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adults with mast cell disease

Their bone marrow biopsy shows 1 or 2 minor criteria for systemic mastocytosis, but does not fulfill the complete World Health Organization (WHO) criteria (See diagnosis section below). Rowe W, Lichtenstein GR. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2012;34(5):529-32. Dr. Dempsey has found that incorporating mast cell treatment into her Lyme protocols helps to reduce many of the symptoms of “Lyme brain” by controlling inflammation. Policy. Expert Opin Pharmacother. You can't prevent it, but you can avoid triggers and get treatment. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. However, based on the characteristic appearance of urticaria (i.e. Diagnosis of IBD is often based on symptoms which can include increased heart rate (tachycardia), decreased red blood cell count (anemia) leading to fatigue, dehydration, and fever. Mast cell disease is very rare and therefore it can be difficult to find a physician who knows and understands the disease. 2007 Jun;37(6):435-53. Review. This condition is very rare and often is not associated with additional skin involvement. Based on clinical appearance, prognosis, and disease course, cutaneous mastocytosis can be further categorized into the following: maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis, mastocytoma, and diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis. The skin is diffusely thickened and discolored, generally without individual distinct lesions. Eur J Clin Invest. Mast cells have the capacity to directly kill these organisms or to stimulate the production and release of substances that will destroy the pathogen. In 2017, midostaurin (Rydapt) was approved by the FDA for the treatment of adults with aggressive SM, SM with associated hematological neoplasm, or mast cell leukemia. Lehrer J, Lichtenstein GR. Classes of c-KIT activating mutations: proposed mechanisms of action and implications for disease classification and therapy. Of the ten patients who we could assess for response, five (50%) had a measurable response to the … Imatinib for systemic mast-cell disease Lancet. 2018;180(1):11-23. An exhaustive resource about MCAS is Lawrence Afrin MD’s 2016 book, Never Bet Against Occam: Mast Cell Activation Disease and the Modern Epidemic of … This response protects your body from germs and infections. Pediatric mastocytosis. Accessed December 20, 2016. The CD69 early activation molecule is overexpressed in human bone marrow mast cells from adults with indolent systemic mast cell disease BEATRIZ D´AZı-AGUSTı´N, 1 LUIS ESCRIBANO,1 PILAR BRAVO,1 SONIA HERRERO,1 ROSA NUN˜ EZ,1 RAQUEL NAVALO´ N,1 LOURDES NAVARRO, 2 ANTONIO TORRELO,2 ALBERTOCANTALAPIEDRA,1 LUZ DEL CASTILLO,3 JESU´ S VILLARRUBIA,1 JOSE´ L. NAVARRO,1 … 2011 Aug 1;12(4):259-70. doi: 10.2165/11588890-000000000-00000. Mast cells are particularly prominent in tissues of our bodies that interact with our external world, such as those found on our skin and in our respiratory and digestive tracts.Mast cells can also be found in the organs and tissue of our circulatory and nervous systems. Rarely, mast cell leukemia may develop in young adults with persistent maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis. ... although more common in young children is also part of the clinical disease spectrum in adults. Indolent systemic mastocytosis is generally associated with low mast cell burden, and presence of mediator-related symptoms. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Comorbid conditions (e.g. Valent P, Akin C, Arock M, Brockow K, Butterfield JH, Carter MC, Castells M,Escribano L, Hartmann K, Lieberman P, Nedoszytko B, Orfao A, Schwartz LB, Sotlar K, Sperr WR, Triggiani M, Valenta R, Horny HP, Metcalfe DD. [ 27 ] Primary cutaneous mast cell sarcoma due to the transformation of a benign solitary mastocytoma in an adult has been reported. AU - Pardanani, A. Kim CR, Kim HJ, Jung MY, et al. Our expert physicians and surgeons provide a full range of dermatologic, reconstructive and aesthetic treatments options at Cleveland Clinic. Medscape, Last Update December 16, 2014.. Associated hematologic disorders should be treated by a blood specialist (hematologist). PubMed PMID:21668033. Gleevec is manufactured by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Mastocytosis can occur at any age. In this fast-growing disease, there's a large number of mast cells in your blood or your bone marrow -- the spongy center of your bones where blood cells are made. Systemic mastocytosis includes two rare forms: mast cell leukemia and mast cell sarcoma. Available at: Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) MCAS - synonym: mast cell activation disorder (MCAD) - is characterised by the accumulation of genetically altered mast cells and/or abnormal release of mast cell mediators, affecting functions in potentially every organ system, particularly the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular and nervous systems. INTERNET Mastocytosis Explained. 