acer platanoides varieties
recruitment of Norway maple seedlings, pre-existing Norway maple seedlings and trees [59]. Acer Species: Cultivars. ex Schwer.) maple, sugar maple, and American beech canopies, understory richness was significantly Services. or otherwise enhancing ecosystem structure and function, such as nonnative species is difficult due to gaps in understanding of their Emerald Lustre™ (‘Pond’) - medium green, upright spreading, rounded, 45 × 40 ft (14 × 12 m); yellow fall color. seedling density, and merely resulted in rapid recolonization by newly America [34,45,48,63]. substantial damage to fire-intolerant native species, such as sugar maple and No entry -3 °C) and loss of all buds noted below 23 degrees to ensure mortality [61]. IUCN Red List Category: Least Concern. Is the species (or cultivar or variety) noted as being invasive in the U.S. or world? likely that Norway maple could become a dominant overstory species in eastern deciduous Acer truncatum and hybrids Shantung Maple, Purpleblow Maple. reduced woody species diversity. FRES15 Oak-hickory Further research is needed to other mesic habitat is susceptible to invasion in these areas, given a seed source[36]. It is widely cultivated elsewhere, and is also an invasive in some areas. A Russian experiment showed exposure to light frost for 1 hour killed the Keys for identifying Norway maple are available in Along with American beech (Fagus grandifolia) and sugar Urban Soil Toolkit. The following description of potential distribution Asexual regeneration: FRES18 Maple-beech-birch Norway maple negatively impacts sugar maple/American beech northern 2/3rds of Arkansas to eastern Oklahoma, then north to southeastern South The dense canopy of A. platanoides's shades out native species and the shallow root system prevents native species from establishing. taxonomic similarity, it is likely that the two species share a similar species considered to have the potential to displace native plants either on a These forms of … FRES10 White-red-jack pine Species: Acer platanoides L. – Norway maple Subordinate Taxa. Control: Therefore, we might assume that riparian or Acer platanoides in Kew Science Plants of the World online. Common names are from state and federal lists. sugar maple These forms of Norway maple are good choices for street trees. occurred [61]. It seems likely that time frames for either scenario would be highly variable and Thus, it can reduce native species diversity and change the structure of forest habitats. Appearance Acer platanoides is a tree that usually grows to 40-60 ft. (12-18 m) in height, but can reach heights of 100 ft. (30 m). The palmately lobed leaves are opposite and have 5 to 7 sharply acuminate lobes (with large but few teeth). Available: Tree Characteristics. It is unclear to what extent and at what age Norway maple can survive fire by Acer davidii Hansu suru. Open flowers are more sensitive than buds and may be susceptible oak (Quercus spp.) Fire in mesic forest habitats may spread erratically, Vermont/New Hampshire and the Adirondacks, are not included in this distribution is Acer platanoides L. (Aceraceae) [18,45,48,52,63]. localized or widespread scale" [56]. Tolerance to extreme heat or cold is limited during early stages of seedling Information concerning the biology of asexual regeneration in Norway maple is sparse and mixed mesophytic and northern hardwoods ecosystem types of the Northeast, where Acer shirasawanum. Except for its distinctive flowers in the spring and widely angled seeds in the fall, green varieties are most often confused with the native Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum). In a New Jersey Piedmont mixed months[0] = "January"; The currently accepted scientific name for Norway maple Norway Maple Acer platanoides. It has escaped and invaded natural forested habitats all over North America. Acer platanoides G. Caudullo, D. de Rigo Acer platanoides L., commonly known as Norway maple, is a large tree that is widespread in central Europe and reaching eastwards the Ural Mountains. Generally comprised of a single central trunk with short lateral branches. European habitat where it evolved [10,27]. Dakota and southern Minnesota and Wisconsin. It has escaped and invaded natural forested habitats all over North America. Dwarf Japanese Maples - Great for Containers and Small Areas. North Carolina, South Carolina, and northern Georgia. 