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aedui de bello gallico

Start studying Caesar - 'De Bello Gallico" Book 1- Comprehension Questions. The Gauls had scattered archers and light-armed infantry here and there, among their cavalry, to give relief to their retreating troops, and sustain the impetuosity of our cavalry. These were reviewed in the country of the Aedui, and a calculation was made of their numbers: commanders were appointed: the supreme command is intrusted to Commius the Atrebatian, Viridomarus and Eporedirix the Aeduans, and Vergasillaunus the Arvernan, the cousin-german of Vercingetorix. He raised all his other works at a distance of four hundred feet from that ditch; [he did] that with this intention, lest (since he necessarily embraced so extensive an area, and the whole works could not be easily surrounded by a line of soldiers) a large number of the enemy should suddenly, or by night, sally against the fortifications; or lest they should by day cast weapons against our men while occupied with the works. While Caesar is in Italy, he decides to enlist more troops because of political disturbances in Rome. A few Roman survivors make it back to their winter quarters where they commit suicide that night. 7.76 Caesar had, as we have previously narrated, availed himself of the faithful and valuable services of this Commius, in Britain, in former years: in consideration of which merits he had exempted from taxes his [Commius's] state, and had conferred on Commius himself the country of the Morini. As the action was carried on in sight of all, neither a brave nor cowardly act could be concealed; both the desire of praise and the fear of ignominy, urged on each party to valor. The Gauls had scattered archers and light-armed infantry here and there, among their cavalry, to give relief to their retreating troops, and sustain the impetuosity of our cavalry. When many were evidently taking the side of the Gauls and Germanics, the time had come for him to act on public opinion. A great slaughter ensues; some leave their horses, and endeavor to cross the ditch and climb the wall. A supplication of twenty-days is decreed by the senate at Rome, on learning these successes from Caesar's dispatches. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. World Heritage Encyclopedia content is assembled from numerous content providers, Open Access Publishing, and in compliance with The Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR), Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., Public Library of Science, The Encyclopedia of Life, Open Book Publishers (OBP), PubMed, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, and USA.gov, which sources content from all federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government publication portals (.gov, .mil, .edu). On the other side he sends the Gabali and the nearest cantons of the Arverni against the Helvii; he likewise sends the Ruteni and Cadurci to lay waste the territories of the Volcae Arecomici. He demands a great number of hostages. He sends the legions to winter-quarters; he restores about twenty thousand captives to the Aedui and Arverni; he orders Titus Labienus to march into the [country of the] Sequani with two legions and the cavalry, and to him he attaches Marcus Sempronius Rutilus; he places Caius Fabius, and Lucius Minucius Basilus, with two legions in the country of the Remi, lest they should sustain any loss from the Bellovaci in their neighborhood. Caesar's troops counterattack and put the Belgae to flight. Article Id:          Political / Social. Commentarii de Bello Gallico (English: Commentaries on the Gallic War) is Julius Caesar's firsthand account of the Gallic Wars, written as a third-person narrative.In it Caesar describes the battles and intrigues that took place in the nine years he spent fighting local armies in Gaul that opposed Roman domination.. Besides, by secret messages and embassies, he tampers with the Allobroges, whose minds, he hopes, had not yet settled down after the excitement of the late war. Among them is Dumnorix, a rebellious noble of the Aedui. The Romans ask their Gallic allies for food, but this accomplishes little and the Romans suffer from lack of food. These stakes being sunk into this trench, and fastened firmly at the bottom, to prevent the possibility of their being torn up, had their branches only projecting from the ground. The besieged run together when these auxiliaries were seen; mutual congratulations ensue, and the minds of all are elated with joy. Bohn (1869), Classics.MIT.edu, 2009. 