 0 12 43.5197 216.8327 Tm -3.5038 -1.75 TD 0 0 0 1 k 12 0 0 12 67.5197 52.1099 Tm 100 0 obj 2 0 TD 0 0 0 1 k endobj ((4) Any alteration in the company\325)Tj 0 0 0 1 k Q /F0 1 Tf )]TJ (scheme if the scheme is such that the contributions under)Tj )]TJ Q (the payment of a dividend or other distribution, the directors of the)Tj -0.0284 Tw 0 0 0 0 k [((a) )-616(in the English language;)]TJ 0 0 419 595 re (the meaning of this Act or not, in this section referred to as "the)Tj 0 -1.16667 TD 0 0 419 595 re Q [((d) )-213(the dissolution without winding up, of any transferor)]TJ /GS0 gs 0.025 Tw W n 0 Tc Q 0.025 Tw (32)Tj )]TJ )Tj 1 g (its situation and if it is discontinued, of its discontinuance, and any)' -0.0003 Tc /GS2 gs Q (136)Tj (foreign company has ceased to have a place of business in Uganda,)Tj T* /F1 1 Tf /GS2 gs 0 0 419 595 re T* [(\()-25(b)-25(\))-25( )-579(if it is to be limited by guarantee, must provide for the making)]TJ q -0.0201 Tc q 12 0 0 12 203.7638 32.8728 Tm )-932(Penalty for concealing the name of a creditor etc. )-969(Articles prescribing regulations for companies. /GS0 gs 0 0 419 595 re endobj T* 0 0 0 1 k ((5) This section shall not apply to any insurance company to)Tj /F2 1 Tf Q [(company in contravention of section 203 commits an of)18(fence. endstream W n (business or the company or any of its subsidiaries; or)Tj ET 0.0693 Tw (Act 1)Tj -0.0001 Tc endobj f 0.025 Tw ET Q 0.001 Tc f (included in the expression \322remuneration.\323)' 0.1003 Tw 0.1827 Tw 0.0099 Tc [((b) )-463(shall have its name engraved in legible letters on its seal)]TJ 0 595 0 0 re Q ((1) At a general meeting of a company other than a private)Tj -2 -1.125 TD 12 0 0 12 200.7638 32.8728 Tm /F2 1 Tf 0.2001 Tw /GS2 gs 8.48243 0 TD -0.0001 Tc << W n 0.025 Tw 0.0009 Tc endobj /F2 1 Tf 0 -1.16667 TD ((4) On application to the registrar under sub section (3), the)Tj W n 0.089 Tw /GS2 gs -0.0251 Tc 12 0 0 12 178.4155 551.7782 Tm (in respect of all proceedings of general meetings or direct that the)' (all reasonable steps to secure compliance by the company with the)Tj -2 -1.58333 TD Q q (attached to shares;)' 0 0 419 595 re 12 0 0 12 352.0079 551.7782 Tm 12 0 0 12 352.0079 551.7782 Tm 0.025 Tw (register is kept.)' ((1) A person shall be disqualified from acting as a director for a)Tj f ((5) Where any person acts in contravention of an order made)Tj (2012)Tj ((2) Any report under subsection (1) shall be written and if the)Tj 0 0 0 0 k (Act 1)Tj ((2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1)\321)Tj -0.0001 Tc /GS2 gs 12 0 0 12 43.5197 551.7782 Tm 0.076 Tw 0 595 0 0 re -0.0131 Tw ET /Length 3451 >> 12 0 0 12 67.5197 521.6403 Tm /GS2 gs BT q 0.2438 Tw 0.025 Tw q 0.3649 Tw -0.0001 Tc 0 0 0 0 k 2 -1.16667 TD W n q W n 0 0 419 595 re 0.025 Tw 0.025 Tw -2 -1.20834 TD 0 595 0 0 re 0.0133 Tc W n [(for pur)19(chase of or subscription for its own or its holding)]TJ Q 2 -1.16667 TD q -0.0001 Tc f 0 Tc /F0 1 Tf (egistrar)Tj -0.02 Tc 42.52 28.74 334.488 13.339 re T* W n f (some other act, manifested its intention that the debentures)Tj [((2) W)40(ithout prejudice to the general ef)17(fect of subsection (1), the)]TJ [(ordinary course of the company\325)55(s business. -2 -1.75 TD ET W n -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw BT ET 42.52 28.74 334.488 13.339 re -0.0001 Tc -2 -1.125 TD /GS0 gs q q q W n ET 0.1272 Tw W n stream 0 0 419 595 re q 0 -1.1667 TD 0.0013 Tc -0.0001 Tc 0 Tr q [(123. 2.18182 0 TD << W n 0 0 419 595 re BT << 0 -2.0833 TD 0 -1.20833 TD q 0 0 419 595 re Q W n 0.0097 Tw 0 Tc [(59. 0.0199 Tc 0 0 419 595 re -2 -1.16667 TD [(184. ET 0 Tr 0.1172 Tw -2 -1.16667 TD 0 0 0 1 k q 0 0 419 595 re (of companies. )-932(Alterations in memorandum or articles increasing liability to)]TJ )]TJ 0 0 419 595 re )]TJ -0.0002 Tc /Length 3680 (entries in bound books or electronic data or by recording the matters)' /GS2 gs [(any directions of the registrar)40(, be taken to be an annual general)]TJ -0.0292 Tw (in the)Tj -2 -2.33333 TD [(1)-25(8)-25(8)-25(. (holding and conducting of the meeting, the operation of the)' 0.259 Tw 0 Tr 0 Tr Q 0 -1.16667 TD (relation to that balance sheet; and)' 0 0 419 595 re endobj q /F2 1 Tf /GS2 gs 0.002 Tw 0 Tr 12 0 0 12 352.0079 550.7781 Tm Q 0.1754 Tw [((2) A deed or other document to which an of)18(ficial seal is duly)]TJ 0 0 0 1 k (as provided in this section, apply as if the capital redemption)' -0.0251 Tc 0.118 Tw (demanding a poll and for the purposes of subsection (1) a demand by)' 2 0 TD q 0 -1.20834 TD Q -0.0251 Tc [(company and every of)18(ficer of the company who is in default is liable)]TJ q 12 0 0 12 67.5197 535.6403 Tm W n (form each signed by one or more requisitionists.)' q -0.0151 Tc ET W n 0.2168 Tw 2 -1.75 TD q Q ((3) Where a company defaults in complying with this section)Tj 12 0 0 12 43.5197 402.6403 Tm 0.025 Tw W n Q 0 0 0 0 k 3.83349 0 TD 0 0 419 595 re Q 12 0 0 12 67.5197 535.6403 Tm /F0 1 Tf )-249(Disqualification of dir)19(ectors.
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