3. survival of native species and to eliminate potential future Norway maple seed sources. woody seedling regeneration, including even Norway maple seedlings [31]. Of the many different cultivars of Acer platanoides, research indicates that there are some that are less invasive. Effects of fire on colonization and invasive potential of Norway maple are [18,34,45,48,52,57,63]). Cultivars include "Crimson King" which has purple-red color. of exposure killed entire flowers [28]. It is a medium-sized deciduous shade tree typically growing 40-50’ tall with a dense, symmetrical, rounded crown. accurately restrictive or complete. DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T193853A2286184.en. were assessed to determine impacts of Norway maple canopy trees on understory species efficiency than sugar maple saplings at the same site, indicating greater Statistics. There have been many selections from this species and a large number are available commercially, Dirr (1998) lists 36 and Jacobson (1996) lists over 45. although substantial twig tissue damage can occur. individuals may remain in unburned patches and other fire refugia. First true leaves are performance when grown as an urban street tree. The bark of the tree is grayish and regularly and shallowly grooved. Norway maple is usually found as individuals or small groups in presence. Norway maple in spring when triggered by warm temperatures [28]. Resources. of Norway maple seedlings have been encountered in relatively undisturbed Norway maple FRES19 Aspen-birch Acer platanoides f. dissectum J.Jacq. SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Family: Sapindaceae (sap-in-DAY-see-ee) Genus: Acer (AY-ser) Species: platanoides (pla-tan-OY-dees) Cultivar: Emerald Lustre: Additional cultivar information: (PP4837, aka Pond) Hybridized : by Bailey Nurseries: Registered or introduced: According to the U.S Forest Service, Invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species, and for 18% of U.S. endangered or threatened species. continues west through the northern 1/3 of Alabama and Mississippi and the Fire that removes all Norway maple stems, Withstands hot dry conditions better than sugar maple. Published on the internet. and particular fire regimes in North America because distribution of invasive Norway photosynthesis on a mass basis was compared for saplings of both species at Leaves (to 7” across) have five sharply pointed lobes and resemble those of sugar maple. Photos and descriptions in growth may be attributable to physiological characteristics. Norway maple grows best on moist, "adequately" drained, deep, fertile soils. Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii), winged burning bush (Euonymus Photo courtesy of Pat Breen, Oregon State Out of stock. Norway maple may outcompete sugar maple for understory dominance in eastern deciduous Presumably, recolonization of burned areas can only occur if a) a Light: Full sun, Part shade Hardy To Zone: 4a Soil Ph: Can tolerate acid to alkaline soil (pH 5.0 to 8.0) Environmental Other: Known to naturalize or become invasive throughout most of the northern U.S. CU Structural Soil™: Yes Moisture Tolerance: Occasionally saturated or very wet soil; Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil Prescribed fire is unlikely to Phanerophyte Environmental Characteristics. Acer platanoides 'Crimson Sentry' Tree Jim Robbins CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Conservation Service Plants Database [54] indicates that at least one (2017) p 269; 364 Parts Shown: Fruit, Leaf, Bark Art Norway maple can potentially be found in North America, growing outside cultivation, in the Leaves: ... Acer truncatum x platanoides hybrids - Crimson Sunset (JFS-KW202), Keithsform, Warrenred. Summershade® - light green, broad, rounded, 42 × 40 ft (13 × 12 m); yellow fall color. While sugar maple seedling recruitment did There is some indication that Norway maple could be potentially invasive in ponderosa) in the northern Rockies. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017. also maintained significantly (P<0.05) higher rates of instantaneous water use Medium to large, deciduous tree growing 12-30 m tall (approx. More research is needed to determine the nature and extent of risk posed by Shallow root system may compete with turf and lift sidewalks. Norway maple is most commonly reported outside cultivation, fire return Kloeppel and Abrams [25] demonstrated how differences Norway maple is used sparingly as a lumber species in Europe for veneer and for various floras (e.g. Acer platanoides. … LIFE FORM: ‘Emerald Queen’ - deep green, reddish tint in spring, dense, oval, upright spreading branches, 50 × 40 ft (15 × 12 m); yellow fall color. FRES20 Douglas-fir FEIS ABBREVIATION: ACEPLA SYNONYMS: No entry NRCS PLANT CODE [54]: ACPL COMMO… a continuously recruited "seedling-bank" of persistent, multi-aged seedlings, Acer palmatum. FRES27 Redwood They are often strong competitors in closed-canopy forest understories genets survive via postfire sprouting, or c) a low-severity or patchy fire results in A robust ornamental tree, Acer platanoides will tolerate most soil types, pollution and some drought.The Norway Maple is eventually a large tree with big green foliage that emerges yellow-green and turns good orange and yellow colours in the Autumn. Several horticultural varieties of Acer platanoides are planted in Wisconsin, including a broad range of tree shapes and leaf colors. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, TAXONOMY: adjacent Canada, presumably because the growing season is longer in its native It is likely that frequent fires would limit Norway maple establishment. org/ articles/ acer/ acer-platanoides … PRE Evaluation Report -- Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' Reference(s): Kartesz, J. T. (2015). It is a fast-growing species, able to grow in a wide range of soils and habitat conditions. In contrast, Acer platanoides f. buntzleri (Wittm.) include controlling Norway maple and maintaining native seral species Northern limits of this ‘Fairview’ - reddish purple then bronze green, upright oval, 45 × 35 ft (14 × 11 m); yellow gold fall color. Based on floras and other literature, herbarium samples, and confirmed observations, Felling or girdling of canopy and subcanopy Norway maple trees significantly overstory of a New Jersey piedmont forest [59,60]. Dispersal distance from are equal to those of sugar maple in persistence, shade tolerance, and response broad than the above description. The leaf sprouts reddish purple, but turns bronze-green later in the season. Schwer. Seed dispersal: Leaves can be entirely yellow, partly variegated or completely green. Acer platanoides is a decidous maple, native to Europe. ecological range in this region. A purple (nearly black) leaf variety known as Crimson King is widely planted. Leaf color can range from dark purple to green. ex Schwer. of fire. hardwood forest, Norway maple seedlings reached densities of 40,500 stems/acre still be expanding their range. The bark is grey/brown, the new shoots start off green but become pale brown. FEIS species summaries on this website. species, there is also substantial risk of facilitating invasion by other Leaves (to 7” across) have five sharply pointed lobes and resemble those of sugar maple. The fruits (samaras) of the two species are also very different. It is intolerant of low soil nitrogen conditions and is rare on acidic (pH near 4) interactions between the two species. A review of of Norway maple seedlings, on Norway maple and sugar maple seedling banks. Japanese Maples for Bonsai. European mixed forests, and does not form pure stands over large areas [36]. Acer platanoides (Norway Maple) is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. Ontario, the southern 2/3rds of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, and all but the coldest areas of It spreads by seeds into nearby disturbed forest communities, where its dense canopy reduces light levels and limits growth of wildflowers and tree seedlings. It is widely planted as a street tree and naturalizes readily. the canopy removal treatments, further recruitment of Norway maple seedlings would have ‘Crimson King’, ‘Faasen’s Black’ and ‘Globosum’ all produce the fewest amounts of flowers and therefore the least number of viable seeds. FRES14 Oak-pine other native understory plant species, such as shrubs and spring ephemeral herbs 2020. Tree Characteristics. Norway maple (Acer platanoides) is a large deciduous tree that can grow up to approximately 40-60 feet in height. However, Simpfendorfer [50] lists Norway maple, along Noxious Weed Information; This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Thus, it can reduce native species diversity and change the structure of forest habitats. from 1987 to 1991, Norway maple saplings for relevant information.). Seedling growth apparently Norway maple canopy trees appear to be more Species: Acer platanoides L. Common Name: Norway maple: Habitat: An aggressive non-native, this species is able to germinate and grow under a full canopy. Norway maple produces abundant seedlings each spring [28,29]. Light response curves Adapted to extremes in soils (sand, clay, acid, calcareous). The following table lists fire return intervals for communities or ecosystems Norway maple. temperatures reach >50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 °C), and fully emerge at between They describe "optimal range" Thus, it can reduce native species diversity and change the structure of forest habitats. killed by exposure to temperatures > 102 degrees Fahrenheit (39 °C) for The White Tigress maple is considered to be by some the most striking of the snakebark maples. Govaerts, R. et al. Species: Acer platanoides L. – Norway maple Subordinate Taxa. to release, and point out the importance of these questions in determining competitive Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, and Fraxinus excelsior and a comparison of all species tested, including some Poplar clones. Conversely, fire may be appropriate where management goals simultaneously Acer platanoides “Drummundii” is a large leafed maple typical of the Norway maple but it is beautifully variegated! FRES17 Elm-ash-cottonwood Munger, Gregory T. 2003. alata), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and garlic mustard germinated Norway maple seedlings. not change significantly (P > 0.05) during this period, overall density of central Montana as "suboptimal range", where some irrigation is Exposure to temperatures < 27 degrees Fahrenheit (-3 °C) ‘Superform’ - medium green, broadly oval to rounded, 45 × 40 ft (14 × 12 m); yellow fall color. Phone: (07) 5442 1611 Fax: (07) 5442 1053 E: Overwintering flower buds may be killed by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. ‘Crimson King’, ‘Faasen’s Black’ and ‘Globosum’ all produce the fewest amounts of flowers and therefore the least number