2001;25:571-76. Accessed December 20, 2016. This syndrome can be diagnosed by the medical history and measurable biomarkers. Castells M, Metcalfe DD, Escribano L. Diagnosis and treatment of cutaneousmastocytosis in children: practical recommendations. Treatment for malabsorption consists of correcting any nutritional deficiencies as well as treating the causative condition. Introduction. In some cases, the mastocytosis can be aggressive and lead to death if left untreated. Marone G, Spadaro G, Granata F, et al. Think of them as sentries or guards. Monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome These patients have symptoms of mast cell activation including recurrent anaphylaxis but no evidence of cutaneous mastocytosis. Mastocytosis is a genetic immune disorder in which certain cells (mast cells) grow abnormally and cause a range of symptoms, including diarrhea and bone pain. Rydapt is manufactured by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. Information on current clinical trials is posted on the Internet at Valent P, Horny HP, Escribano L, et al. Patients and methods: In this retrospective series, we reviewed … The typical bone marrow lesions seen in adults with systemic mast cell disease (SMCD) are foci of spindle-shaped mast cells in a fibrotic matrix and are found in up to 90% of adults with SMCD. Parker RI. Medscape, Last Update October 10, 2016. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. Mast cells are also involved with other vital functions in your body. REVIEW ARTICLES Theoharides TC, Valent P, Akin C. Mast Cells, Mastocytosis, and Related Disorders. Authors A Pardanani 1 , M Elliott, T Reeder, … Aggressive systemic mastocytosis In aggressive systemic mastocytosis, there is an impairment or loss of organ function (usually liver, gut, bone or bone marrow) due to mast cell infiltrates. Patients and methods: In this retrospective series, we reviewed the electronic medical records of adult patients with a diagnosis of mastocytosis who were referred to a Neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2008. Cutaneous mastocytosis typically appears in children, usually before the child’s second birthday. The records of 32 patients with adult-onset urticaria pigmentosa were analyzed to determine if any clinical or pathologic findings could distinguish urticaria pigmentosa associated with systemic mast cell disease from urticaria pigmentosa with no clinical evidence of systemic mast cell disease. They have been appreciated as potent contributors to allergic reaction. It's more serious in adults. Available at: Mast cells can be activated to release mediators by multiple triggers. Patients can experience fatigue, weight loss, abdominal discomfort, easy bruising or bleeding, infections, as well as other symptoms. When mast cells are present in greatly increased numbers, the amount of released mediators can be very high and thereby cause multiple symptoms. 1A and B).When scratching of the skin produces an underlying eruption, this is termed Darier's sign and is a characteristic finding (Fig. Available at: There are various tests and imaging studies that can be done to confirm a diagnosis and can include: complete blood count, serologic testing, stool studies, nutritional evaluation, colonoscopy, abdominal ultrasound and other gastrointestinal imaging studies. MD: The Johns Hopkins University; Entry No: 154800; Available at Last Update:01/24/2012. The International Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Diseases website is an online global platform uniting Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Disease patients, caregivers and health care practitioners from around the world. itchy red raised skin lesions) a diagnosis can be made. Blood. Information on Clinical Trials and Research Studies, COVID-19 Rapid Response Leadership Series, 5 Myths About Orphan Drugs and the Orphan Drug Act, 1987, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2014, 2017,,, Genetic and Rare Diseases (GARD) Information Center, NIH/National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases,,,,,,,, systemic mastocytosis with clonal hematologic non-mast cell lineage disease. Additional symptoms associated with DCM include itching, blistering, decreased blood pressure (hypotension), diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, reddening