7.66 In the mean time, whilst these things are going on, the forces of the enemy from the Arverni, and the cavalry which had been demanded from all Gaul, meet together. He sets over them the brother of Eporedirix, and orders him to wage war against the Allobroges. The Gallic Wars were a series of military campaigns waged by the Roman proconsul Julius Caesar against several Gallic tribes.Rome's war against the Gallic tribes lasted from 58 BC to 50 BC and culminated in the decisive Battle of Alesia in 52 BC, in which a complete Roman victory resulted in the expansion of the Roman Republic over the whole of Gaul (mainly present-day France and Belgium). One example is having Caesar talk about himself in the third person as in the book. They surrender Vercingetorix, and lay down their arms. "The Gallic Wars By Julius Caesar" (menu page linking 8 books), translated by W.A. Crowd sourced content that is contributed to World Heritage Encyclopedia is peer reviewed and edited by our editorial staff to ensure quality scholarly research articles. Accordingly, drawing out their troops, they encamp before the town, and cover the nearest trench with hurdles and fill it up with earth, and make ready for a sally and every casualty. The Germans retreat, after slaying many and taking several horses. World Heritage Encyclopedia™ is a registered trademark of the World Public Library Association, a non-profit organization. Near Avaricum, Vercingetorix camps near Caesar and inflicts heavy losses on Romans as they forage for food. Caesar moves quickly to rendezvous with his legions wintering among the Lingones before Vercingetorix can realize what is happening. Caesar hastens to share in the action. D'Indy was adapting Caesar's title to the situation of the current struggle in France against the German army, in which he had a son and nephew fighting, and which the music illustrates to some extent. 7.72 Caesar, on learning these proceedings from the deserters and captives, adopted the following system of fortification; he dug a trench twenty feet deep, with perpendicular sides, in such a manner that the base of this trench should extend so far as the edges were apart at the top. Having left this interval, he drew two trenches fifteen feet broad, and of the same depth; the innermost of them, being in low and level ground, he filled with water conveyed from the river. 7.70 The work having been begun, a cavalry action ensues in that plain, which we have already described as broken by hills, and extending three miles in length. At the same time, Vercingetorix, having heard the shout, gives the signal to his troops by a trumpet, and leads them forth from the town. Yorumāriī dē Bellō Gallicō (Galya Savaşı Üzerine Yorumlar) Sweynheym ve Pannartz'ın baskısından De bello Gallico'nun ilk sayfası, Roma, 1469 . Commentarii de Bello Gallico Aedui Druid Battle of Magetobriga Ariovistus. After killing Indutiomarus, the Roman cavalry routs the rest of Indutiomarus' army. Caesar lays waste to the territory of the Menapii, and they sue for peace. Labienus, when neither the ramparts or ditches could check the onset of the enemy, informs Caesar by messengers of what he intended to do. To do as our ancestors did in the war against the Cimbri and Teutones, which was by no means equally momentous who, when driven into their towns, and oppressed by similar privations, supported life by the corpses of those who appeared useless for war on account of their age, and did not surrender to the enemy: and even if we had not a precedent for such cruel conduct, still I should consider it most glorious that one should be established, and delivered to posterity. Commentarii de bello Gallico. The contest is maintained on both sides with the utmost vigor; Caesar sends the Germans to aid our troops when distressed, and draws up the legions in front of the camp, lest any sally should be suddenly made by the enemy's infantry. The Romans slaughter almost all of the Gauls within the town, causing a huge loss for the Gauls. Although the Roman infantry successfully cross the English channel, the cavalry fail to cross, putting the Romans at a disadvantage. 7.68 All his cavalry being routed, Vercingetorix led back his troops in the same order as he had arranged them before the camp, and immediately began to march to Alesia, which is a town of the Mandubii, and ordered the baggage to be speedily brought forth from the camp, and follow him closely. He stations Quintus Tullius Cicero, and Publius Sulpicius among the Aedui at Cabillo and Matisco on the Saone, to procure supplies of corn. Those who voluntarily offer themselves to death are more easily found than those who would calmly endure distress. It contains many details and employs many stylistic devices to promote Caesar's political interests.[3]. After arranging these matters, he levies ten thousand infantry on the Aedui and Segusiani, who border on our province: to these he adds eight hundred horse. The Romans defeat Ariovistus, and Caesar is overjoyed to find and rescue C. Valerius Procillus, the envoy who had earlier been captured by Ariovistus. Vercingetorix, a young nobleman of the Arverni, gathers troops, and with the support of neighboring tribes is given supreme command of the Gallic armies. Funding for USA.gov and content contributors is made possible from the U.S. Congress, E-Government Act of 2002. On this circumstance being announced, Caesar orders his cavalry also to form three divisions and charge the enemy. Learning that all the Roman supplies and equipment are stored at Atuatuca, the