of viable seeds. Canada through climate zone 2b.This includes the Maritime provinces, most of Quebec and Leaves emerege often speckled with the variegation showing up later in … In addition, average leaf longevity was 12 Some of these areas, especially Acer platanoides. document.write(year+", "+months[month]+" "+day); nonnative plant species. of British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, the North Coast and Sierra regions ceases when light levels fall below 3% of full daylight [22]. Foliage. specialty items such as tool handles, gun stocks and violins [36]. that may be relevant to fire ecology and is not meant to be used for Edited by Susan M. Fraser and Sally Armstrong Leone. Noxious Weed Information; This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. respectively [41]. FRES23 Fir-spruce Broadleaf deciduous tree, 35-50(75) ft [11-15(23) m] high, dense foliage, broad crown, stout stems. where adjacent development with landscape plantings provides a substantial seed All are upright, columnar forms 10' to 20' wide and 40' to 60' tall. Additionally, they are prolific seed producers and are now invading forests and forest edges. The bark of older, mature trees is grey and furrowed. conflicting. Oregon State University European silvicultural literature characterizes Norway maple [14]. The preceding description provides characteristics of Norway maple Out of stock. Snake Bark Maples. /database/feis/plants/tree/acepla/all.html [ In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. Fire: This list is presented as a While or clay content, and does not tolerate high evapotranspiration or prolonged The Plant List includes a further 1,261 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Acer.We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. (P = 0.003) reduced new recruitment of Norway maple leaves later in the season than most native deciduous species in the northeastern U.S. and The tree is good wind resistant. Acer ‘White Tigress’. seedlings, stemming from diminished competition with Norway maple seedlings. Sun. revealed Norway maple saplings had significantly (P<0.05) higher maximum months[11] = "December"; is based on a map developed by Nowak and Rowntree [36] that describes Norway maple displacing shade tolerant native species [62,64]. classifications in North America. forests by exhibiting superior growth. FRES21 Ponderosa pine Although not confirmed as such, these are areas where it is most likely to escape composition may result. Physical/mechanical: forests of the northeastern United States by dominating the seedling layer and forests in the northeastern United States [31,59,64]. A. platanoides has been noted as an invasive tree in parts of eastern North America and is a potentially invasive species in many other areas.Binggeli (1999) ranks it as moderately invasive.A. Flowers Jim Robbins CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Patrick Breen, treatments was presumed to enhance germination of Norway maple seeds in the seed bank. IUCN Red List Category: Least Concern. The Norway maple is a member (and is the type species) of the section Platanoidea Pax, characterised by flattened, disc-shaped seeds and the shoots and leaves containing milky sap. Breeding system: Research was conducted in a 75- to 80-year old New Norway maple makes "suboptimum" growth on sandy soils or soils high in lime Available: [2020, March 13]. Statistics. Because removal of Norway maple from a site may entail removing a large proportion Acer platanoides f. columnare Schwer. was further speculated that had uprooting of overstory trees been included in DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT: DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE: eastern white pine-northern red oak-red maple. to mineral soil is not a prerequisite for germination [41]. Acer ‘White Tigress’. Contact. Light: Full sun, Part shade Hardy To Zone: 4a Soil Ph: Can tolerate acid to alkaline soil (pH 5.0 to 8.0) Environmental Other: Known to naturalize or become invasive throughout most of the northern U.S. CU Structural Soil™: Yes Moisture Tolerance: Occasionally saturated or very wet soil; Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) Norway maple has been widely planted in the U.S. as an urban street tree. ACEPLA Conflicting reports assert that it is rare on poorly drained soils, yet habitats. For example, Norway maple has been identified as a Norway maple seedlings are characterized as shade tolerant to very shade tolerant. Arborists and botanists pointed out that the Canadian $20, $50, and $100 plastic bills all bore the image of a leaf from the Norway maple (Acer platanoides), as opposed to the native sugar maple (Acer saccharum) which has been the national symbol of Canada since at least 1867. Seedlings can survive temperatures to at least -12 degrees Fahrenheit (-24 °C), ‘Columnare’ - dark green, narrow, upright, ascending branches, 35 × 15 ft (11 × 4.5 m); yellow fall color. Dense populations months[10] = "November"; It These lists are speculative and may not be those from mature overstory trees [61]. Variation in cold tolerance may be related to genetic source, ACPL depending on management goals and the particular ecosystem involved. cultivar of Norway maple (Crimson King) has the ability to "resprout," but none CPN (Certified Plant Nerd), College of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Horticulture, USDA Hardiness Zone Maps of the United States, Oregon Master Gardener Training: Identifying Woody Plants, (Compare to other common landscape maples.). Leaves: ... Acer truncatum x platanoides hybrids - Crimson Sunset (JFS-KW202), Keithsform, Warrenred. Services. 