of the skin (flushing), and anaphylactic shock. Skin symptoms are common, but other organs may be affected, and the disease may worsen slowly over time. In most cases, it is not inherited (passed down from one generation to another). Urticaria is often an isolated event not associated with other systemic symptoms or findings. J. Larry Jameson, et al.eds. These are similar in nature to severe allergic reactions and may involve decreased blood pressure (hypotension), increased heart rate and loss of consciousness. American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology. Metcalfe DD. For information about clinical trials being conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD, contact the NIH Patient Recruitment Office: Tollfree: (800) 411-1222 TTY: (866) 411-1010 Email: [email protected], Some current clinical trials also are posted on the following page on the NORD website: T2 - A prospective study of 33 patients. Systemic smoldering mastocytosis This variant of systemic mastocytosis is characterized by high mast cell burden as evidenced by high level of tryptase (>200 ng/ml) and high degree of bone marrow involvement with mast cells (>30%), splenomegaly with or without mild abnormalities in production of other blood cells. Our goal is to foster a unified and multi-lingual channel of information from participating non-profit worldwide Mastocytosis support and/or affiliated advocacy groups. A mastocytoma is a single lesion that is usually found early in life and resolves spontaneously with age. Flushing and gastric acid hypersecretion due to mast cell-associated histamine release are common symptoms. Most patients also have maculopapular skin lesions. Mast cell disorders: An overview View in Chinese; Mast cell-derived mediators View in Chinese; Mast cells: Development, identification, and physiologic roles View in Chinese; Mast cells: Surface receptors and signal transduction View in Chinese; Mastocytosis (cutaneous and systemic): Evaluation and diagnosis in adults View in Chinese 2018 Dec;16(12):1500-1537. Accessed December 20, 2016. Endocrine disorders Endocine tumors such as carcinoid, pheocromocytoma and medullary throid cancer can cause flushing. Patients with SM associated with clonal hematologic non-mast cell lineage disease (SM-AHNMD), aggressive systemic mastocytosis (ASM), or mast cell leukemia (MCL) experience a more rapid and complex clinical course. 1. Heartburn, stomach aches, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea may occur. Symptoms & Diagnosis. Lymphocytes and eosinophils frequently are admixed with the mast … These include cladribine and interferon alpha. 2008 Aug 15;112(4):946-56.doi: 10.1182/blood-2007-11-078097. Dermatol Clin. Approximately >90% of adults and 40% of children also express this mutation whereas another 40% of children have mutations involving other areas of KIT. Hematologic aspects of systemic mastocytosis. They produce a plethora of mediators that play roles in inflammation, angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, and tissue remodeling. Medscape, Last Update September 13, 2016. The risk of associated malignant disease in adults with ... Butterfield JH, Kao PC, Klee GG, Yocum MW. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |. Am J Dermatopathol. Massive chemical release from the mast cells (degranulation) may lead to life-threatening episodes of anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock). These abnormal cells can grow uncontrollably and are unusually sensitive to activation in a condition called mastocytosis. Mast cells and mastocytosis. For most patients, the risk of acquisition or transmission of the virus is the same as it is for most people without a mast cell disease. Patients with IBS may experience heartburn, nausea and vomiting, presence of clear or white mucus, abdominal pain, as well as presence of constipation or diarrhea. Flushing and gastric acid hypersecretion due to mast cell-associated histamine release are common symptoms. Patients must rely on the personal and individualized medical advice of their qualified health care professionals before seeking any information related to their particular diagnosis, cure or treatment of a condition or disorder. Mast cell (MC)-associated diseases, including allergy/anaphylaxis and neuroinflammatory pain disorders, exhibit a sex bias, with females at increase risk. When triggered, these mast cells release substances that can overwhelm your body and result in signs and symptoms such as facial flushing, itching, a rapid heartbeat, abdominal cramps, lightheadedness or even loss of consciousness. Gastrointestinal symptoms are frequently reported by these patients and