Sigambri head there to try to capture it. [4] The 2005 television series Rome gives a fictionalized account of Caesar's rise and fall, featuring Kevin McKidd as the character of Lucius Vorenus and Ray Stevenson as the character of Titus Pullo of 13th Legion . What courage do you think would our relatives and friends have, if eighty thousand men were butchered in one spot, supposing that they should be forced to come to an action almost over our corpses? While in winter quarters in Bibracte, Caesar learns that several tribes are planning a revolt. Libro 1. If the infantry should [be obliged to] relieve their cavalry, and be retarded by doing so, the march could not be accomplished: if, abandoning their baggage they should provide for their safety (a result which, he trusted, was more like to ensue), they would lose both property and character. Caesar pillages and burns Cenabum, the town attacked earlier by the Carnutes. Caesar campaigns against them and defeats them. DE BELLO GALLICO LIBRO 1 - GALLIC WAR I Caesar English translation. 7.81 The Gauls, after the interval of a day and after making, during that time, an immense number of hurdles, scaling-ladders, and iron hooks, silently went forth from the camp at midnight and approached the fortifications in the plain. 7.87 Caesar sends at first young Brutus, with six cohorts, and afterward Caius Fabius, his lieutenant, with seven others: finally, as they fought more obstinately, he leads up fresh men to the assistance of his soldiers. He orders their arms to be surrendered, and their chieftains delivered up. edited by T. Rice Holmes (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914) Previous: Table of contents: ... qui iam ante se populi Romani imperio subiectos dolerent liberius atque audacius de bello consilia inire incipiunt. Therefore they should attack them on their march, when encumbered. 7.64 The latter demands hostages from the remaining states; nay, more, appointed a day for this proceeding; he orders all the cavalry, fifteen thousand in number, to quickly assemble here; he says that he will be content with the infantry which he had before, and would not tempt fortune nor come to a regular engagement; but since he had abundance of cavalry, it would be very easy for him to prevent the Romans from obtaining forage or corn, provided that they themselves should resolutely destroy their corn and set fire to their houses; by which sacrifice of private property they would evidently obtain perpetual dominion and freedom. He builds elaborate siege works with the intention of completely encircling and starving the Gauls inside. 7.85 Caesar, having selected a commanding situation, sees distinctly whatever is going on in every quarter, and sends assistance to his troops when hard pressed. Yet such was the unanimity of the Gauls in asserting their freedom, and recovering their ancient renown in war, that they were influenced neither by favors, nor by the recollection of private friendship; and all earnestly directed their energies and resources to that war, and collected eight thousand cavalry, and about two hundred and forty thousand infantry. 7.66 In the mean time, whilst these things are going on, the forces of the enemy from the Arverni, and the cavalry which had been demanded from all Gaul, meet together. In it Caesar describes the battles and intrigues that took place in the nine years he spent fighting local armies in Gaul that opposed Roman domination. Caesar personally stays in Gaul all winter due to the risk of unrest among the Gallic tribes. 7.83 The Gauls, having been twice repulsed with great loss, consult what they should do; they avail themselves of the information of those who were well acquainted with the country; from them they ascertain the position and fortification of the upper camp. Jül Sezar'ın Galya savaşları üzerine yorumlar . The legion that Pompey contributes is his in name only, because it was enlisted in Caesar's territory, and then Caesar contributed another legion that had been with him previously in Gaul. The Helvii, voluntarily engaging in battle with their neighbors, are defeated, and Caius Valerius Donotaurus, the son of Caburus, the principal man of the state, and several others, being slain, they are forced to retire within their towns and fortifications. To be unable to bear privation for a short time is disgraceful cowardice, not true valor. De Bello Gallico. For they never have carried on wars on any other terms. Übersetzungen › Caesar › De Bello Gallico (VII) (4). 7.77 But those who were blockaded at Alesia, the day being past, on which they had expected auxiliaries from their countrymen, and all their corn being consumed ignorant of what was going on among the Aedui, convened an assembly and deliberated on the exigency of their situation. Engaging the Eburones is difficult because the terrain of the area provides the Eburones with numerous opportunities to hide from the Romans. On their arrival, as they were mounted on unserviceable horses, he takes horses from the military tribunes and the rest, nay, even from the Roman knights and veterans, and distributes them among the Germans. 