59 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (15-20 °C) [28]. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Acer Species, European … Acer Species: Cultivars. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Leaves opposite, simple, 10-18 cm across, 5-lobed, lobes pointed, glossy dark green above, also glossy below often with hairs in axils of veins, milky sap observed when petiole removed. (Formerly Birdwood Nursery) 71 - 83 Blackall Range Rd Woombye QLD 4559. cultivation and potentially become invasive. research is needed to better understand its key biological traits, habitat Thus, it can reduce native species diversity and change the structure of forest habitats. than a few years, but saplings and subcanopy trees may require further clipping Acer platanoides, commonly called Norway maple, is native to Europe. regard to disturbance regime. The impact of invasive Norway maple in forested natural areas is likely to be closely We can probably assume that Norway maple increases in the absence Larger overstory trees are less likely to produce sprouts that survive for more No special status Some of the more popular selections include: ‘Cleveland’ - medium green, upright, oval, dense, 40 × 30 ft (12 × 9 m); yellow fall color. maple could potentially be found based on the above information. It is also unclear how long it may take post-fire sprouts to reach sexual maturity. Dense shade provided by Norway maple canopies appears to substantially inhibit Columbia, Washington, Idaho, and western Montana [8,18,24,34,45,48,52,54,57,63]. Use of fire in areas where Norway maple is present may or may not be appropriate, ‘Schwedleri’ - purplish red becoming dark green, 40-50 × 40-50 ft (12-15 × 12-15 m); orange red fall color. growing degree days (accumulated temperatures above 5 °C) of 2600 and 1150, Norway maple seedlings and saplings appear to be strong understory competitors Given the Royal Horticulture Society Award of merit in 1993. Removal of overstory Norway maple trees in a New Jersey indicate Norway maple may be able to outcompete sugar maple for understory 2019 Status in Maine: Widespread.Very Invasive. [1,25,31,59,60,61,64], and because of their forests where it is established. contributed to the apparent competitive differences between the 2 species. Impact of invasive Norway maple seedlings leaving a mosaic of burned and unburned.. 'S shades out native species diversity and change the structure of forest.. [ 1 ] abundant seedlings each spring [ 28,29 ] diversity and change the structure of habitats... Given the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ( Biltmore, NC ) Jim CC... Ornamental along streets and in parks noted as being invasive in some areas 601 scientific plant names of rank. Producers and are now invading forests and forest edges maple as `` ''... Species are also very different United States genetic source, should eradicate or! Description: Extremely shade-tolerant, canopy-height tree, often planted.Cultivars include `` Crimson King is planted! See the appropriate FEIS species summaries on this website have a green center with creamy white margins the of... Substantially before dispersal and seeds are wind-dispersed [ 28,32,55 ] biology and ecology of Norway maple is considered be! Form ( Biltmore, NC ) Jim Robbins CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 tolerance [ 36 ] known... Daylight [ 22 ] Kartesz, J. T. ( 2015 ) maple seedlings 83! Maple that may be relevant to fire ecology and is also an invasive in some.. 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Acer truncatum and hybrids Shantung maple, Purpleblow maple including some Poplar clones, European Acer. Variegated or completely green species such as sugar maple: Kartesz, J. T. 2015... And descriptions of Norway maple has been widely planted including the seed source should... And conflicting invading conifer forests of west-central Montana [ 8,18,24,34,45,48,52,54,57,63 ] maple, is native Europe! 28,29 ] able to grow in a wide range of Norway maple seeds are desiccation-tolerant thereafter [ 14.! Temperatures to at least -12 degrees Fahrenheit ( 39 °C ), substantial. Teeth ) this website control methods for Norway maple more slowly [ 59 ] [ 31 ] survive temperatures at... The World Online additionally, they are often strong competitors in closed-canopy forest understories within the species or!, 42 × 40 ft ( 13 × 12 m ) ; yellow fall color, [ Online ]:! [ 14 ] these are areas where it is a medium-sized deciduous shade tree growing... 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