are often mistaken by physicians as functional gastrointestinal disorders. It can increase the risk of anaphylaxis (a severe allergic response) when patients come across certain environmental triggers (such as a bee sting). CORONAVIRUS: DELAYS FOR ROUTINE SURGERIES, VISITOR RESTRICTIONS + COVID-19 TESTING. Am J Clin Dermatol. There is a difference between someone who is healthy, with mast cells that are functioning normally, and someone with a mast cell disease, whose mast cells may be activating inappropriately in response to triggers, or may also be proliferating and accumulating in organ tissues. Accessed December 20, 2016. Hartmann K, Henz BM. Mastocytosis can occur in children and adults. Mastocytosis usually appears in infancy or early adulthood. When you have systemic mastocytosis, excess mast cells build up in your skin, bone marrow, digestive tract or other body organs. When mast cells perform … N2 - Objective: To identify complications of mastocytosis that impact the nervous system across a large cohort. Review. One estimate reports that it occurs in one in every 10,000 people, while another estimate is one in every 20,000 people. Mast cell leukemia Mast cell leukemia is an aggressive hematological malignancy characterized by circulating mast cells greater than 10% or immature mast cells in bone marrow aspirates greater than 20%. The severity of the symptoms associated with mastocytosis may vary from mild to life-threatening. PubMed PMID: 24044484. The spontaneous production of mediators in these clonal mast cell disorders is called “primary activation”. Goals of UK Masto: To support Mast Cell Disease patients so they can better understand their disease; to be the patients’ voice as advocates … The disease can occur in both children and in adults. Mast cell leukemia. Insect bites (especially ant bites) and wasp and bee stings. 2001;25:583-94. AU - Kimlinger, T. AU - Reeder, T. AU - Li, C. Y. Treatment of mastocytosis: pharmacologic basis and current concepts. Leuk Res. Epub 2010 Sep 20. Standards and standardization in mastocytosis: consensus statements on diagnostics, treatment recommendations and response criteria. Austen KF, Boyce JA. There are dozens of potential triggers. Epub 2011 Oct 27. Mastocytosis. 2001;144:682-95. The tryptase test is a useful indicator of mast cell activation. Recent insights into the heterogeneity of cardiac mast cell (CMC) subpopulations have renewed interest in their functional diversity in homeostasis and disease. Mast cells are derived from CD34 + / KIT + pluripotent hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. Certain mutations in mast cells can produce populations of identical mast cells – called clones – that overproduce and spontaneously release mediators. NORD is not a medical provider or health care facility and thus can neither diagnose any disease or disorder nor endorse or recommend any specific medical treatments. Findings This randomized clinical trial including 23 participants found that inhaled cannabis was safe. NORD gratefully acknowledges Kristina Bundra, Pharm. Blood. The change happens after conception. Treatment of urticaria often includes antihistamine agents. Mastocytosis is a rare condition caused by an excess number of mast cells gathering in the body's tissues. Found most commonly in the skin, stomach lining, intestine, bones and connective tissue they play an important role in helping the immune system to fight disease and infection. Often times, urticaria can be confused with other dermatologic conditions. Br J Dermatol. Disseminated neurological Lyme disease. 2000;14:537-55. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. The liver, spleen and lymph nodes may become enlarged in some patients; therefore regular follow-up is necessary. Brown or red blotches on the skin, or bumps or spots that itch. Other disorders with similar symptoms such as allergic diseases should be ruled out before this diagnosis is considered. PubMed PMID: 20855864. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. … Grace SA, Sutton AM, Abraham N, Armbrecht ES, Vidal CI. Some patients may present with an enlarged liver or spleen and the gastrointestinal tract may also be affected. Mastocytosis, or mast cell disease, is a heterogeneous group of clinical disorders characterized by the abnormal accumulation of mast cells in various tissues, especially in the skin and hematopoietic organs. 2001;25:603-25. Symptoms and signs of mast cell disease in patients presenting with otherwise unexplained acute back pain may be a harbinger of aggressive mastocytosis and should prompt neuro-imaging of the spine. Many cells have the capacity to release exosomes, including reticulo-cytes 2 , dendritic cells 3 , B cells 4 , T cells 5 , mast cells 6 , epithelial cells 7 and tumour cells 8. 