7.88 His arrival being known from the color of his robe, and the troops of cavalry, and the cohorts which he had ordered to follow him being seen, as these low and sloping grounds were plainly visible from the eminences, the enemy join battle. Vercingetorix, having convened a council the following day, declares, "That he had undertaken that war, not on account of his own exigences, but on account of the general freedom; and since he must yield to fortune, he offered himself to them for either purpose, whether they should wish to atone to the Romans by his death, or surrender him alive. The Aedui (allies of Rome) are engaged in a power struggle with two other tribes called the Arverni and the Sequani. ... quae paulo ante Romanis de muro manus tendebant, suos obtestari et more Gallico passum capillum ostentare liberosque in conspectum proferre coeperunt. In order that they [the Gauls] may do so with greater spirit, he would marshal all their forces before the camp, and intimidate the enemy. Some Roman troops under Servius Galba are wintering peacefully in the Alps between Italy and Gaul. He sends the legions to winter-quarters; he restores about twenty thousand captives to the Aedui and Arverni; he orders Titus Labienus to march into the [country of the] Sequani with two legions and the cavalry, and to him he attaches Marcus Sempronius Rutilus; he places Caius Fabius, and Lucius Minucius Basilus, with two legions in the country of the Remi, lest they should sustain any loss from the Bellovaci in their neighborhood. 7.84 Vercingetorix, having beheld his countrymen from the citadel of Alesia, issues forth from the town; he brings forth from the camp long hooks, movable pent-houses, mural hooks, and other things, which he had prepared for the purpose of making a sally. Some are casting missiles, others, forming a testudo, advance to the attack; fresh men by turns relieve the wearied. In these pits tapering stakes, of the thickness of a man's thigh; sharpened at the top and hardened in the fire, were sunk in such a manner as to project from the ground not more than four inches; at the same time for the purpose of giving them strength and stability, they were each filled with trampled clay to the height of one foot from the bottom: the rest of the pit was covered over with osiers and twigs, to conceal the deceit. Notable chapters describe Gaulish costume (VI, 13), their religion (VI, 17), a comparison between Gauls and Germanic peoples (VI, 24) and other curious notes such as the lack of Germanic interest in agriculture (VI, 22). Gezintiye atla Aramaya atla . When the Roman troops begin to cross back over to the continent, they are attacked by the Morini, who are then defeated by the Romans. On obtaining this request they insist that the chief command should be assigned to them; and when the affair became a disputed question, a council of all Gaul is summoned to Bibracte. After twenty-five grueling days of constructing siege works under great stress, the Romans attack and trap the Gauls in the town. Then the action commences simultaneously in every part: the main body halts; the baggage is received within the ranks of the legions. Caesar thought that further additions should be made to these works, in order that the fortifications might be defensible by a small number of soldiers. If our men seemed to be distressed, or hard pressed in any quarter, Caesar usually ordered the troops to advance, and the army to wheel round in that quarter; which conduct retarded the enemy in the pursuit, and encouraged our men by the hope of support. As the action was carried on in sight of all, neither a brave nor cowardly act could be concealed; both the desire of praise and the fear of ignominy, urged on each party to valor. But the Romans eventually adapt and defeat the Veneti. On reconnoitering the situation of the city, finding that the enemy were panic-stricken, because the cavalry in which they placed their chief reliance, were beaten, he encouraged his men to endure the toil, and began to draw a line of circumvallation round Alesia. The Allobroges, placing guards along the course of the Rhine, defend their frontiers with great vigilance and energy. 7.68 All his cavalry being routed, Vercingetorix led back his troops in the same order as he had arranged them before the camp, and immediately began to march to Alesia, which is a town of the Mandubii, and ordered the baggage to be speedily brought forth from the camp, and follow him closely. The idea uppermost in the minds of both parties is, that the present is the time in which they would have the fairest opportunity of making a struggle; the Gauls despairing of all safety, unless they should succeed in forcing the lines: the Romans expecting an end to all their labors if they should gain the day. Immediately after midnight, the cavalry are sent out and overtake the rear, a great number are taken or cut to pieces, the rest by flight escape in different directions to their respective states. Eporedirix and