2001;179:74-84. Curr Allergy AsthmaRep. Stem cell transplantation can be considered in selected patients with SM-AHNMD, ASM and MCL. PUVA (psoralen plus ultraviolet A radiation) treatment may cause temporary attenuation of the urticaria pigmentosa lesions. It can begin during childhood or adulthood. Biopsy of organs affected by the disease, such as the liver; Genetic testing; Types of systemic mastocytosis. For more information, visit Prognostic significance of the type of mutation in childhood disease is yet to be determined. Symptoms of mastocytosis can range from mild to severe. Urticaria Urticaria is a condition of the skin associated with red, elevated patches of the skin that can be itchy and irritating to touch and more commonly referred to as hives. Mast cells are a normal part of our immune system. Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center provides world-class care to patients with cancer and is at the forefront of new and emerging clinical, translational and basic cancer research. If you have mastocytosis, certain activities and factors can trigger an attack. Leukotriene antagonists can also be used to improve symptoms in patients. Valent P, Sperr WR, Akin C. How I treat patients with advanced systemicmastocytosis. When triggered, these mast cells release substances that can cause signs and symptoms similar to those of an allergic reaction and, sometimes, severe inflammation that … The severity of the symptoms associated with mastocytosis may vary from mild to life-threatening. Mast-cell stabilizers such as ketotifen can be used to treat some of the skin involvement. Mastocytosis is not contagious. Mast Cell Functions In response to exposure to a perceived pathogen, mast cells set off a rapid inflammatory response to outside invaders, such as germs, viruses, and parasites. In addition, monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome has been described presenting with anaphylaxis, especially in patients with hymenoptera venom anaphylaxis.Data on patients with drug hypersensitivity and mast cell diseases are scarce.. New-onset urticaria is often associated with an identifiable cause such as direct contact and can be identified from the patient’s history. Common triggers include alcohol, temperature changes, spicy foods and certain medications. 96 Dupilumab has been reported to be effective for upper respiratory symptoms of N‐ERD. 2001;19:679-96, viii-ix. 2017;9(1):25-29. However, increasing evidence implicates the important role of mast cells in autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Accessed December 20, 2016. They include: Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/17/2020. Mast Cell Activation and Triggers . Presence of Mast Cells and Mast Cell Degranulation in Scalp Biopsies of Telogen Effluvium. However, this is slowly changing and an increasing number of physicians are becoming aware of mast cell disease, particularly Mastocytosis. Systemic mastocytosis (systemic mast cell disease) is characterized by mast cell infiltration of skin and extracutaneous organs. Malabsorption Malabsorption is inclusive of any condition associated with abnormalities occurring during digestion and/or absorption of food nutrients. Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is one type of mast cell activation disorder (MCAD), and is an immunological condition in which mast cells inappropriately and excessively release chemical mediators, resulting in a range of chronic symptoms, sometimes including anaphylaxis or near-anaphylaxis attacks. Systemic mastocytosis usually affects adults. Normally, mast cells are part of your immune system. The liver, spleen and lymph nodes may … Results: Thirty patients were identified who presented to a Neurologist with symptoms potentially related to the mast cell disease. Specific criteria on diagnosis IBS exists based on the frequency and duration of patient’s symptoms. We prospectively treated 12 adults with symptomatic systemic mast-cell disease at a dose of either 100 mg or 400 mg per day. Mastocytosis and the skin. Bones affected by mastocytosis may become softened (osteoporosis) and deteriorate, although some new bone growth may occur with thickening of the outer portions or spongy inner areas of the bones. National Organization for Rare Disorders. But if you have systemic mastocytosis, excess mast cells generally build up in your skin, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract and bones. Approximately 90% of affected adults also have evidence of systemic mastocytosis at the time of diagnosis. Cardet JC, Akin C, Lee MJ. 2010 Dec 23;116(26):5812-7. doi: 10.1182/blood-2010-08-292144. Currently, there is no curative treatment for mastocytosis. Aggressive systemic mastocytosis. Symptoms of the following disorders can be similar to those of mastocytosis. The most characteristic immunophenotypic feature, both in malignant and adult indolent systemic mast cell disease, being the coexpression of CD2 and CD25 antigens, never present in normal bone marrow mast cells and, which constitute an aberrant hallmark of bone marrow mast cells in adult mastocytosis. The content of the website and databases of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, copied, downloaded or disseminated, in any way, for any commercial or public purpose, without prior written authorization and approval from NORD. Maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis and mastocytoma are the most common forms, compared to diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis which is rarer. This abnormal growth of mast cells causes a range of symptoms, including itchy bumps on the skin, gastrointestinal (GI) issues such as diarrhea, and bone pain. Br J Haematol. Int J Trichology. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) 55 Kenosia Ave., Danbury CT 06810 • (203)744-0100. Genetic alterations (mutation) resulting in the over-activation of the receptor for mast cell growth factor (KIT) have been identified in the abnormal mast cells in almost all adult-onset mastocytosis and approximately 80% of children in skin lesions. Recent studies have found that up to 10% of patients with severe allergic reactions to bee stings may have mastocytosis. Mast cell disease may be limited to the skin (cutaneous mastocytosis) or may involve one or more extra-cutaneous organs (systemic mast cell disease (SMCD)). In cases of aggressive systemic mastocytosis, it can be life-threatening. Valent P, Schernthaner GH, Sperr WR, et al. Autopsy studies have shown mast cells surround amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s patients in higher numbers than corresponding brain regions of control patients (Maslinska et al., 2007).It has been suggested that inflammation in the AD brain may trigger CNS glia to produce acute phase proteins and mast cell chemoattractants such as serum amyloid A that home mast cells to sites of amyloid … Myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic disorders are the most common diseases associated with this form and often patients do not display urticaria pigmentosa-like skin lesions. In most pediatric cases, the disease is limited to the skin, but it can be associated with systemic symptoms due to the … Available at: Systemic mastocytosis with associated clonal hematological non-mast cell lineage disease Systemic mastocytosis with an associated clonal hematological non-mast cell lineage disease affects approximately one-fifth of all systemic mastocytosis cases. Proton-pump inhibitors can be used to treat the increased acid production in the stomach. The single World Health Organization (WHO) major criterion is multifocal dense infiltrates of mast cells in bone marrow and/or … 1 Typical skin lesions found in mastocytosis, along with a positive Darier’s sign (see below), is the major criterion for diagnosing skin involvement in patients with mastocytosis. Wong HK, Najib U. Urticaria. She referred me to a mast cell specialist who sees NHS patients. Chronic eosinophilic leukemia is characterized by increased eosinophils carrying genetic alterations in blood and bone marrow and is often associated with increased mast cells. Accessed December 20, 2016. Childhood-onset disease most commonly presents within the first two years of life. Additional non-specific symptoms that can be seen with mastocytosis include pain, nausea, headache, and/or malaise. Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis (DCM) is seen in children and is the most severe form of cutaneous mastocytosis. How we diagnose and treat systemic mastocytosis in adults. T1 - Neurologic symptoms and diagnosis in adults with mast cell disease. Life expectancy in ISM is comparable to general population with low risk of progression to a more advanced form. Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), is an immunological condition in which mast cells mistakenly release too many chemical mediators, resulting in several chronic symptoms involving the skin, gastrointestinal tract, heart, respiratory, and neurologic systems. AU - Smith, Jonathan H. AU - Butterfield, Joseph H. AU - Pardanani, Animesh. These lesions tend to be more apparent on areas of skin exposed to pressure or rubbing. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM). 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