Viridomarus, youths of the greatest promise, submit reluctantly to Vercingetorix. After giving these instructions he silently dismisses the cavalry in the second watch, [on that side] where our works were not completed; he orders all the corn to be brought to himself; he ordains capital punishment to such as should not obey; he distributes among them, man by man, the cattle, great quantities of which had been driven there by the Mandubii; he began to measure out the corn sparingly, and by little and little; he receives into the town all the forces which he had posted in front of it. Having left this interval, he drew two trenches fifteen feet broad, and of the same depth; the innermost of them, being in low and level ground, he filled with water conveyed from the river. Our troops, as each man's post had been assigned him some days before, man the fortifications; they intimidate the Gauls by slings, large stones, stakes which they had placed along the works, and bullets. The town Alesia commanded a view of the whole plain. To them are assigned men selected from each state, by whose advice the war should be conducted. 7.75 While those things are carried on at Alesia, the Gauls, having convened a council of their chief nobility, determine that all who could bear arms should not be called out, which was the opinion of Vercingetorix, but that a fixed number should be levied from each state; lest, when so great a multitude assembled together, they could neither govern nor distinguish their men, nor have the means of supplying them with corn. Since Caesar's term of office in Gaul is almost over, he does not wish to get involved in another war just as he is finishing his term. The besieged, beholding from the town the slaughter and flight of their countrymen, despairing of safety, lead back their troops from the fortifications. De Bello Gallico: Liber VI - Kapitel XII. The Romans defeat Commius. All march to Alesia, sanguine and full of confidence: nor was there a single individual who imagined that the Romans could withstand the sight of such an immense host: especially in an action carried on both in front and rear, when [on the inside] the besieged would sally from the town and attack the enemy, and on the outside so great forces of cavalry and infantry would be seen. He sprung from the noblest family among the Arverni, and possessing great influence, says, "I shall pay no attention to the opinion of those who call a most disgraceful surrender by the name of a capitulation; nor do I think that they ought to be considered as citizens, or summoned to the council. McDevitte and W.S. They concoct a plan to burn their homes and then make a mass exodus out of their homeland. The Germans retreat, after slaying many and taking several horses. The Trinovantes, a powerful tribe, offer to become Rome's allies, and several other British tribes follow suit. After arranging these matters, he levies ten thousand infantry on the Aedui and Segusiani, who border on our province: to these he adds eight hundred horse. 3 Aedui de consilio legatorum, ... timore poenae exterriti consilia clam de bello inire incipiunt civitatesque reliquas legationibus sollicitant. Eae res in Galliam Transalpinam celeriter perferuntur. He orders all boats to assemble at Portus Itius (near modern day Boulogne-sur-Mer). The Bellovaci, a Belgic tribe, raise an army and begin to wage war against the Suessiones who are under the patronage of the Remi, allies of Rome. De Bello Gallico consists of eight books: seven written by Caesar himself, and the eighth book added later by Aulus Hirtius, one of Caesar's generals. On reconnoitering the situation of the city, finding that the enemy were panic-stricken, because the cavalry in which they placed their chief reliance, were beaten, he encouraged his men to endure the toil, and began to draw a line of circumvallation round Alesia. 7.90 After making these arrangements, he marches into the [country of the] Aedui, and recovers that state. Yet such was the unanimity of the Gauls in asserting their freedom, and recovering their ancient renown in war, that they were influenced neither by favors, nor by the recollection of private friendship; and all earnestly directed their energies and resources to that war, and collected eight thousand cavalry, and about two hundred and forty thousand infantry. De his eandem fere, quam reliquae gentes, habentopinionem: Apollinem morbos depellere, Minervam operum atque artificiorum initia tradere, Iovem imperium caelestiumtenere, Martem bella regere. 7.83 The Gauls, having been twice repulsed with great loss, consult what they should do; they avail themselves of the information of those who were well acquainted with the country; from them they ascertain the position and fortification of the upper camp. The cavalry is suddenly seen in the rear of the Gauls; the other cohorts advance rapidly; the enemy turn their backs; the cavalry intercept them in their flight, and a great slaughter ensues. [dubious – discuss] After crossing the Rhine back into Gaul, Caesar sends troops ahead of him to surprise Ambiorix, but Ambiorix escapes. 44. Back at Port Itius, Caesar prepares to take many Gallic hostages with him to his British campaign so as to prevent revolts while he is gone. After a bloody conflict, the Romans defeat them by cutting off the supply of water to the town. Hampered by fear and surprise, the Romans suffer losses but eventually mount a defense. Sedulius the general and chief of the Lemovices is slain; Vergasillaunus the Arvernian, is taken alive in the flight, seventy-four military standards are brought to Caesar, and few out of so great a number return safe to their camp. He sets over them the brother of Eporedirix, and orders him to wage war against the Allobroges. Dumnorix violently opposes being taken over to Britain, and flees back to his homeland. Accordingly, drawing out their troops, they encamp before the town, and cover the nearest trench with hurdles and fill it up with earth, and make ready for a sally and every casualty. To their nobles he promises money, and to their state the dominion of the whole province. 7.79 In the mean time, Commius and the rest of the leaders, to whom the supreme command had been intrusted, came with all their forces to Alesia, and having occupied the entire hill, encamped not more than a mile from our fortifications. On the other side he sends the Gabali and the nearest cantons of the Arverni against the Helvii; he likewise sends the Ruteni and Cadurci to lay waste the territories of the Volcae Arecomici. The "Gaul" that Caesar refers to is sometimes all of Gaul except for the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis (modern day Provence), encompassing the rest of modern France, Belgium and some of Switzerland. Vercingetorix surrenders to Caesar after the battle of Alesia. 7.84 Vercingetorix, having beheld his countrymen from the citadel of Alesia, issues forth from the town; he brings forth from the camp long hooks, movable pent-houses, mural hooks, and other things, which he had prepared for the purpose of making a sally. The cavalry is suddenly seen in the rear of the Gauls; the other cohorts advance rapidly; the enemy turn their backs; the cavalry intercept them in their flight, and a great slaughter ensues. To this place embassadors are sent by the Arveni, who promise that they will execute his commands. 7.78 When different opinions were expressed, they determined that those who, owing to age or ill health, were unserviceable for war, should depart from the town, and that themselves should try every expedient before they had recourse to the advice of Critognatus: however, that they would rather adopt that design, if circumstances should compel them and their allies should delay, than accept any terms of a surrender or peace. Our troops, laying aside their javelins, carry on the engagement with their swords. This infuriates Caesar. C. IVLI CAESARIS COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO LIBER PRIMVS - Caesar's Commentaries On The Gallic War Book I [I.1] Gallia as a whole is divided into three parts, of which the first the Belgae inhabit, another the Aquitani, the third, who in their own language are called Celtae, in ours are called Galli. Stakes a foot long, with iron hooks attached to them, were entirely sunk in the ground before these, and were planted in every place at small intervals; these they called spurs. He seated himself at the head of the lines in front of the camp, the Gallic chieftains are brought before him. At , English translation by W. A. McDevitte and W. S. Bohn (1869); Latin text edition. When noon now seemed to draw nigh, he marched hastily against that camp which we have mentioned before; and, at the same time, the cavalry began to approach the fortifications in the plain, and the rest of the forces to make a demonstration in front of the camp. The shouts which were raised by the combatants in their rear, had a great tendency to intimidate our men, because they perceived that their danger rested on the valor of others: for generally all evils which are distant most powerfully alarm men's minds. The full work is split into eight sections, Book 1 to Book 8, each varying in size from approximately 5,000 to 15,000 words. Our troops, laying aside their javelins, carry on the engagement with their swords. Thus they returned to the town without accomplishing their object. Do you suppose that the Romans are employed every day in the outer fortifications for mere amusement? Caesar enlists a large number of new troops to replace the ones lost the previous year when the forces of Q. Titurius Sabinus and L. Aurunculeius Cotta were slain by the forces of Ambiorix. During World War I the French composer Vincent d'Indy wrote his Third Symphony, which bears the title De Bello Gallico. They flocked to whatever part of the works seemed weakest. When Caesar approaches Cicero’s camp, the Belgae abandon their siege of Cicero's camp and head toward Caesar’s troops. The principal struggle is at the upper lines, to which as we have said Vergasillaunus was sent.

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